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from Manfred Davidmann's Letters


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Life and Living
What One Aims to Achieve
Purpose of website 'solhaam.org'

Quoting Out of Context
Meaning and Use of Words (Letter in German)

Important is what a religion or a cult stands for in real concrete terms relating to every-day life here-and-now

The Traditional Beliefs of Judaism
Pentateuch (Torah), Talmud (Mishnah and Gemara) and Halacha

Relevant Current and Associated Works

Relevant Subject Index Pages and Site Overview

Life and Living

The works of Manfred Davidmann amount to a consistent whole which binds current knowledge together into a wide overview of life and living, in unprecedented depth.

What One Aims to Achieve    (25/12/2007)

Manfred Davidmann, in 'The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System', states that what one aims to achieve is

to apply in our lives, and in the communities in which we live, the God-given benevolent social laws and social system of the Pentateuch,

so as to achieve a good and secure life of high quality,

by working for the benefit of the community, and

by taking part in the struggle for a better life.

We need to behave like human beings, and treat each other like human beings, and the report 'The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System' by Manfred Davidmann is a comprehensive statement of the God-given human rights which underlie all freedom, liberty and independence ... and which ... underlie and determine a good life of high quality.

He there states the basis and the need for humane behaviour, which underly
Trustful Co-operation (Ten Commandments),
Morality (Men and Women, Family and Family Purity)
and shows what the
Unavoidable Consequences of One's Behaviour
are, in relation to the
Social and Moral Problems of Our Times
and the consequent
Planet-wide Danger
If we fail to apply these rules of behaviour.
In his 'The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System', we also see that

We need to co-operate with each other as individuals, families and communities, supporting each other in this common struggle for a better life,

that it appears that hurt and pain, oppression and exploitation, suffering and hardship, can and should be transformed and countered by an applied sense of social responsibility, by a sense of common purpose and cooperation between people working together in teams. That is by a sense of, and by the satisfaction of, achievement in locating, countering and overcoming the source of the suffering, and

that your life is likely to be a much more rewarding life of higher quality.

From Manfred Davidmann's 'Faith', we see that:

When people do not act for God and people, then God withdraws his protection from them. The consequences cannot be avoided.

But God helps, protects and rewards manifold those who act for God and people.

Stand up and be counted.

This is a matter of survival, of hard work, of strain and effort, to succeed in our endeavour. And to this end we work together, all of us, human beings, proud and erect, hand in hand, irrespective of our creed or religion, the colour of our skin, the shape of our eyes, or where we happen to live, for freedom and humanity.

We think the key need at this time is to make people aware of these truths, to carry the message to the people in the name of Manfred Davidmann, to inspire them.

See The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System

Purpose of website 'solhaam.org'

The purpose of website 'solhaam.org' is to spread the knowledge of Manfred Davidmann's works and teachings, and to help people study and apply them.

Technical and scientific knowledge and its application are advancing exponentially. Absent are corresponding advances in social knowledge and their application. Political, social, scientific and medical changes which are now taking place, or being worked on, threaten the survival of humane behaviour and hence of humanity.

We believe that the survival of humane behaviour and humanity depends on learning and following these teachings, on making these works available to others, on teaching them, the aim being to gain a high quality of life.

If you like to tell us where your interest lies, and which of the works you have read, we would gladly suggest further reading and how to proceed.

And it would help if you could recommend the site, or individual works, to others.

Quoting Out of Context

So much has been written about Christianity and Judaism that it is fairly easy to select one sentence or two from one place, and a sentence or two from a completely different place, and more from another part unrelated to the others, and so on. These can then be added together or compared to arrive at conclusions which back the personal opinion of the individual doing the selecting.

What is valid within the meaning of one record is not necessarily valid within the meaning of another. And the above process of 'quoting out of context' has been and is used to arrive at conclusions totally different from the contexts from which they were selected.

(Note: 'Out of context', according to the Oxford Dictionary, means 'without the surrounding words and therefore giving a false impression of the meaning')

The conclusions can be beautiful, heart warming and uplifting, but they can also be negative or destructive, subtly attempting to weaken or bypass basic precepts of the faith.

This is why I said in 'Liberation Theology' that as long as the arguments and beliefs of liberation theologians are based on feelings and emotions no matter how good and right and proper, on biblical texts quoted out of context, then their beliefs can at some time in the future once again be negated and countered and turned into dead end or self destructive directions by abstract arguments and statements about feelings and emotions, by quoting out of context.

See LIBERATION THEOLOGY: Basis - Past - Present - Future


Meaning and Use of Words    (12/05/2007, in German)

Vielen Dank fuer Deine Email. In Bezug auf unser Gespraech neulich koennte Dich der Report 'Using Words to Communicate Effectively' interessieren. In klarem, einfachem und leicht verstaendlichem Englisch wird der effektive und verstaendliche Gebrauch von Worten beschrieben, der allgemein gueltig ist (auch fuer Deutsche sowie Englische Artikel).

Bedeutend sind die wenigen Saetze unter "Value Judgements or Ideology" ueber "truth" (Wahrheit).

Sowie unter "Formal and Informal Communications" die Saetze ueber anonyme Gespraeche und Geruechte.

Ich selbst finde es hilfreich und nuetzlich, die Ratschlaege unter "Traps to Avoid" beim Lesen von Quellen anzuwenden.

See Using Words to Communicate Effectively

Important is what a religion or a cult stands for in real concrete terms relating to every-day life here-and-now.

Important is what a religion or a cult stands for in real concrete terms relating to every-day life here-and-now, and not just what it proclaims to be against.

The problem is that both Judaism and Christianity have in the past been moved by their hierarchies away from following and applying the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch (Five Books of Moses).

So both Judaism and Christianity as practiced today consist largely of warm traditions and practices which are in effect hollow shells of ceremonial and ritual because the social intent and teachings of the Pentateuch are not followed. And there are followers in each religion which follow without questioning the dictates of the head of their religious hierarchy.

The word 'Messiah' can have many meanings and one needs to define in clear concrete terms what it means to the person using it.

What I have done in my works is to record the word of God as written in the Pentateuch, stating that the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch need to be followed if people are to have good lives of high quality, have individual strength, independence and freedom. It is this which needs to be achieved.

Feel free to write again, if you wish. If you let me know which of my reports you have read, I may be able to suggest further reading.

And thank you for what you say about my works, and for your honest and open letter.

The Traditional Beliefs of Judaism

There are now a number of different branches of Judaism which resulted from the negative changes made many years ago to its core social teachings and from changes based on inadequate knowledge and understanding. These branches are competing with each other for influence and power within and over the Jewish communities, each claiming to be traditional or to be establishing a more modern tradition. Those claiming to be traditional, and the other branches, teach the negatively changed version which in effect bypasses the core social teachings.

But Jewish community life within any one branch tends to be close and supportive. Much has been written which is intuitively beautiful, learned and inspiring but without clear knowledge or understanding of the core social laws and intent of the faith.

My writings describe Judaism as it was and also as it is

See Struggle for Freedom: The Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship

and see History Speaks: Monarchy, Exile and Maccabees

and how its core social teachings were changed and how the changes were recorded.

See At the Time of Jesus, The Truth about Hillel and his Times

and see One Law for All: Freedom Now, Freedom for Ever

Other relevant reports are

The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil

The relevance of the Pentateuch's (Torah's) teachings at present time are described in

Causes of Antisemitism

and in The Right to the Land of Israel


Thank you for writing. Your comments are very welcome.

The same struggle between humane and inhumane behaviour, of 'government of, by and for the people' against dictatorship, between participative behaviour, leadership, management or government, against authoritarianism and authoritarian rule, is going on all around us at all levels in all organisations.

Judaism and Christianity teach on the whole that human beings and humane behaviour are more important than unquestioning obedience to brutal dictatorship or authoritarianism.

Another determining factor underlying antisemitism is that most Jews are unaware of the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch as these are not being taught or else are being misrepresented as being irrelevant to our lives.

These matters are shown to be so (proved, shown to be fact) in my reports and you may like to let me know which of these you have read so that I can suggest further reading.

See Causes of Antisemitism

As regards 'human nature', have a look at the section on abstractions in Using Words to Communicate Effectively.

And then see what shapes how people behave, shapes what they do, in How the Human Brain Developed and How the Human Mind Works.

Pentateuch (Torah), Talmud (Mishnah and Gemara) and Halacha

Have a look at these two reports:

See At the Time of Jesus, The Truth about Hillel and his Times

and see One Law for All: Freedom Now, Freedom for Ever

There you will see much about Torah (Pentateuch), Talmud (Mishnah and Gemara) and Halacha, about talmudic arguments and stories. These two reports can show you the inner relevance and significance of the Talmud and of its statements.

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Relevant Current and Associated Works

Relevant current and associated reports by Manfred Davidmann:
Title   Description
The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System   A comprehensive statement of the God-given human rights which underlie all freedom, liberty and independence. They are the foundation of the main religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and they underlie and determine a good life of high quality.
LIBERATION THEOLOGY: Basis - Past - Present - Future   Discusses Christianity's origins using Christian and Jewish sources. Liberation theologians emphasise compassion and leadership in the struggle for a better life. Shows that one can analyse effectively how the Christian Canon developed.
'ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY and JUDAISM'   Proves by methods of biblical archaeology what Jesus really taught, how Paul changed what Jesus had taught, how this became Christianity's official doctrine. Outstanding are sections on Paul and the Gospels, on concurrent corresponding changes in Judaism.
Using Words to Communicate Effectively   Shows how to communicate more effectively, covering aspects of thinking, writing, speaking and listening as well as formal and informal communications. Consists of guidelines found useful by university students and practising middle and senior managers.
How the Human Brain Developed and How the Human Mind Works   Describes clearly what happens while sleeping, role of dreaming, meaning of dreams. Functioning of the two halves of the human brain is related to the autonomic nervous and the immune systems. Shows how human behaviour is affected by primitive instincts.
Causes of Antisemitism   Shows that there are two separate root causes of antisemitism. One cause can be remedied by increasing peoples' awareness, the other is under the control of the Jewish people and can be remedied from within.
Struggle for Freedom: The Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship   Major review and analysis of the social laws and social system of the Torah and of the Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship. Also reviews the role of religion and of Judaism under modern conditions.
History Speaks: Monarchy, Exile and Maccabees   Major review and analysis of Jewish history, of King Solomon's reign and of the Maccabean dynasty, locating the causes of subsequent defeat of the people and loss of country. Covers Jewish belief and practice, social conditions and government.
At the Time of Jesus, The Truth about Hillel and his Times   Factual conclusive document describing what happened at the time of Jesus to Jewish belief and practice, based on research into texts published close to the events. A fully documented record of previously undiscovered material in the Talmud about Hillel.
One Law for All: Freedom Now, Freedom for Ever   Document describing the struggles within Judaism which accompanied the birth of Rabbinical Judaism, how people felt about what was happening, how the Talmud recorded events and what would have to be done to reverse the trend of events.
The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil   Shows that there is no conflict, no contradiction, no divergence, only awe-inspiring agreement, between what is recorded in Genesis and what we know about the evolution of human beings. And Genesis defines good and evil, pointing to the root of evil.
The Right to the Land of Israel   This report proves that the right to the land in which one lives, that is the strength and success of a people, depends on how people behave towards each other. This applies to all. The history of the Jewish people provides a convincing example.

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Relevant Subject Index Pages and Site Overview

The Site Overview page has links to all individual Subject Index Pages which between them list the works by Manfred Davidmann which are available on the Internet, with short descriptions and links for downloading.

To see the Site Overview page, click Overview

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