The Human MindPart 1The Human Group Mind and How It Worksby Manfred Davidmann![]() |
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SUMMARYThis report The Human Mind describes a mind theory which allows for telepathic contacts between people and details the available evidence. Taking a different approach from customary experimentation on volunteers, the investigation was based on the assumption that if there were people who had pronounced telepathic abilities then they would be using their abilities. They would be using these abilities secretly, either for selfish gain and afraid of being found out, or to assist other people and afraid of how people might react when realising that their thoughts could be available to others. So people with telepathic abilities would not volunteer for experiments relating to telepathy. But if there are telepaths using their abilities then such activities can be observed by their effects. The report describes previously reported work by others which shows that telepathic activity is well known and documented. A considerable amount of telepathic activity is taking place. The mind theories of Freud and of Jung are then reviewed and the 'Group Mind' theory is outlined. Included in the report are comprehensive but concise reviews of mental health and mental illness, of why people are struggling and what they are struggling against, of the way in which society is organised, of dominance, conflict and co-operation. The subconscious existence and workings of group minds become apparent by the extraordinary way in which they affect and determine what individuals and communities do. The sections of this report which deal with how we live and struggle, with the way our communities and societies are organised and function, describe how our minds shape our lives, communities and society, and uncover the workings of group minds. The Group Mind theory of the way in which human minds work is proved by the way in which it explains and predicts human activities and organisation as well as mental problems of individuals and society's social problems. Its insights enable us to solve such problems effectively.
Relevant Current and Associated Works Relevant Subject Index Pages and Site Overview INTRODUCTIONThis part of 'The Human Mind' report describes previously reported work by others which shows that telepathic activity is well known and documented and looks at the work of Freud and of Jung. What is outlined and described here is the 'Group Mind' theory which assumes that telepathy exists and that there are people who have and use such abilities. There are sections which discuss how conflict arises within the mind, mental health and illness, dominance, creativity and hearing voices. We are here looking at what motivates and drives human beings, seeing how the human mind shapes the way in which we live, suffer, struggle and achieve. MENTAL HEALTH AND MENTAL ILLNESSWe know much about the brain and about physical and chemical changes taking place within it. We have some knowledge about memory and emotions. But when it comes to how the human mind functions and operates, or to what happens within the mind under stress or at times of conflict, we talk about an 'unconscious' part of the mind, accepting that there is much which is taking place without our being aware of it. {27} Psychologists and psychiatrists have for a long time looked at how people behave and why, at how internal stress originates, at what causes mental breakdown. Mental tension is said to result from unresolved conflict and they have been concerned with identifying the opposing forces which are in conflict. SIGMUND FREUD (PSYCHOANALYSIS)Freud saw the conflict in his patients, explained it as a conflict between love and hate, concluding that sexuality was all important. The unconscious is a part of the mind which is said to be inaccessible to the conscious mind but which affects behaviour and emotions. Mental disorders can be caused by conflict between the unconscious and conscious parts of the mind and such conflicts can be resolved by bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind. He considered dreams to be a means of exploring the unconscious activities of the mind and of resolving conflict by bringing it into the open. <1> I think that by bringing hidden conflict into the open he came close to seeing that a key problem was that of controlling sexuality, of controlling primitive urges and behaviour. CARL JUNG (ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY)
What Jung called 'personal unconscious' appears to consist of component entities with independent feelings or thoughts which play parts, which impersonate, in dreams and fantasies, and which behave as if they were personalities. Jung also suggested that there existed something else which he called 'Collective Unconscious' which he supposed to be made up of what he called 'archetypes'. He considered archetypes to be some kind of primitive mental images inherited from our earliest ancestors, examples being predator, sexual, enemy and hero archetypes. Later he had to elaborate this model by including also archetypes of archetypes. Jung recorded that he heard voices {26}. He seems to have left reality further and further behind as he submerged himself into the primitive and savagely barbarian, in superstition, and in the brutality and viciousness of darker ages of humankind. Into a dark world in which pre-historic beasts wander and inhuman viciousness and brutality are common. He considered that such primitive mental images can tell us what we should do and that they have the capacity to initiate and control common characteristic behaviour of human beings, being common to all humanity. According to Jung, a dreaming person communicates with the collective unconscious, speaking to what Jung apparently called 'the two-million-year-old' man in us all. <1> When Jung refers to a 'collective unconscious', he is referring to what could be primitive urges and behaviour which human beings subdue and control, and which human beings need to subdue and control. PSYCHOLOGY
That is, we are not aware of where they come from and how they originate. THE HUMAN MINDBut now we know much more about how the human mind works, about dreams and dreaming, about conflict and co-operation. DREAMS AND DREAMING
So that people are receiving ideas of unknown origin by way of dreams which present information primarily in the form of images. INSTINCTIVE BEAST-LIKE BEHAVIOUR {28}Our primitive animal ancestors behaved instinctively. Hunt for food, kill or be killed, fight or flee, copulate, care for own young for a very short and limited period. Self before others, regardless of needs of others, marking out and defending territory. Later mammals tend to have feelings, care and affection for their young. Human beings think as well as feel, and care for and look after their young for many years. So conditioning to fight, injure and kill amounts to a throwback to primitive animal behaviour, to behaviour which puts self before others. A throwback to beast-like behaviour for those who attack, and also a throwback to beast-like behaviour for those who have to defend themselves. Similarly, society corrupts itself when human care, affection and concern for one's own family, and for other people, are weakened by self-interest, by selfishness, by personal gain at expense of others. In such circumstances the instinctive behaviour of the non-feeling primitive animal is asserting itself, is attempting to override human feelings of care, affection, concern for members of one's own family and for other people in human societies. There is increasing antisocial behaviour such as vandalism and mugging. There is a loss of internal security, by loss of property and by attack against the person. The quality of life is lowered even further by those who pursue personal gain regardless of its cost to other people. But only some people behave in such corrupted ways. There are those many who put people first, who know the difference between human and inhuman behaviour, who believe in participative behaviour and in democratic government. And there are ways of teaching social responsibility, of teaching the young how to take responsibility for others, how to care for, work with and look after other people. Social responsibility, the caring, giving and sharing with others, the taking on of responsibility for others including conflict management, can be and is being taught. {29} BRAIN FUNCTIONING {27}It takes human beings many years to bring up their children and it is the right hemisphere which is concerned with a wide range of emotions and feelings of care and affection for the young and for the family, and then for other people and the community. For human beings, primitive (reptilian) instinctive urges and behaviour are overlaid by mammalian care and affection for one's young and human care and affection for one's family and community. Human behaviour aims to ensure the survival of the young and of the family, and then is for the good of family, other people, community. {28} The human brain's right hemisphere is primarily concerned with care, concern and affection for children, family and community. It evolved to enable human children to be cared for and looked after over many years until they become adult and reach maturity. Care, concern and affection for family and community constitute the fundamental human motivation, and this includes human rights and welfare. {27, 28} Additional skills and abilities aimed at achieving such human objectives in a competitive hostile environment are provided by the brain's left hemisphere. This is primarily logical and systematic, influencing or determining behaviour by verbal skills and reason, by assessing and evaluating. So humane behaviour is based on feelings of care and affection for the young and for the family, and then for other people and the community. From this emerges a sense of social responsibility: people matter and are important, need to be treated well and looked after, are entitled to share equally. Backed up by knowledge, understanding and reason. {27} Which means that verbal skills and reason, knowledge and understanding, assessing and evaluating are tools for achieving care, affection and social security for children, family and community, including human rights and welfare and socially responsible behaviour. All of which aims to serve and strengthen the prime motivation of human beings for human rights and welfare and enables people to co-operate with each other for the common good. When identical same-sex twins are brought up in the same environment and treated the same (clothing included), they usually behave and feel much the same. But identical same-sex twins brought up as individuals have different personalities, are different people. Usually one is more 'dominant' while the other is more emotional. {27} One person can be better than another at reasoning, assessing and evaluating, at deciding on basis of current knowledge and experience, while the other can be better at assessing and deciding on basis of human emotions, feelings and drives. It is the agreeing with each other before taking a decision which gives strength to both and underlies success. CONFLICT WITHIN THE MINDPsychotherapy considers that the conscious mind reasons and evaluates and the unconscious mind is said to underlie action based on intuition and emotion. When there is conflict between the conscious and the unconscious minds, between reason and emotion, then this conflict can produce mental tension. The question which has remained unresolved so far is just what are the 'opposing forces' which produce the tension. There is no conflict when reason and emotion both aim to achieve humane behaviour and existence (human, normal). Conflict arises if verbal skills and reasoning insist on behaviour contrary to human rights and welfare, opposed by feelings and emotions which insist on humane behaviour. A person may be driven to act by feelings and emotions, by intuition, insisting on behaviour contrary to human rights and welfare. Conflict also arises if such behaviour is opposed by reason, knowledge and understanding which insist on humane behaviour. There is no conflict when reason and emotions both aim at inhumane behaviour and existence (inhuman, abnormal). So conflict within the mind arises when people are being misinformed or misled into inhumane behaviour, and when they are being manipulated through their emotions into behaving inhumanly without knowing why they are doing so (such as blindly doing as told or as directed by the top). DOMINANCEWe see a world-wide struggle to achieve a humane way of life. Each person, family or community is struggling to advance at their own level of development, struggling against those who wish to dominate, exploit, oppress. {28} The struggle is against those who wish to dominate other people. Against those who wish to exploit, against those who may brutally and without feeling oppress human beings so as to exploit them. {19-20} And 'to exploit' includes the whole range of antisocial decisions and activities of those who put profit before people and community. The extent to which this is being done means that public demonstrations and protests by people on behalf of their community, are an essential survival mechanism under conditions existing at the beginning of the twenty-first century. {18} We know that dominating does not work in normal circumstances. Authoritarian organisations are much less effective than participative ones. In authoritarian organisations morale is low, people cease to care and tend to work against each other instead of co-operating with each other for the benefit of the organisation. {25} It is in democracies that a high standard of living has been achieved. In democracies people can struggle openly for a better life but we see that what has been gained has to be defended and extended. {28} Why does this struggle take place in all organisations, at all levels, in all communities and countries? Why do we have to struggle? Why are all of our communities and countries being managed more or less on behalf of their rulers or ruling level? Why are not at least half of our communities and countries being managed completely by, on behalf of, and for, their people?
Quite clearly an additional unknown factor is operating and determining how people live together, causing people to have to struggle at all levels, organisations, communities and countries, for a better life. The following sections of this report will show what this factor is, illustrating its operations from its effects in our lives. CREATIVITYA person who is creative is said to be using imagination, does so by intuition, is inspired. Imagination amounts to 'forming images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses'. Intuition is the gaining of an immediate insight, of an immediate understanding by the mind without reasoning. And inspiration has been defined as 'something which stimulates artistic or moral fervour and creativity' and as 'a sudden brilliant, creative, or timely idea'. So creativity would seem to depend on unexpected and suddenly arising ideas and images, would seem to rely on a stimulating influence or force, and all of unknown origin. And there are ideas, suggestions and comments about what one is working on, which suddenly appear in one's conscious mind while one is doing something quite unconnected with that work. At times expressed in one's own language, at other times appearing in form of images which are language-independent. Of unknown origin, of unknown purpose. Right or wrong, constructive or destructive, divine or demonic, objective or subjective, reality-based assessment and evaluation or misleading viewpoint and political propaganda. Freeing, liberating or enslaving.
Henry Miller wrote how he felt 'in the hands of unseen powers' recording 'what is being dictated' to him. And 'some poets have reported being compelled, against their intentions, to write something very different from what they had planned'. {15} Suddenly appearing images while awake, or by way of dreams, have been credited with major scientific advances {15}. And dreams may 'provide help or solutions to problems, even scientific ones', may 'be an inspiration for discovery and creativity', and have been the source of literary and musical inspiration {24}. HEARING VOICESMany people 'hear voices', that is find ideas, thoughts and sayings unexpectedly appearing in their minds. The same area of the brain appears to be involved when speaking words, when thinking using words, and when 'hearing voices' (words). That which causes people to speak words, to 'hear words (voices)' or to think in words, could be either or both of internal or external origin. People 'hear' one or more 'voices' and some voices are positive, others negative. Some suggest or recommend, others give orders. Positive and constructive voices can be accompanied by negative or vicious ones. Some may guide or help, while others mislead or hinder. An individual may consistently hear voices originating from sources which identify themselves or which can be distinguished. One may be gentle, another harsh and confrontational, and another informative. They may 'speak' at certain times, or in specific situations or locations, and one may hear two voices speaking to each other. {26} One may, for example, hear voices which try to convince the hearer that the voices he is hearing come from unlikely sources such as solid objects, or from likely-sounding but false sources such as 'wife' or 'brother'. When hearers wonder where the voices come from, their attention is being directed towards false and often unlikely sources. Such voices emphasize false points of origin. It seems that at times the person 'hears' the thoughts of another person (therapist) which are being suppressed from their (the therapist's) consciousness. {26}
So 'hearing voices' is known to be common and many people have learned simply to carry on with their normal lives while 'hearing voices'. Hearing voices is just like hearing people talking, like listening to people who may know much or little, are constructive or destructive, aim to support or aim to destroy. They are a source of information whose relevance, reliability and intent need to be assessed and evaluated by the 'hearer'. Those who hear voices are concerned and are trying to find explanations for what is taking place, trying to find out where the voices come from and who is doing this and why. The 'voices' then provide explanations, try to convince the hearer that the voices he is hearing come from unlikely sources such as solid objects. Or from the supernatural, from some sort of superstition, or from a relative who would deny this when asked. It used to be Freemasons, radio or television, but as knowledge and technology have changed so have the explanations which are being given. Current explanations are the government's secret service transmitting subliminal voices into a victim's head, remote beaming of audio into the brain of a human target, harassment by microwave voices, microwave radiations, infrasound, electronic telepathy. The character of the explanation has not changed - a secret organisation is using a secret technology. In effect the thoughts of those who have become aware of hearing voices are turned into a dead-end direction: 'secret' organisations using secret technologies do not defend themselves when accused and whether they are to blame cannot be proved or disproved. And as expanding public knowledge disproves some explanations, other explanations are invented so as to update the deception. The 'voices' appear to be hiding behind unlikely origins, drawing attention away from the real source of the communication while discrediting what voice hearers may say in public about the voices they hear. This is the common factor and this is the deception. But those who hear voices have learned to get together and to publicise what is happening and are now being supported by professional scientists. What is clear from the recorded explanations is that at least some of the 'voices' originate outside the hearer, that the hearer is listening to communications which may originate from external antisocial or irrational sources. The content and mode of expression of received messages reflect not on the receiver of the message but on the sender or senders. And the thoughts of 'voice' hearers are being directed away from the obvious explanation that they are receiving telepathic communications from other people who can, or have learned how to, communicate telepathically.
TELEPATHIC ACTIVITIESWe have already come a long way together and this seems a good point at which to summarise some of the findings. Psychologists and psychiatrists consider mental conflicts to arise from the unconscious. We are not aware of what takes place in the 'unconscious' (hence its name) so that we do not know where such mental conflicts come from or how they originate. Psychotherapy considers that when there is conflict between the conscious and the unconscious minds, between reason and emotion, then this conflict can produce mental tension. We do not know what the 'opposing forces' are which produce the tension. But we saw that conflict within the mind arises when people are being misinformed or misled by reason into inhumane behaviour, and when they are being manipulated through their emotions into behaving inhumanly without knowing why they are doing so (such as blindly doing as told or as directed by the top). In other words, the conflict arises when one side attempts to persuade or manipulate people into behaving inhumanly, and these attempts are then being resisted by the other side. We saw that creativity depends on unexpected and suddenly arising ideas in form of thoughts and images, and all of unknown origin and unknown purpose. Right or wrong, constructive or destructive, divine or demonic, objective or subjective, reality-based assessment and evaluation or misleading viewpoint and political propaganda. Freeing, liberating or enslaving. We saw that people receive ideas by way of dreams of unknown origin which present information primarily in the form of images. Here communication is by images which are language-independent. Creative ideas received by way of thoughts are expressed in one's own language. We saw that 'hearing voices' in one's mind is known to be common. Hearing voices is just like hearing people talking, like listening to people who may know much or little, are constructive or destructive, aim to support or aim to destroy. They are a source of information whose relevance, reliability and intent need to be assessed and evaluated by the 'hearer'. What is clear is that at least some of the 'voices' originate outside the hearer. And the thoughts of 'voice' hearers are being directed away from the obvious explanation that voice-hearers are receiving telepathic communications from other people who can, or have learned how to, communicate telepathically. SummarisingIdeas, thoughts and images, are being received from unknown sources. As thoughts in one's own language and as images which are language-independent. Such information can be right or wrong, constructive or destructive, divine or demonic, objective or subjective, reality-based assessment and evaluation or misleading viewpoint and political propaganda. Freeing, liberating or enslaving. A source of information whose relevance, reliability and intent need to be assessed and evaluated by the 'hearer'. And we saw that at least some of the 'voices' originate outside the hearer. We also saw that an unknown factor is operating and determining how people live together, causing people to have to struggle for a better life in all organisations, communities and countries. And that conflict is arising when one side attempts to persuade or manipulate people into behaving inhumanly, these attempts being resisted by the other side. And also that the thoughts of 'voice' hearers are being directed away from the obvious explanation that they are receiving telepathic communications from other people who can, or have learned how to, communicate telepathically. What follows is the 'Group Mind' theory which explains what is taking place and describes the underlying reality. THE HUMAN GROUP MINDPERSONAL GROUP MINDA personal group mind is made up of a number of telepaths having a common interest in what is being done and what is taking place. The way in which a group mind acts can be illustrated by considering a particular problem on which an individual is working. Those telepaths who are interested will send or transfer thoughts or feelings, for or against, enabling the person and the person's personal group mind to evaluate alternatives based on that person's and their knowledge and experience, to find the best solution. To the individual it seems that he or she is evaluating alternatives. Supplementing this process are intuition and inspiration, namely thoughts and ideas and the gaining of immediate understanding, outside the knowledge and experience of the individual. These are communications from interested or concerned telepaths. To the individual it seems that new ideas and understandings suddenly pop up in his mind from nowhere. The size and composition of a personal group mind would depend on what was being done at the time and would have a limited range. COMMUNITY-WIDE (COUNTRY-WIDE) AND WORLD-WIDEThe problem a person is working on may be beyond the knowledge and experience of the telepaths who are in contact. These are then unable to communicate helpful thoughts within or outside that individual's knowledge and experience. So the individual's personal group mind cannot solve the problem. When the problem is of sufficient interest (to community, country or humanity) then the telepathic minds around the person can communicate with others and these to others further on, until a solution is found and passed back. Whether or not this takes place depends on the problem and on its interest to the community or to humanity at large. To the person concerned the result of such co-operation, of such a one-ness of the human mind, is inspiration and intuition, ultimately of benefit to others. Country-wide telepathic communication depends on the interest of the country concerned and on how it is organised. It uses the language of the country. World-wide telepathic communication can take place across cultural and language boundaries by images and emotions, while awake or when dreaming, independent of language and across national boundaries. We see here in action the all-embracing human mind which holds and expresses humanity's needs, hopes, objectives and concepts. GROUP MIND THEORYIn outline, the Group Mind theory <5> is that
CONFLICT AND STRUGGLEThose who work creatively know that the act of creating is the result of a mental struggle. This question of struggle is not only that one is first pulled one way and then another, being also a struggle against that which wishes to oppose the work, to prevent the ideas being sorted out, expressed and published. A person's inspiration is the result of co-operation between telepathic minds. A scientist, author, artist, indeed any individual, knowingly or unknowingly part of the telepathic group mind, may then have many telepaths working through him to get done what he is trying to do. Those who are interested co-operate by contributing thoughts. Some are for a particular argument, some are against. Some move him one way, some in another direction. He has to decide between alternatives. This process applies equally well to reasoning and evaluating as it does to the way one feels about the matter, whether one considers it to be desirable or undesirable, good or bad. But there are those who are against the work being done and oppose it, who try to prevent the work from being completed successfully or from being done at all, attempting to neutralise, blanket-out, overpower or misdirect thoughts from the other side. This is the cause of struggle and the conflict. What an individual is doing and the extent to which this is important to those around him, to the welfare of his community, to human beings elsewhere, determines the co-operation he gets from telepathic group minds. It also determines the resistance he meets, the struggle and conflict he experiences in his mind. We have here a hidden struggle between opposite factions which clearly accounts for the feeling of resistance and mental struggle so strongly felt by those who are creating. And the compulsions experienced by authors and artists <6>. EFFECTS AND CONSEQUENCESThe process of comparing alternatives, of evaluating, underlies our scientific and technological advance. The hidden struggle explains our lack of progress in social relations and human welfare. The struggle is against hidden antisocial manipulations. This is illustrated by the way people who become aware of what is taking place are being discredited so as to discredit what they are saying about what is happening to them. They are apparently being discredited to prevent the population from finding out about antisocial manipulations or compulsions which favour telepathic manipulators at the expense of the population.
So it appears that the unknown factor which is causing people to have to struggle for a better life, which is opposing them and holding them down, consists of hidden antisocial manipulations of people by telepathic manipulators. Important subject areas have remained controversial and are subject to confrontation and strife. Subjects such as psychology and psychiatry, mental health and mental illness, sociology and economics. Some of these areas quite unreasonably have remained subject to confrontation and strife even after objective and scientific knowledge and methods have been found for dealing with core problems {18-23}. What these subject areas have in common is that they are about, or relate to, the condition of the people. They are about matters such as oppression and exploitation, freedom and independence, well-being and social security, work, pay and profits. <13> All we have seen so far points conclusively to hidden manipulation of people by telepaths. So the immediate questions which arise are why is it that these manipulations are not public knowledge and how have they been hidden for so long? MENTAL HEALTH, MENTAL ILLNESS AND NONCONFORMITYEVIDENCE OF VOICE-HEARERSWe saw <8> that thoughts of voice-hearers are being directed away from the obvious explanation that they are receiving telepathic communications. The 'voices' suggest unlikely origins which discredit what voice-hearers say in public about the voices they hear. The content and mode of expression of received messages reflect not on the receiver of the message but on the sender or senders. But the voice-hearer is blamed for the content and mode of expression of the messages he receives. These deceptions are common factors but in addition those who become aware of telepathic manipulations are being discredited so as to prevent the evidence of their experiences becoming public knowledge and being investigated. What is of serious concern is that 'discrediting', in addition to mental torture inflicted by socially irresponsible telepaths, can amount to punishing the victim to protect the perpetrator, to keep the operations of antisocial telepaths a closely guarded secret. MENTAL HOSPITALS: PRISONS FOR SOMEPolitical opponents were openly being confined to mental hospitals by the communists who ruled Russia, this being one way of terrorising the opposition, of silencing protest, of conditioning the opposition towards conformity and obedience {7, 8}. Symptoms of mental illness can be seen as violation of social norms, that is as socially unacceptable behaviour. These norms themselves may be completely irrational as, for example, were those of the Nazis. Any sane person who objects stands the risk of being called mentally ill by those who are insane themselves, and thus of being confined to a mental hospital by the insane. For example {11} Zhores Medvedev, the eminent Russian biologist, concerned about rights and freedoms of individuals under a regime which severely restricted them, was confined by the Russians to a mental hospital because of 'delusions' about reforming society. The mental hospital then becomes a prison, with the 'mentally ill' being confined to this prison for 'socially unacceptable' behaviour which means for behaviour unacceptable to the rulers. A patient's symptoms are {10} often only logical expressions of protest against craziness in others whose craziness is not condemned by society. It has been shown {9} that a person who has so-called 'delusions' of persecution may be perfectly correct in what he believes. He may be correct but is led into expressing his correct suspicions in a way which enables others to class him as irrational (psychotic). In other words he is made to express his correct suspicions of persecution in a way which enables others to call him mentally ill so as to discredit his statements or confine him to a mental hospital, or both. Those who become aware of what telepaths are doing, and those who object to being dominated by telepaths, may at present be driven into mental illness or mental hospitals, being treated and confined for reasons as obvious as the receiving of injected thoughts, for 'hearing voices'. The clear link with telepathy is that it is the 'mind' which is being blamed but attention is directed away from the sender towards the receiver, from the system towards the individual. One has only to consider the serious effect of mental illness on one's subsequent career to see how powerful a means of compulsion mental illness is, to see how thoroughly the statements of those who are called 'mentally ill' have been discredited, to see the extent to which personal experience of telepathic manipulation has been discredited and distorted in the past. MENTAL ILLNESS AND NONCONFORMITYDuring mental disorders people may {2} be unable to keep full control of themselves. Some people may 'find their minds full of ideas and thoughts they do not want', may have 'physical signs for which no bodily disorder can be found'. The person usually feels anxious and insecure about something, is prevented from doing something by an 'unreasonable' fear. More severe mental disturbance affects the mood, there is schizophrenia or 'split personality' and some psychiatrists believe that these may be entirely psychological, caused entirely by the mind. There are behaviour patterns which result from brain injury. But here we are concerned with behaviour which is nonconforming and the result of people becoming aware of, or the subject of, telepathic manipulation. For example, with the behaviour of a person who is beginning to hear voices. We are looking at mental disturbances experienced by some people which are apparently caused by others who have telepathic ability, imposed by or through the mind by telepathic interference or manipulation. We have seen that there is much which shows that this is happening. What we know about mental illness supports this conclusion.
Now consider the case of schizophrenia. The incidence of schizophrenia appears to be roughly the same for Western and for primitive people. Few could listen to a schizophrenic patient without being struck by tone and sense: almost as if two or more persons are talking through the same mouth. The 'patient' may believe he is possessed by the devil, being done to death by witchcraft, persecuted by Bolsheviks, Freemasons or some other secretly operating organisation, or that his thoughts are being controlled by television, radar, atomic power or by a secretly operating 'mind control' agency, by microwave radiations and voices. As with voice hearing, when people find unwanted thoughts popping up in their mind, or find themselves carrying out involuntary actions, they seek explanations and their search is directed away from the obvious explanation of telepathy and telepathic manipulation towards explanations which discredit the evidence of their real experiences. Their explanations of what they are experiencing apparently depends on their education and cultural background {3} and this confirms that redirection is taking place. When they do think that telepathy could be involved, is the cause, they express this in a way which seems to discredit what they are saying. Telepathy, a much more obvious explanation of thought control than radar or atomic power, is put forward only rarely. The avoidance of any mention of telepathy in connection with schizophrenia indicates that attention is being directed away from telepathy towards improbable and unreasonable explanations of 'disturbed' normal thought processes. Many psychiatrists still spend their time convincing those consulting them that the fault lies within the patient. But conformity, eccentricity, abnormality and insanity are only points on a scale of nonconforming to the norms a community believes in, has been persuaded to believe in, or is compelled to believe in. As already pointed out, the norms of one society may be unlike those of another; what is normal in the UK can be eccentric and abnormal elsewhere. But nonconformity is too often called mental illness, no matter how right the nonconformist may be in his beliefs or behaviour, no matter how wrong the system. But the system may be 'right' and the nonconformist 'wrong', and this again points to the key importance of the system's underlying basis and values being clearly defined and applied in reality. One needs to think of right and wrong from the point of view of who benefits. In Russia it was those who used the Communist party, the secret police, or the law of the land to maintain their rule, who enforced obedience by restricting the rights of the population. In Russia it was the ruling class which openly confined opponents to mental hospitals. In non-communist countries it is those who become aware of being manipulated telepathically whose statements are being discredited. This can only benefit a ruling class which uses telepathy to manipulate its population, and so leads one to conclude that this is indeed what is taking place. The number of schizophrenic patients in a town apparently depends on the degree of poverty in the area. Most of those said to need mental hospital treatment tend to come from deprived areas {1}. Compared with professional people, there tends to be a much higher incidence of mental illness in working-class areas. Professional people working creatively depend on telepathic inspiration. They are consequently more likely to accept the reality of telepathy and telepathic manipulation. This is shown to be so in the later section on 'the manipulated middle class'. DISCREDITING CONTRARY EVIDENCE; GENERATING AND ENFORCING CONFORMITYPeople receive psychiatric treatment for hearing voices, for finding their minds full of thoughts and ideas not directly concerning them, for being controlled by something they may call a computer or microwave radiations, for feeling unreasonable emotions. People have physical symptoms not caused by physical illnesses. All these disturbances could be caused by the kind of telepathic contact or manipulation that we have already discussed. Since psychiatrists treat those who do not conform to the norms of the society in which they practise, psychiatrists mould those who behave differently, or who have ideas which are not approved, into the standard form of behaviour. Those who experience disturbances caused by telepathic interference are being conditioned into disbelieving evidence pointing towards telepathy as a cause. Hence many psychiatrists are in effect persuading and conditioning the population into disbelieving statements which could prove telepathic activities, are being used as a means of discrediting statements which prove the existence and show the extent of telepathic activities. Medvedev {11} lists some of the ways in which a Russian psychiatrist punishes by secretly vetoing a young person's entry to an academic institution or by pronouncing on his suitability for many categories of employment. The medical record kept at a clinic or out-patient department may cause a man as much trouble in Russia as a court conviction. He says that this is a system of social controls which operates through placing of stigma. It applies not only to Russia but in Western countries as well, as the stigma of mental illness can close many doors, prevent upward progress, destroy promotion prospects. Professor Szasz {12} maintains that there is a striking similarity between a state-controlled press and a state-controlled psychiatry and that the Russians are not alone, that Americans similarly repress people and as savagely as do the Russians. Thomas Szasz {12} was then Professor of Psychiatry at the State University of New York. He holds that all psychiatric interventions are political when they are made without the agreement of the 'patient', that in every such case the police of the state are employed to control those deemed troublesome by society. The danger lies in the expert using the police power of the state so as to impose his services on an unwilling client. The expert may be used to discredit and to punish, calling in the state police to assist when necessary, as is the case in the West, or he may condemn when told to do so by the state police, as is the case in Russia. Psychiatrists may hold on to their patients, refusing to remove the immediate stigma until they change their behaviour, until they stop thinking about telepathy and telepathic manipulation.
Similarly a key role of many of today's counsellors and therapists appears to be that of helping people to adjust to suddenly changed circumstances. But this may also have the effect of persuading people to accept quietly and without question the consequences of what happened to themselves, their families or the community. It would be better to sublimate grief and anger by struggling to change and improve the way in which we live, by people struggling against the basic cause of their misfortune. EXPOSING HIDDEN MANIPULATIONSMuch information supports the finding that a telepathic ruling class exists which is opposed by socially responsible telepaths. And that apparently there are psychiatrists who keep telepathic ruling manipulators in power by helping to hide their manipulations, by discrediting those who become aware of what is taking place. Those who object or cannot be persuaded to disbelieve the evidence of their own senses are liable to have their statements discredited by being classed 'mentally ill'. Psychiatrists are perhaps unlikely to be able to do this sort of thing for long without becoming aware at least to some extent of what is taking place. That people are trying to express, to bring out into the open, the fact of telepathic manipulations, and of a society geared to keeping telepathic manipulators in power through conditioning the population into obedience, is evidence itself. A good deal of evidence is available to show that this is what people are trying to do, perhaps without being aware of this. MANIPULATED MIDDLE CLASSAbout twenty-five years ago, more and more information was coming to light which seemed to prove that the middle class was being manipulated. An investigation {6} into how the middle class used the English language, for example, considered that it seemed as if 'they see themselves as merely the passive intermediaries of ideas they bear no responsibility for'. In 1972, about twenty-five years ago, a survey of a predominantly middle-class group <4> found {4} that they considered telepathy to be
And about 46 percent of the group considered they had had personal experience of telepathy. Twenty-two years later, in 1994, about 60 per cent of people believed that telepathy, or 'mind-to-mind communication', exists. {14} In the space of twenty-two years, the number of people to whom telepathy was an established fact appears to have increased from 26 percent to 60 percent of the sample. The replies to the 1972 survey's questions showed "a negative effect, as if telepathy was working to produce the opposite effect from that intended". These results "could occur by chance alone approximately once in every twenty cases". In other words, they could be, but most likely were not, due to chance alone. "Such negative effects have often been reported by those who do research on ESP" <14>. Since then results have apparently swung the other way and now tend to show a small but significantly positive effect. Japan's Sony corporation has been investigating telepathy since 1991. It aims to produce equipment helping people to develop their telepathic abilities and for facilitating telepathic communications. {13} The visual imagery of films, videos, television impresses itself on the mind, is opinion-forming, and is used for forming opinion, for manipulating the population, for antisocial as well as for social engineering. So here we would expect to find evidence of telepathic manipulation in recordings of programmes transmitted live without having been edited or censored. An example of what appears to have been telepathic blanketing in an opinion-forming situation was recorded at the crucial end of a televised live discussion on MMR vaccination of children {30}. This combined vaccination protects against three childhood diseases, namely Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR). The vaccines are combined into one 'cocktail' vaccine. Arguing against the establishment's view that this cocktail was best, was the spokesperson of a self-help pressure group speaking for 800 families whose infants had been braindamaged and maimed for life (brain inflammation, autism, Chronos disease) following such a combined vaccination. Her point was that no such side-effects occurred when the individual vaccines were given separately. The Japanese had reverted to giving the vaccines separately because of the high incidence of side-effects when giving the combined vaccine. So the UK should do the same and give the vaccines separately. She was just going to substantiate her point by quoting a statement made in the House of Commons when - suddenly - she could not continue and had to say "sorry, lost the trend". We saw that about half of a predominantly middle-class group believed that telepathy exists. In other words, we see a middle class which is increasingly becoming aware of the existence of telepathy and possibly of telepathic manipulation. A mind theory, a description of the way in which the human mind operates, has to include and explain how people behave as individuals and as communities, the way in which we live and have to struggle, our achievements as well as our failures. Overall, we have seen that there is hidden conflict and struggle between telepaths. Hidden antisocial manipulations are being resisted and opposed. This conflict and struggle is reflected by the way in which we organise our affairs, by the extent to which our organisations are either authoritarian or participative, by what is taking place all around us. And this subject is examined in considerable detail in Part 2 'Manipulated Communities and Populations' {31}. NOTES AND REFERENCESNOTES
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