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Manfred Davidmann is an internationally well-known and respected scientist and consultant, and author of a number of books and reports which have had considerable impact, playing their part in improving the quality of life and the standard of living, worldwide. His work usually breaks new ground and opens up new understanding and is written in meaningful and easily understood language. Outstanding is that his work is generally accepted as factual, objective and unbiased. His work changed and is changing the way in which people live, think and behave. Contents
Press Notices
"Unemployment has reached an unacceptable level" says Manfred Davidmann, and in his report 'Exporting and Importing of Employment and Unemployment', he investigates the effects of uncontrolled trade between low-wage and high-wage countries and the increasing unemployment and falling living standards in high-wage countries. It was Manfred Davidmann who first coined the phrase 'Exporting Employment and Importing Unemployment', and who ten years ago pointed to, and warned about, the social and economic consequences of what is now often euphemistically called 'outsourcing' or 'globalisation'. It is a principle of economics that social costs have to be paid by those causing them. But manufacturers and suppliers tend to increase their profits by passing on to the community the social costs of their operations, costs such as disposal of packaging and waste, or of polluting. "The social costs of unemployment have to be paid by the enterprise which caused the unemployment in the first place" says Manfred Davidmann. "Social costs need to be allowed for when taking decisions, need to be charged to the enterprise or organisation which is causing them. And this applies equally well to the social costs of redundancy and unemployment when transferring operations to countries with lower wages or fewer environmental safeguards." In his report, Manfred Davidmann concludes that current levels of unemployment are unacceptable and that enterprises need to pay to the community the social costs of their operations. "No matter which way you look at it, it is better and it is in our interest that wages and living standards in low-wage countries increase to our levels, and not the other way about."
See the report:
In this report Manfred Davidmann reviews a country's ways out of a payments crisis and details the consequences of increasing interest rates, greater borrowing, selling assets or printing more money.
Clear and meaningful language is backed by easily understood illustrations. And easy-to-follow diagrams illustrate the relationships. How local and national governments are managing our affairs is of crucial importance to every citizen. It was Manfred Davidmann who twenty years ago demolished the then-current economic myths about 'Price Inflation' and 'Wage Inflation', and about inflation and unemployment. Ten years ago he coined the phrase 'Exporting Employment and Importing Unemployment', and pointed to, and warned about, the social and economic consequences of what is now often euphemistically called 'outsourcing' or 'globalisation'. And in "Inflation, Balance of Payments and Currency Exchange Rates", Manfred Davidmann explores how national and international accounts and accounting reflect the quality of management in national and local government, reflect multinational operations such as devaluation pricing, profits maximisation, transfer pricing, importing from low-wage countries, transferring work to low-wage countries. And he reviews different ways of balancing income and expenditure, causes of inflation, and tax avoidance. Government has to make ends meet, has to bring about a rising standard of secure living, social security and an increasing quality of life for its citizens. There can be ups and downs but, says Manfred Davidmann, "failure to make ends meet is just as directly and surely the result of bad leadership and management as it is in any commercial enterprise." This is a severe criticism also of the kind of experts and consultants used, and of the way they are used. "The quality of one's experts and whether and how their expertise is used, and applied, are of decisive importance." See the report: Style of Management and Leadership: A report by Manfred Davidmann. (Los Angeles Times) Participation, meaning by this 'participation in decision-making', was first coined, and defined, by Manfred Davidmann when he published his analysis and recommendations about the style of management, in 1981. He defined, described and illustrated his scale of 'style of management and government' from 'fully participative' at one end of the scale, to 'fully authoritarian' at the other end. Manfred Davidmann's concept of participative government and management, of participation in decision-making, has become a household word, in daily use when referring to government and management styles, worldwide. His concepts are applied all the way from village government and community projects to national policies and elections, are applied by cooperatives, companies and global corporations alike. What Manfred Davidmann has done in his work on the general management of enterprises and communities is to lay the foundation for, and develop, what truly can be called 'management science'. A management science which is objective, sees things as they are. Manfred Davidmann vividly asks us 'to see things as they are' and shows us how to do this. What he puts before us enables us to move into whatever direction we wish to take. But, as he used to say in his lectures, 'at least we will be fully aware of the consequences of what we are doing'. Clearly defined and described in this report is the whole scale of style of management and organising, from fully authoritarian to fully participative. It applies to community organisations, commercial enterprises, political parties, whole countries. The social assumptions underlying each of the styles are given, as are problems they create, the symptoms by which they can be recognised, and the ways people work together or against each other within them. There are clear definitions of authority and of responsibility, and how they are applied in companies under different styles of management. Also discussed are the extent to which authority is balanced between top and bottom, participation in decision-making and the corresponding style of management. Style of management is shown to depend on the size of the enterprise and related to company effectiveness and results. The different problems faced by small and large companies are outlined as well as how to overcome problems of size, how to improve the effectiveness of management, and the need for teamwork. Smaller companies are more effective than larger ones, and the effectiveness of larger companies can be increased by about 25 percent by training. An illustration shows how style of management was improved by appropriate management training in a large organisation. Manfred Davidmann's concept of the style of management and government is being taught and applied worldwide. See the report: Directing and Managing Change: A report by Manfred Davidmann. (Las Vegas Business Press) What Manfred Davidmann has done in his works on general management is to lay the foundation for, and develop, what is now called 'management science'. A management science which is objective.
"We are now expecting people to think about the work they are doing and about the way in which they are doing it, in relation to what the enterprise is attempting to achieve." says Manfred Davidmann. Much progress and large gains can result in companies which are well-run. However, we do know that where attempts are made to introduce a system of procedures and reports to take the place of person-to-person responsible management - where attempts are made to impose a system of tougher direction in terms of employment, being imposed down the line from the top - costs are high and benefits uncertain. What is needed are specific, clear aims so that those who work with us and for us know what we expect of them, know what we are asking them to achieve. "We can readily control events" says Manfred Davidmann, "by instituting some kind of reporting back at regular intervals to the manager concerned." In this way the manager concerned can see how well he is progressing so that he may take appropriate action or feed information up the line asking for assistance or modification to the overall plan. Manfred Davidmann writes that "the way in which targets are agreed, progress controlled and individuals rewarded, is of the utmost importance if the company is to succeed." Consider the question of appraisal. What manager and employee are trying to sort out between them is the extent to which failure to achieve targets is due to circumstances beyond the control of the employee, the employee's lack of skill, or inadequate performance. Manfred Davidmann's system of appraisal was developed years ago and is effective and straightforward. "The result is that in about 80 percent of cases the manager becomes aware that the employee knows his opinion and from then on can concentrate on helping his subordinates to overcome their weaknesses and to utilise their strengths. The employee finds out that the manager thinks more highly of his work and ability than he does himself, a considerable boost to the way in which he views himself and his work." The overall result is increased cooperation between them, increased committal towards the company's aims and dedication towards achieving personal targets. See the report: 'Organising': Report by Manfred Davidmann Provides Guide for Achieving Effective Co-operation and Teamwork. (Los Angeles Times) This report by Manfred Davidmann is a comprehensive review showing how to arrange matters so that people can work together successfully and well. It is about achieving effective co-operation and teamwork, particularly in large organisations where many experts have to work together in teams to enable aims and objectives to be achieved. Manfred Davidmann brings to the task a rare combination of practical experience, knowledge and understanding backed by years spent training middle and top-level managers. Expert knowledge is expressed in clear and meaningful language. For a project to be successful, it needs to be completed within cost estimates and commissioned and handed over to the client by the promised date working to the client's satisfaction. Many experts have to work together for months, their work is inter-dependent, and organisational problems are encountered as a result. Further difficulties arise when a number of projects are being handled at the same time. Work is delayed and costs increase. The effects soon show and in the end become obvious. Delays are sometimes measured in months, additional costs in millions and hundreds of millions dollars. And equally vast are thus the savings which can be achieved by effective organisation, that is by effective leadership and teamwork. "To ensure effective teamwork between work units," says Manfred Davidmann, "the division of work between them has to be clearly stated and functional relationships have to be defined." Functional relationships are relationships between managers in different work units. Of the two managers concerned, one is 'responsible', the other acts as specialist adviser; that is, he is 'advising'. "When the difference between the two types of tasks is not understood," continues Manfred Davidmann, "then difficulties can be expected." The most confused and intractable organisational problems tend to be about functional relationships and coordinating. Concerning these, the report's descriptions, definitions, specifications and examples, are outstanding. In the report, Manfred Davidmann reviews the responsibilities of managers at different levels, and examines problems arising from relationships between people and workgroups. He also examines and discusses problems and misunderstandings arising from the division of work, from work allocation and workflow, and shows how to improve cooperation and teamwork. "But if inappropriate remedies are applied," says Manfred Davidmann, "the working atmosphere in the whole organisation can change dramatically for the worse." Manfred Davidmann's report is a comprehensive guide to locating basic causes of organisational problems and shows how to solve them, is a guide towards obtaining effective teamwork. See the report: Motivation Summary: a Report by Manfred Davidmann. (AZ Central) This report provides an objective, comprehensive and clear definition of 'motivation', of the factors which motivate and of what people are striving to achieve. "Motivated behaviour is purposeful, directed towards some end" says Manfred Davidmann. "The driving force is need. The direction is towards perceived reward and away from perceived punishment." And in the workplace one aims to achieve either job satisfaction or money rewards or both. "Motivation towards better performance depends on the satisfaction of needs for responsibility, achievement, recognition and growth." One works to achieve that which one needs and which one does not have. "Attaining goals leads to feelings of self-respect, strength and confidence", and "persistent lack of rewards leads to a view of society as being hostile and unrewarding". Manfred Davidmann's first fundamental report on motivation, 'The Will to Work: What People Struggle to Achieve', included a detailed step-by-step listing of what people are struggling to achieve, their needs and wants, their achievements and objectives. It is a unique analysis of the worldwide struggle for a better life at all levels of life and development, in all countries. What we see in the working environment is each person, family or community struggling to advance at their own level of development. In 'Motivation Summary', Manfred Davidmann summarises different motivation theories, draws on his earlier work including evidence from the U.K. study, and utilises material used by him for lecturing to degree-level students and for training experienced middle and senior managers. See the report: Family, Sex and the Individual; Women's Liberation, Feminism and Community: a Report by Manfred Davidmann. (KGW NewsChannel 8) This report examines root causes of what are now major social problems and shows how to resolve the problems by dealing with their basic causes. Human beings work primarily for their family and members of a family stand by, support and help each other in times of need. The family is the basic unit of society and it looks after the interests of all its members, as individuals as well as collectively. This gives great strength to each member of the family in the struggle for daily bread, security and happiness. And in the report "Family, Sex and the Individual", Manfred Davidmann exposes the causes of what seems to be progressive breaking down of family life and of social strength. This report is an unprecedented and comprehensive overview, states new insights, proves basic underlying causes.
The report also investigates the impact of casual sexual relations and its effects on individuals, family and community, on the social strength of individuals and communities. Further, the report examines and relates dominance and confrontation within the family to that in the working environment and considers oppression and exploitation within and outside the family. Manfred Davidmann was the first to clearly describe and show, eight years ago, the effects of increasing life spans on the family, on its members and on their responsibilities. He also illustrated the underlying basis of teamwork within the family, stating the various roles and responsibilities and functional relationships of its members for effective teamwork within the family.
See the report:
This fundamental report by Manfred Davidmann explains how the human brain evolved and functions, how the human mind works, and how brain and mind interact. The report shows how brain and mind determine what people do and how they do it, what people aim to achieve and how in the struggle for a better life we adapt to the world in which we live. A key finding of Manfred Davidmann's report is that the right hemisphere of the human brain is able to communicate by using images with the brain's older and more primitive component organs which have no verbal skills. And this enables us to communicate intentionally (that is "consciously") with our autonomic nervous system and by visualizing control of body functions and to affect our body's immune system. Clinical trials have shown remarkable success in areas such as the treatment of cancer and heart disease. The report proves that images penetrate deeply into the ancient and primitive parts of the human brain and how certain images can be "brutalising society, seemingly legalising, making acceptable, inconsiderate and unfeeling behaviour towards other people." The day-night-day sleep pattern, the "DEEP sleep"/"REM sleep" sequence, and how the different halves of the brain communicate by means of images with the older parts of the brain, are correlated and illustrated. Manfred Davidmann makes the point that the brain paralyzes the body to enable dreaming to take place, that dreaming performs an essential function, and he explains the role and meaning of dreams and dreaming. The report provides fascinating insights clearly expressed in meaningful language, including a much clearer appreciation of the different functions of the two halves of the brain, and of the different kinds of memory. Relating the functioning of the brain to behavior, the report shows how human behavior is affected by the primitive instincts of our reptilian ancestors. It seems that instinctive behavior has to be controlled, and is modified according to the environment in which we find ourselves, in every generation, and that the mammalian and human parts of the brain play a major part in this. Manfred Davidmann considers that humane behavior is based on feelings of care and affection for the young and for the family, and then for other people and the community. From this emerges a sense of social responsibility: People matter and are important, and need to be treated well. See the report:
When Manfred Davidmann first announced his Group Mind Theory in 1973, this theory and his concepts and terms such as 'group minds', were completely new and unheard of. The second edition was published in 1998 and made available on the internet in 1999. His human group minds and how they function, that is the Group Mind Science he originated, are now widely quoted and discussed, have sprouted a whole literature about group minds ranging from publications of scientific institutions and in reference books, to unscientific misleading look-alikes about human minds. Similarly, his works on style of management and on participation in decision-making in management, leadership and government, are widely known, studied and applied, also sprouted a whole literature ranging from the scientific to misleading politically motivated misrepresentations. Manfred Davidmann's Group Mind Science represents substantial beneficial healing powers. Following the work of Freud and Jung, it is regarded as scientifically proved, as meaningful, objective and practical, as applying worldwide to all human beings in all societies and cultures and at all stages of development. In 'The Human Group Mind and How It Works', Manfred Davidmann outlines, describes, uncovers and proves the subconscious existence and workings of group minds by the extraordinary way in which they affect and determine what individuals and communities do. This is shown to explain how human communities and society are organised and function, countrywide and worldwide, and consequent confrontations and struggles from dictatorship to democracy. We are here looking at what motivates and drives human beings, seeing how the mind shapes the way in which we live, suffer, struggle and achieve. Included in the report are comprehensive but concise reviews of mental health and mental illness. There are sections which discuss how conflict arises within the mind, dominance, conflict, co-operation and non-conformity, as well as sections about creativity, telepathic activities and hearing voices. And the mind theories of Freud and of Jung are reviewed. Telepathic activity is well known and documented. A considerable amount of telepathic activity is taking place and such activities can be observed by their effects. Group Mind Science allows for telepathic activities. Manfred Davidmann's Group Mind Science is based on deep knowledge and understanding of the real world, and proved by the way in which it explains and predicts human activities and organisation as well as the mental problems of individuals and society's social problems. Its insights enable us to solve such problems effectively. See the report:
In his report 'ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY and JUDAISM', Manfred Davidmann proves that the Christian Canon and the Jewish Talmud, which were contemporaneously written, agreed and finalised, independently record the same confrontations and struggle and sequence of events. The agreement between Christian and Jewish writings is so complete that, as a result of Manfred Davidmann's work, we are now reasonably certain about the main course of events. For the first time we can now see the whole pattern. The social laws of the Pentateuch have to be followed. These laws ensure equality, social justice and security, and a good life for all members of the community. They protect people from exploitation, oppression and enslavement through need. The Jewish people had undertaken to live accordingly, to apply these laws in their daily lives. But their own rulers had negated the application of these rules of behaviour and oppression and exploitation of the people followed. Manfred Davidmann proves what Jesus really taught. Jesus taught that all the God-given Pentateuch's laws had to be kept, that belief and practice had to include them. Early Christians, being mostly Jews, followed his teachings. And we see how the Christian establishment of that time then in effect negated the application of these benevolent rules of behaviour. The Christian establishment's version became accepted and the people were once again exposed to oppression and exploitation. Manfred Davidmann shows, from Christian and Jewish texts of that time, how the essential social laws of the Pentateuch (Torah) were bypassed and ceased to be observed, in Christianity and in Judaism. He describes and proves how Paul changed what Jesus had taught, how Paul's ideology serves the establishment instead of the people, and how this became Christianity's official doctrine. Outstanding are the sections on Paul and the Gospels: Manfred Davidmann shows that Paul's ideology was first opposed and that successive gospel writers then changed the record in Paul's favour, and how they did it. The Jewish Talmud (especially its oldest part, the Mishnah) records how Judaism was changed in the same way, to what it is today. In the Talmud, Jews did not openly write about Christian activists, Christian beliefs and Christians. Where Pentateuch and Talmud contain hidden information, then this is pointed to, stated and confirmed, in a number of different independent ways. This was done to ensure the message would be understood as it was intended to be understood. The report details two fascinating examples of such coded statements, about the beliefs of the early Christians, and about Judaism's 'Paul', convincingly making specific points which would have been unacceptable to the religious establishment at that time, if they had been openly stated. See the report: 'The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System': A Report by Manfred Davidmann. (Los Angeles Times) What Manfred Davidmann has done with his works on the Pentateuch and the Bible, on religion and church-state relations, is to expose and correct the misinterpretations and mistranslations of the past. His works are major breakthroughs, constituting essential information for understanding the meaning and significance of the Pentateuch and the Bible. In his report "Meaning and Significance of the Names of God in Genesis", Manfred Davidmann proved the meaning and significance of the different names of God which had been lost. In "Meaning and Intent of Genesis: Essential Notes on Hebrew Grammar," he stated the fundamental rules which were ignored at time of translation because required background knowledge was not available, with consequent mistranslations. And in "Bible Translations, Versions, Codes and Hidden Information in Bible and Talmud", he showed how changes made in the past obscured the intended meaning. And so Manfred Davidmann's report "The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System" is a comprehensive statement of the human rights and obligations which underlie freedom, liberty, independence and well-being, and which are largely unknown or ignored. Directly relevant to today's social and economic problems, these rights and obligations determine the quality of life in areas such as social and economic security, social responsibility and accountability, ownership and decision-making, government and management, humane behaviour, teamwork and trustful cooperation. Further, the Pentateuch records and details the Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship, a fundamental scientific law which is stated as such and which was discovered there by Manfred Davidmann. This states that the consequences of keeping or not keeping the social laws are inescapable, that what happens to one is in the end the inevitable result of one's own behavior. It is stated to enable people to benefit from knowing the effects of their behavior. Ignorance of these rules of behavior is no excuse and the relationship applies to all. History and social science confirm it, the prophets knew and understood it and predicted accordingly. Jesus confirmed it; the Koran records Prophet Mohammed repeatedly confirming the Pentateuch, referring to it both as a guide and as a warning. Whole communities prosper or suffer as a consequence of their collective behavior. Manfred Davidmann says, "The consequences of our behavior cannot be avoided but we can change the course of events by changing our behavior." He states "A new factor has entered the equation. It is now possible for the first time in the history of human beings on this planet for just one or only a few socially irresponsible persons to do something or to introduce changes which could destroy us all or else make this planet uninhabitable for human beings ..." ... and that "if we do not now observe and put into effect the social rules and social system first described in the Pentateuch, then the planet is likely to become uninhabitable for human beings." When a scientist of Manfred Davidmann's proven track record (of achievement and objectivity) and international standing makes such a statement, this needs to be taken seriously. See the report: 'Judaism, Christianity and Islam (Church and State, Government and Religion)': A Report by Manfred Davidmann. (Texas Cable News) Manfred Davidmann has shown that underlying Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the Pentateuch's benevolent and egalitarian social laws and social system which include laws protecting the people by restraining the behaviour of their rulers. Those in positions of trust, responsibility or authority must not oppress people and the laws forbid personal gain from the misuse of wealth or position. Belief and practice were later changed covertly, but there were always those who recorded what had been done. Manfred Davidmann discovered, deciphered and collated this information, proving how beliefs and practices had been distorted or modified. In doing so, he exposed secrets to the light of day which are now fundamentally changing the teachings of the three main religions. Manfred Davidmann's groundbreaking discoveries about Judaism, Christianity and Islam, published in nine reports over twenty-five years, the last in 2003, are acknowledged as major advances. And in Manfred Davidmann's report "Judaism, Christianity and Islam", we see for the first time the complete sequence of consecutive events. In Judaism, under Maccabean rule, the religious hierarchy became subservient to the secular rulers. Here Manfred Davidmann discovered the records which prove how religious scholars introduced changes which in effect enabled the ruling establishment to oppress and exploit the population. These changes gave rise to Christianity. Today's rabbinical Judaism teaches, and Jewish belief and practice follows, the ruling establishment's version which has the essential core benevolent social laws bypassed and edited out from observance. Jesus taught that all the Pentateuch's laws had to be kept, that belief and practice had to include the Ten Commandments, the social laws and the social system of the Pentateuch. Manfred Davidmann shows how the establishment of the day in effect annulled the application of the Pentateuch's benevolent social laws and social system. He discovered that Matthew struggled to put the record straight and struggled to record what Jesus actually taught. But the establishment's version became accepted as official Christian doctrine and it is this which tends to be taught today. The Koran records Prophet Mohammed repeatedly confirming the Pentateuch, referring to it both as a guide and as a warning, calling for a return to following the ancient benevolent God-given social legislation. Validated traditions (hadith) tell that Caliph Uthman had an official text prepared of the Koran and that he instructed the compilers about its editing - also, that he then had copies of this text distributed and that he ordered all other versions to be destroyed. Manfred Davidmann says "Humanity is once again struggling intuitively to achieve the application of these social laws and system, in response to the social and economic problems of global humanity at the present time. But struggling 'intuitively' is not enough, amounts to blindly hitting out in the dark without aim, amounts to treating symptoms instead of curing causes." And he continues: "If we do not now observe and put into effect the social rules and social system first described in the Pentateuch, then the planet is likely to become uninhabitable for human beings in the near future." When a scientist of Manfred Davidmann's proven track record (of achievement and objectivity) and international standing, makes such a statement, this needs to be taken seriously. Compiled and correlated analyses and guidance can be found in the works of Manfred Davidmann. See the report: Genesis and Evolution
Report Proves There is No Conflict between the Bible (Genesis) and Evolution. (02/04/2002, Press Release) A report entitled "The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil", by Manfred Davidmann, renowned author in the fields of General Management, Christianity and Judaism, proves that there is no conflict between Genesis and the theory of evolution. The report shows that instead of conflict there is in fact agreement between what is recorded in Genesis and the scientific theory of the evolution. The report examines and analyzes Genesis and the Bible in sections at a time including The Days of Creation; Evolution and Evil; Meaning of the Names of God; Garden of Eden; Evolution of Human Beings; Cain and Abel; and The Descendants of Seth. This report is one of a series that together describe and illustrate the meaning and intent of Genesis. Each is self-contained but together they provide the knowledge needed for understanding Genesis, its allegories and their significance. These allegories illustrate and define the difference between good and evil, and the importance of behaviour on social strength, well-being and good life under modern conditions. Further relevant knowledge and information necessary for understanding the meaning of Genesis can be found in the following reports: "Meaning and Significance of the Names of God in Genesis", "Meaning and Intent of Genesis: Essential Notes on Hebrew Grammar" and "Bible Translations, Versions, Codes and Hidden Information in Bible and Talmud". About the Author: A complete listing of his reports can be viewed by visiting https://www.solhaam.org/ where users can download his reports and view them online.
Manfred Davidmann on Evolution and 'Intelligent Design' (Creationism) Debate in U.S. Court. (04/10/2005, KGW NewsChannel 8) There is no conflict or contradiction between Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection and what is written in Genesis. Conflicts have arisen because some parts of Genesis have been mistranslated or misinterpreted. Researcher Manfred Davidmann: No Contradiction between Genesis, Evolution. (10/01/2006, The Seattle Times) The Book of Genesis, when read in the original Hebrew, does not contradict the modern science of evolution, Solhaam.org (https://www.solhaam.org/) announced today. In fact, said Solhaam founder and researcher Manfred Davidmann, it actually proves Genesis accurately described evolution in language commonly understood several thousand years ago. Of course, around 1400 B.C., the terms "evolution" and "natural selection" didn't exist. So the author of Genesis instead described the process of evolution. Adding to the confusion were the early translators of the Bible from Hebrew: Current translations of Genesis are based on their limited knowledge and understanding at the time of translation. Contradictions arose between Genesis and the science of evolution, said Davidmann, when readers assumed the translations correctly stated God's deeds and words. "There is no contradiction between the God-given original text and the science of evolution as we know it," Davidmann explained. "When we closely examine Genesis in its original Hebrew, we find evolution accurately described in broad terms the general population could understand at the time it was written." In subsequent translations, however, those descriptions became murky at best. At the end of each stage of creation in Genesis, for example, is a statement like "there was evening and there was morning, one day." But the Hebrew word "ereb," said Davidmann, can mean "evening," or else "to mingle," or "not to distinguish between them." Likewise, the Hebrew word "boker" can mean "morning," or "to search," "to examine," and possibly "to check carefully." The statement about evening and morning, then, could just as easily be translated as "there was a mingling and a uniformity and a searching for differences and an examination of differences" - a likelier conclusion, said Davidmann, when considering the entire text of Genesis. "In light of more plausible translations of Genesis, which describe what is now known to be the basis of evolution by natural selection, it appears that 'one day' refers to a stage of evolutionary advance as well as to a stage of creation," Davidmann stated. "What stands out in any translation is that the record of creation in Genesis corresponds in the major steps to the order in which the earth and life are known to have been formed and developed." The later chapters and verses in Genesis describe the formation of the earth and early plant life, the survival of the fittest, the evolution from reptilian to mammalian instincts and behaviour, and the evolution of human beings from humanoid to Homo erectus to Homo sapiens. Details about Manfred Davidmann's work on the Book of Genesis in relation to evolution can be found at https://www.solhaam.org/articles/genevo.html. Other works by Manfred Davidmann, on a variety of topics from social responsibility to the origins of Judaism and Christianity, are available at https://www.solhaam.org/. Manfred Davidmann on Genesis and Evolution - Major Scientific Breakthrough. (03/05/2006, Texas Cable News) Manfred Davidmann's research and discoveries prove that there is no conflict or contradiction between Darwin's theory of evolution and what is written in Genesis. He proves that Genesis describes our present scientific knowledge about evolution, in religious terms. The evolution from reptilian to mammalian instincts, feelings and behaviour is clearly stated, as is the evolution and behaviour of human beings from humanoids (animals resembling humans) through Homo erectus (early man) to Homo sapiens (human beings, ourselves).
These distinctions need to be made if Genesis is to be read and understood as intended. Original Bible translators were not aware of this knowledge, and so some parts of Genesis were misinterpreted or mistranslated. As a result of Manfred Davidmann's work, Genesis can now be understood as it was intended to be understood, following the publication of his "The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil." He proves, for example, that the allegory about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden describes the evolution of Homo sapiens (human beings, ourselves) from Homo erectus. Just two of his points are that Genesis records that childbirth became more difficult as a result of the increased brain size (evolution of neocortex) which enabled Homo sapiens to know the difference between good and evil and to choose between them. And that Genesis states the necessary division of work between the male and the female, as equals in different roles, in protecting and bringing up their children.
The report is based on a series of real-life case-studies of a wide range of different co-operatives and mutual societies, to determine reasons for success and causes of failure, analysing how these co-operatives were controlled and managed. Manfred Davidmann's conclusions and recommendations cover the practical and fundamental problems of co-ops and mutual societies, of members and directors, of management and control. When people are exploited and oppressed, they co-operate with each other to escape from poverty, to overcome exploitation and oppression, to improve working conditions and the quality of their lives. Consider people in need, in poverty, hungry, earning only enough to exist, to keep alive. Unable to afford medical help, adequate housing, in severe hardship when ill or old. Exploited by being paid too little and by having to pay too much for what has to be bought. They get together and form co-operatives. So it was 150 years ago when co-ops became popular. And so it is today as unemployment bites worldwide, the poor get poorer and the rich get richer, with massive deprivation and suffering all over the planet. What co-ops have in common is that they serve their members and the community, aiming to improve the quality of life for their members. Co-ops are active in production, retailing, housing, banking and insurance, and their turnover is often very big. What distinguishes one co-op from another is the kind of problem it aims to overcome, who owns the co-op and who decides its policies, who manages and directs its operations, and last but not least who benefits and how. Co-ops are often more effective and successful than profit-motivated companies (corporations). Those who oppose co-ops are generally well aware of this. The real-life case-studies are fascinating by themselves, and were used to analyse basic causes of success and failure, with often surprising results. Members of established co-ops are dissatisfied with what they are getting from their co-ops, there is little appreciation of what co-operators aim to achieve, their achievements are coming under threat from within, and mutual societies and building societies are converting to public limited companies.
From Manfred Davidmann's report we can see what has been taking place, and why. The report, and the eight case-studies on which it is based, provide objective and fascinating insights into the at times completely unexpected real world of behind-the-scenes control, management and exploitation. What emerged from Manfred Davidmann's work was a picture of a misapplied system in which co-op members were worse off than company (corporation) shareholders, of a battle for control of the massive accumulated and accumulating savings of many small savers, of the co-op's members. Manfred Davidmann found that co-ops and mutual societies retained most of the surplus (profits) and that members then ceased to be entitled to them. Control of these retained funds, and corresponding power and rewards such as higher salaries, benefit directors and managers.
Manfred Davidmann not only exposed what was actually taking place and the flaws of the system, but provided in this report the understanding, methods, systems and guidelines for what had to be done in individual co-ops, and by the movement as a whole, so as to correct matters and again enable co-ops and the co-op movement to support their members effectively and to meet their needs.
This report by Manfred Davidmann is a unique, comprehensive, and essential guide for forming successful co-operatives, for planning, organising, directing and managing their work, and for working in them.
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![]() Copyright © 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007 Manfred Davidmann. All rights reserved worldwide.