The Human MindPart 2Manipulated Communities and Populationsby Manfred Davidmann![]() |
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SUMMARYThis report The Human Mind describes a mind theory which allows for telepathic contacts between people and details the available evidence. Taking a different approach from customary experimentation on volunteers, the investigation was based on the assumption that if there were people who had pronounced telepathic abilities then they would be using their abilities. They would be using these abilities secretly, either for selfish gain and afraid of being found out, or to assist other people and afraid of how people might react when realising that their thoughts could be available to others. So people with telepathic abilities would not volunteer for experiments relating to telepathy. But if there are telepaths using their abilities then such activities can be observed by their effects. The report describes previously reported work by others which shows that telepathic activity is well known and documented. A considerable amount of telepathic activity is taking place. The mind theories of Freud and of Jung are then reviewed and the 'Group Mind' theory is outlined. Included in the report are comprehensive but concise reviews of mental health and mental illness, of why people are struggling and what they are struggling against, of the way in which society is organised, of dominance, conflict and co-operation. The subconscious existence and workings of group minds become apparent by the extraordinary way in which they affect and determine what individuals and communities do. The sections of this report which deal with how we live and struggle, with the way our communities and societies are organised and function, describe how our minds shape our lives, communities and society, and uncover the workings of group minds. The Group Mind theory of the way in which human minds work is proved by the way in which it explains and predicts human activities and organisation as well as mental problems of individuals and society's social problems. Its insights enable us to solve such problems effectively.
Relevant Current and Associated Works Relevant Subject Index Pages and Site Overview INTRODUCTIONWe saw in Part 1 of this Group Mind theory {17} that earlier work had indicated that people had to struggle against those who wished to dominate other people. So four studies were undertaken to obtain a better understanding of why people have to struggle throughout their adult lives, in all countries and organisations, at all levels, to maintain and improve their standard of living and quality of life. The main report {22} brought together the key findings from these studies. Its conclusions are reproduced in the following section. The workings of group minds is then shown to explain how human communities and society are organised from dictatorship to democracy, and the consequent confrontations and struggles. This part of the Group Mind theory concludes by discussing how mass media are forming and manipulating public opinions and illustrates how writers and artists have been sensing and expressing the underlying subconscious reality. WHAT PEOPLE ARE STRUGGLING AGAINST: HOW SOCIETY IS ORGANISED FOR CONTROLLING AND EXPLOITING PEOPLEThe findings reached by the studies on what people are struggling against are summarised in the main report {22}. Its conclusions are highly relevant and are reproduced below.
These studies have given us a clear and comprehensive picture of the way society is organised for exploiting people. Private profits, wealth, influence and power are being maximised regardless of the cost to others, to the community. Without care or concern for the condition, standard of living or quality of life of the working population. Without being concerned about the enormous human suffering which results. What we see are consequences of decisions made at the top, and the results of putting them into effect. Results and consequences which at times make the decisions seem so brutal that they appear inhuman. We can see struggle in all organisations and at all levels. It is a struggle against authoritarian management or government for the right to take decisions. And in all democratic organisations it is a struggle against the authoritarian mind taking over the decision-taking. And we also see that attempts to take over and control decision-taking processes are far more one-sided and widespread than would be the case if we were looking at unrelated chance events, at unrelated local struggles. At times the pattern seems progressive as if it were planned. Such a pattern cannot be due to chance alone and so confirms the underlying basis of the Group Mind theory, confirms the underlying conflicts and struggles described by it. The Group Mind theory says that what happens at the conscious level is determined by what takes place at the subconscious group mind level. So that what happens, and the way society is organised, depends on struggle and confrontation at the subconscious level between telepaths (telepathic group minds). This conflict and struggle is indeed reflected by the way in which we organise our affairs, by the extent to which our organisations are either authoritarian or participative. So we are now aware of, and can observe, how underlying (subconscious) conflicts and struggles are reflected by the extent to which our organisations are either authoritarian or participative. AUTHORITARIAN MANAGEMENT, LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNMENTHere we are looking at hidden operations of telepaths sufficiently powerful to influence, to manipulate, people and who use their capabilities for personal gain to themselves, their associates and associated families. They would be struggling with each other for personal gain, power and influence over others, would set up systems for exploiting human beings, for dominating human beings so as to exploit them, and for struggling against those telepaths who oppose them. As the number of telepaths is likely to be small compared with the rest of the population, only a small number of people at or near the top or in opinion-forming positions can be controlled or manipulated. So organisations would be created in which a single person, or a small number of individuals, are in control. Organisations in which decisions are made at the top or near the top and in which obedience to dictates passed down from the top is the rule. DOMINATING INDIVIDUALS, STRUGGLING WITH EACH OTHERThoughts may be injected with such concentration or strength by one telepath that they would blanket out other thoughts or feelings originating from other telepaths, at least for a short time. Like a deep state of concentration. The strongest telepath has control, determines what is being thought or done. Then every telepathic confrontation becomes a trial-by-strength which is the deciding of an argument or quarrel by people fighting each other. Trials by strength have always been unjust and misleading as brute strength or skill take the place of principles such as equality and fairness, justice and human rights, freedom and independence. Brute strength and skill serve to enrich a few telepaths, to give them wealth, power and control over people. The strongest telepath or telepaths impose their will so that might becomes 'right'. The strongest telepaths progress. Of determining importance is the key characteristic, namely that the number of telepaths or people which a single telepath can directly control is limited to only a few. And the number of people a few telepaths or people can control or influence is small and limited. So a society organised to enable telepaths to control and exploit people secretly would rely and depend on control by strength, on control and manipulation of one person or of only a few persons. Their operations being hidden, there would be no punishments applied to prevent inhuman excesses. One would see viciously selfish and brutal exploitation of the population for personal (class or group) power and wealth. A telepathic ruling class would be in control, would rule and exploit. The telepathic ruling class would control, rule and exploit to the extent of its power over people, to the extent to which people allowed themselves to be manipulated for the personal gain of telepathic manipulators. What is said here agrees with our conclusions, answers the questions raised, explains what is taking place and fits the facts. DOMINATING PEOPLEIn authoritarian organisations, authority is located at the top. It is orders which are passed down from above and the official's or manager's role is to pass orders down the 'chain of command'. Officials or managers are usually not expected to make decisions and so carry little responsibility. They issue orders and may compel people to do what is demanded from them. {4, 5} When considering authority one wants to know where the right to command and the power to exact obedience come from. {4, 5} A 'dictator' is a person with absolute power, with unrestricted authority. The source of his authority, and the way people are forced to obey, depend on the forces he commands. Authority is located at the top and rule is often brutal. In a slave-owning society, some of its people are regarded as unfeeling unthinking production units and called slaves. The slave is forced to obey the master by means of master-serving ownership laws <1> and by force of economic necessity. Those who rule may state their rule and power over others is of 'divine' origin <1>, meaning that they rule and will severely punish those who disobey. Under man-made (owner-made, owner-serving) laws, authority is derived from ownership of the means of production and service. This applies to both private and state (public) ownership. Those who in the past gained power, wealth and possessions are in this way stating that what they have gained is theirs. The penalty for disobedience in the workplace is dismissal with consequent severe hardship. People are forced to work through need, have to work to survive. They are in effect enslaved to the extent to which they are forced to accept poverty or survival existence in return for the work they do. {16} The higher one looks the fewer is the number of those who control a company's or a country's destiny, and the number of those who are in positions which form the population's opinions. The fewer there are the easier it must be for telepaths to concentrate on these important few so as to control and manipulate them and thus the population. The fewer there are at the top, the more likely is it that they speak with the voice of telepathic manipulators. A dictator would seem to be directly controlled by the most powerful telepath (or group of them) and it is under dictatorship that people are openly oppressed and exploited by their rulers. If dictatorship is the form of organisation used by telepaths for oppressing the population so as to exploit them, then one would expect no basic differences between dictatorships of the right and of the left, and indeed there are none. What we have seen is that systems of authoritarian rule and dictatorship correspond to telepathic manipulation, control and exploitation of the population for the personal power and gain of a relatively few strong telepaths. There is no noticeable difference. Hence telepaths wishing to exploit people for personal power and gain would institute a system of control corresponding to might being right, would advocate and attempt to install authoritarian management, rule or dictatorship, in all institutions at all levels, they would struggle to control those who are in positions of power, who decide and dispense patronage. People in the ruling class have the free time which would be needed to control others. They do not keep fixed hours, are 'their own masters'. Their business work may only occupy a few mornings a month when working as part-time directors. When retiring they have even more leisure time, no money worries and the good health money helps to maintain. Also gaining may be those in key positions who can be manipulated into serving, or who are aware of, telepathic manipulation and who allow themselves to be used by these relatively few and corrupt telepaths. OBEDIENCE TO AUTHORITYA telepathic ruling class would attempt to persuade or manipulate people into serving the ruling class, into doing whatever they are to do, without questioning or objecting. There would then be those who would blindly obey what may be unreasonable and vicious instructions, blind to independent thought and feeling, blind to overriding humane considerations and moral codes of humane behaviour. Organisations which demand from or condition their members towards unquestioning unrestrained obedience to dictates passed down from the top, threaten freedom and democracy. By controlling or manipulating the few individuals at the top, such organisations can be used, or turned, against the welfare and interests of ordinary people. It appears that unquestioning obedience under normal circumstances corresponds to mental enslavement. POWER CORRUPTSWealth brings power over people and resources, power brings wealth and influence. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer one gets to the top of an organisation, the more this becomes apparent. The closer one gets to the top, the more difficult it is to tell the individual concerned that the problems which have arisen are his fault, without risking demotion or being fired. So those at or close to the top become more and more convinced that their ideas and decisions are infallible and soon lose touch with reality. To them it appears as if the organisation is unsuccessful or destructive because their subordinates are incompetent or failed to do as told. They then begin to compel people to serve and obey and the organisation becomes more authoritarian which makes matters worse. Authoritarian rule does not work, leads to excesses, is destructive of human rights and values. And this process appears to be a reflection of, the result of, telepathic compulsion and manipulation aimed at exploiting ordinary people. Telepaths exploiting ordinary people struggle with each other for wealth and power by manipulating ordinary people and each other to the extent to which they are able to do so. Some are stronger or more skilled than others and become more powerful. They are 'deciding what other people are to do, making them do it' for the personal gain of themselves and their associates, for personal power and wealth. Their manipulations are hidden, people do not suspect what is taking place, there are no penalties. So authoritarian organisations are installed and controlled to exploit, to oppress so as to exploit, regardless of the emotional and physical suffering of ordinary people. Such manipulators are likely to see themselves as powerful beings who are secretly exploiting ordinary people with the help of weaker telepaths or associates, like farmers cropping and fleecing sheep with the help of sheepdogs. Powerful telepaths engaging in such practices see their might as being right, become more powerful, begin to see themselves as more 'god'-like. They become more corrupt because restraining penalties or retribution by other telepaths appear less likely. Enriching themselves, gaining personal power and wealth, by exploiting (cropping) ordinary people with cold indifference to their ultimate fate. Like farmers cropping animals: indifferent to their ultimate fate but concerned about the yield of the crop. With the inhuman vicious brutality we have seen used against ordinary people in authoritarian regimes, in dictatorships. And in democracies with results and consequences which at times make the decisions seem inhuman. The weaker the opposition, the greater the power and single-mindedness of the ruling class, the greater the corruption. Well-known examples are Nazi and Japanese atrocities during the Second World War, the suffering of Biafrans in Nigeria, Khmer Rouge atrocities in Cambodia, the use of torture. Under such circumstances people have to struggle for a better life as otherwise the ruling class would corrupt absolutely, almost unimaginably so. This explains the world-wide struggle we see for a better life. A struggle for a better life, for socially responsible and humane behaviour, for equality, freedom, independence. Where gains have been made we see that people matter, are important, come first. We see co-operation and teamwork between people, and between people and community. We see participative organisation, management and leadership. The following section describes the way in which the telepathic group mind underlies participative (democratic) organisations and their internal conflicts, struggles and successes. PARTICIPATIVE MANAGEMENT, LEADERSHIP, GOVERNMENTWe saw that humane behaviour is based on feelings of care and affection for the young and for the family, and then for other people and the community. From this emerges a sense of social responsibility: people matter and are important, need to be treated well and looked after. All backed by knowledge, understanding and reason which aim to serve and strengthen the prime motivation of human beings for human rights and welfare and enable people to co-operate with each other for the common good. <11> Interested or concerned telepaths co-operate and communicate, sharing knowledge and experience with each other and with people who are unaware of what is taking place. This process of co-operation, of sharing knowledge, understanding and experience, underlies our scientific and technological advance and social progress. It also underlies participative (democratic) management, leadership and government. There is no conflict within the mind when reason and emotion both aim to achieve humane (human) behaviour and existence. {17: Part 1} It appears that most telepaths co-operate with each other and with unaware people (who are unaware of the existence of telepaths and of their activities) towards achieving humanity's prime aims of freedom and independence and a good life of high quality here and now. But there are those telepaths who dominate and exploit human beings by misinforming, misleading and manipulating people, doing so for personal gain to themselves and their associates. They are opposed by other telepaths, there is conflict and hidden struggle. We saw that conflicts arise within the mind when people are misinformed or misled into inhuman behaviour, and when they are being manipulated through their emotions into behaving inhumanly without knowing why they are doing so (such as blindly doing as told or as directed by the top). It is opposition from dominating and exploiting telepaths and their associates which underlies and accounts for lack of progress in social relations and human welfare. Where a better standard of living and quality of life has been achieved, as in democratic countries, it appears to have resulted from struggling and gaining against dominating and exploiting telepaths. It is this conflict, this hidden struggle, which explains why we have to struggle for a better life, world-wide, in all organisations and at all levels. A struggle for participative (democratic) living to enable telepaths and people to co-operate with each other for a better life and living. THE MEANING OF 'DEMOCRACY' {21}Participative (democratic) organisation <6> rests on the population electing representatives, on the basis of each person having one vote. Representatives are responsible to, and accountable to, the population for putting into effect policies decided by the population. What underlies participative organisation (democracy) is decision-taking by the people at the level of the people. What needs to be stressed is that in a participative (democratic) organisation policies are decided by a well-informed population at the level of the population and that policies then become binding on management or government. In an authoritarian organisation the policy decisions are taken at the top or near the top by the hierarchy (establishment) and are binding on the organisation's members. Decision-taking at the top is sometimes referred to as 'deciding centrally'. We see secretive top-level decision-taking. Authoritarian organisation is the opposite of democracy and underlies dictatorship. And what we see is conflict between authoritarian minds wishing to dominate, control and exploit on the one hand and, on the other hand, citizens wishing to maintain and improve the standard of living and quality of life for the population as a whole by democratic (grassroots level) decision-taking. So the real struggle is not between political left and right, but is a struggle for participation (the right to take decisions). PARTICIPATIVE ORGANISATIONThe manager's job is to back his subordinate by removing obstacles from the subordinate's path, the subordinate asking for assistance as the need arises {5}. The elected representative puts into effect the decisions made by the electors, that is policy set by the electors {21}. Experts advise the population about what should, can or cannot be done and about likely consequences either way. Note that people are not told by experts what they must do. The role of experts is to advise. <7> There is open, transparent decision-taking at all levels, anonymity-guaranteed whistle blowing, access to publicity for concerned citizens. <8> Policies, that is what has to be done and by when it has to be done, are decided by the population and at the level of the population. People have the right to exercise their power. As employees by withdrawing their labour, for example by going on strike. As citizens by withdrawing co-operation from the government by protesting, demonstrating, withdrawing support, by replacing the government. Being fully supported by the community when doing so. The extent to which an organisation is participative can be judged by the extent to which these requirements are met. {1, 4} What underlies participative organisation is decision-taking by the many, by the people. This enables telepaths to co-operate with each other and with unaware people, in local group minds, contributing knowledge, understanding and experience for the benefit of the community as a whole. The overall decision is then arrived at by the voting process which combines the results of all local discussions of reasons for and against. What we see is conflict between authoritarian telepathic minds wishing to dominate, control and exploit, and humane telepaths wishing to maintain and improve the standard of living and quality of life for the population as a whole. Participative organisation and co-operation result in economic success. More participative countries have a higher standard of living than those with more authoritarian forms of government. Higher by about three times. {4} A move towards greater centralisation, towards more authoritarian government, corresponds to a more restricted life and lower standard of living. A move towards greater participation corresponds to a higher quality of life and a higher standard of living. {4} Take the USA. A democratic country with high standard of living, a country of great contrasts. Great poverty and suffering, great riches. Much oppression but there is no doubt about the way the population is enabled to struggle and is struggling to achieve a better life for themselves and their children, about their appreciation of the value of democracy (participation) and its principles. A people who have been, and are, achieving much. FORMING AND MANIPULATING PUBLIC OPINIONIn democratic countries people can struggle openly for freedom, independence and good life against the manipulations of the ruling level, of the telepathic ruling level. Telepaths wishing to exploit people would advocate and attempt to install authoritarian management, rule or dictatorship, in all institutions at all levels. There being only relatively few of them, they would struggle to control and manipulate those who are in positions of power and who decide and dispense patronage, and those in opinion-forming positions, so as to mould public opinion by misleading, misinforming and manipulating people. Mass media can in effect condition people away from humane reasonable behaviour towards unreasonable emotional behaviour. Democracy rests on educated citizens who have access to facts, who can form opinions based on facts, who think and reason while guided by humane principles, who take nothing for granted. So a core consideration is the extent to which behaviour is based on reasonable emotions, that is on emotions which can be justified from point of view of human (humane) behaviour. Conditioning towards emotion-based unreasonable behaviour thus attacks democracy's foundations. Behaviour based on unreasonable emotions <9> in effect keeps oppressed people enslaved, often acting against their own interests in favour of the ruling level. To that extent such media conditioning would have the effect of conditioning people towards accepting manipulation and into behaving against their own interests as if it were natural behaviour originating within themselves. <12> This again appears to point to the ruling level as being behind the manipulative process. The process is so widespread that it again seems to point towards the involvement of antisocial telepathic manipulation. Examples of misleading, misinforming and manipulating:
ARTISTS AND WRITERS SPEAKArtists and writers were as far back as twenty-five years ago listing and describing the underlying realities of life and living. The media were even then exposing to public view the hidden reality of closely-knit economic, financial and social organisation for the exploitation of ordinary people There is a big difference in feeling between creatively and intuitively writing about what may be telepathic manipulation and exploitation of people, and objectively analysing and reporting on the corresponding way society is organised for exploiting people. Both are aspects of the same reality and compliment each other to give a better and more comprehensive view and understanding of what is taking place. There are films, plays, cartoons and documentaries, which apparently portray and discuss how a telepathic ruling level attempts to dominate and exploit humane telepaths and the population. Creative writers, artists and producers seem to have described and portrayed the hidden manipulations <10> quite clearly. They illustrate the extent to which what is happening in the world around us, agrees with and closely follows the telepathic group mind theory. The seven plays, films and cartoons reviewed in Appendix 1 appear to describe and illustrate clearly the methods used by what appears to be the telepathic ruling level. The examples date to about twenty-five years ago when such descriptions seem to have been more direct than now. Again and again we see in these examples that opponents of the ruling level are 'mysteriously' manipulated, absorbed or attacked by the ruling level, that is by what appears to be a telepathic ruling level's hidden manipulation of 'ordinary' people and society, as can be seen from the following comments and extracts from Appendix 1: 'THE RULING CLASS'This apparently illustrates how the telepathic ruling level inhumanly attempts to dominate its own members into conforming and also to subdue and terrorise the population. 'THE HALLELUJAH HANDSHAKE'Seems to show church establishments more concerned with their own affairs to the extent of not supporting clergy who believe in caring for believers in need. Apparently the point is being made that this seems so widespread that it is unlikely to be due to chance alone. 'CHARLIE BUBBLES'Seemingly conditions teenagers against their parents. Such conditioning creates a generation gap, distancing children from parents whose first concern would be the welfare of their children. And when combined with conditioning into unreasonable emotional behaviour, makes the young more liable to behave in ways which are harmful to themselves. 'THE HAND'Shows how hidden telepathic manipulation compels an artist into glorifying the manipulators. The film can be taken as an almost open indictment of persecution and telepathic manipulation of persons by telepaths and of the way artists may be misused. 'THE SEAT'Shows how those who struggle their way up to become part of an establishment become absorbed, begin to speak with its voice, tend to forget the interests of the people and serve the establishment. The film seems to attempt to show how a telepathic ruling level rules the people in an authoritarian country through a political party. It applies equally well to organisations in democratic countries. 'CITIZEN KANE'It appears that events and lives are shown as if they were caused by the telepathic ruling level, as if they were manipulated. Those who try to come between a telepathic ruling level and its workers, the ruling level would attempt to isolate by pushing them out of situations of responsibility and power. And personal loneliness would rob them of the emotional support and strength a family would give. 'THE FORGOTTEN FACTOR'Like 'The Seat' above, this play also appears to make the point that those who become part of an establishment become absorbed, begin to speak with the establishment's voice, tend to forget the interests of the people and serve the establishment. It appears as if a telepathic ruling level in this case is presenting its own selfish political ideas and thought injection as if they came from 'god' by claiming divine origin for thoughts which pop up in people's heads. Apparently to give politically motivated thoughts an appearance of divine wisdom and authority which ordinary people could not hope to understand but which they ought to follow. What we have seen in Part 2 (Manipulated Communities and Populations) is how the workings of telepathic group minds affect and determine the way groups of people work and live as well as our opinions. Part 3 (Manipulated Individuals) looks at how telepathic manipulations can affect us as individuals. Appendix 1CREATIVE WRITERS, ARTISTS AND PRODUCERS DESCRIBE AND PORTRAYIt seems that as far back as twenty-five years ago there were creative writers, artists and producers who described and portrayed the hidden manipulations. What follows are descriptions of such creative works, including comments on how their works appear to be describing ruling class and telepathic manipulations and control. 'THE RULING CLASS'The play 'The Ruling Class' shows {6} how 'insane' son succeeds 'insane' father to a peerage. The son's insanity consists of his identifying himself with suffering people elsewhere, feeling and sharing their suffering, which seems like an almost direct statement of his being in telepathic communication with the oppressed, of his feeling sympathy for them. He believes he is 'god', that he is part of that which does good. In darkness a large black beast wrestles with his spirit and subdues, conquers and controls it. From then on he seems to be controlled by a telepathic ruling class group mind, here apparently personified as the black beast, and one would expect his feelings of sympathy for the underdog to disappear. The play shows this to be so. His outward behaviour becomes a little more reasonable and he attempts to hide his 'insanity'. He now joins the ruling class and acts according to its ideas of 'sanity', is declared sane because he and his examiner both went to the same 'public' school. He murders the women who love and help him, getting away with it by blaming an old family servant who happens to have anti-ruling class political opinions. We see him turn a youth against the youth's own father. We see him persuading the psychiatrist who had treated him that any difference in opinion between them can only be due to the psychiatrist's own madness. He finally speaks in the House of Lords, brutally referring to the need for ruling through fear and terror, on the need for the death penalty. At this point he is acclaimed a worthy leader among leaders, a good member of the ruling class. But a ruling class which drives its subjects through fear of punishment uses means such as unemployment and the death penalty to enforce its rule. His compassion and tolerance towards the population, his concern for their welfare, counteract these means and thus are seen by the ruling class as actions against their interest. Members of the ruling class, acting together, take into account only class interest, and he is the odd man out, is behaving abnormally according to the way the ruling class expects its members to behave. Mind battles with mind. The ruling class mind wins and from then on he slides into behaviour which is accepted by the ruling class as normal. To me this is clearly a battle between opposing group minds, between opposing telepathic group minds, and the behaviour he slides into is apparently that which the telepathic ruling class considers to be normal. Having been officially declared 'sane' by an old boy from his public school, he murders the women who love and help him, getting away with it by blaming an old family servant who happens to be anti-establishment. In other words, he is now a member of the ruling class and behaves accordingly. Putting class interest above all other considerations, he murders the women who helped him and passes the blame to those who are against his class, using the ruling class network of old boys to protect himself against accusations. The play similarly shows the ruling class turning children against their parents. The play also appears to show the ruling class eliminating those psychiatrists who do not hold their views, making the point that psychiatry can be used as a means of ensuring that people accept as normal the kind of behaviour that suits the ruling class. The point is also being made that the ruling class rules through fear and terror. 'THE HALLELUJAH HANDSHAKE'The play 'The Hallelujah Handshake' {9} shows Henry, wishing to help those in need, joining church after church, each time putting all the energy he has into helping its community. But when he does his job well, the church's establishment turns against him, no matter the Christian denomination of the church. In the end he is branded a thief by his priest because he takes money from the establishment to help the needy. Those he has helped are silent. Henry, the priest, those whom he helped, could all have spoken up. They do not speak in his defence and he is found guilty. This apparently shows that they did not speak up because their minds were blanketed. 'CHARLIE BUBBLES'A successful writer, a 'working-class chap', returns {10} from an evening out to his luxurious home but the two servants are 'father and mother' figures and immediately start to nag, wanting to know when writer and guest will be going out, when they will be coming back, that good food is being spoiled because they do not tell, and so on. So the writer shoots at a television picture of one of them with a toy pistol. To me it seems that the whole sequence could not more effectively condition teenagers against their parents if it had been designed for this purpose. Further examples are films which appeal purely to the emotion, there generally being no clear story, logical thread or message apart from self-advertisement or inducing emotional responses. Older people, and to the young this means 'your parents', those who 'advise you' or 'tell you what to do' are made out to be fools who do not know what they are talking about, who should be ignored. Such sequences in films and on television are apparently used to condition teenagers against their parents, to turn them artificially against their parents, against learning from the accumulated experience of their parents and elders, and resulting behaviour is then said to have been caused by a 'generation gap'. The term is used to explain away emotional unreasonable behaviour, to explain away the result that another generation has been conditioned to allow itself to be manipulated. It is known that children from families where either one or both parents are held in disrespect are more likely to be delinquent than those from united families. Young people then respond emotionally towards their parents, against accepting advice that would help them, into adopting a course of action that would reduce their chances to do well later on in life, may indeed spoil their future for good. Such emotional response harms the child and thus hurts the parent. As always, when looking at such situations one asks 'who benefits' so as to find the source: As far as I can see only those benefit who wish to weaken the moral fibre and strength of the population, who wish to weaken society so as to make it easier to rule. In other words, it would seem that this example illustrates how a telepathic ruling level manipulates the young, telepathic manipulation being hidden under the thin cover of emotional response. 'THE HAND'The Czech cartoon "The Hand" {8} shows hands as ghostly manipulators, persecuting the professional and craftsman who wants to get on with serving people, with producing good quality and useful work for ordinary people. The cartoon shows him being manipulated like a puppet on strings. If he serves the manipulators through producing useless statues glorifying them, then he is given fame. But if he spends his life chasing after a little beauty, happiness and professional satisfaction, then he is harassed. He has lives on hope, but reward is given only after his death when it cannot do him any good. He is given fame after his death but only after his work has been twisted into the manipulators' 'image', that is, remade or reinterpreted to condition others to serve the manipulators. This film seems to parallel what is experienced by many people. The 'ghostly' (one could equally well put 'telepathic') manipulators apparently represent a ruling level which uses hidden fear and manipulation to compel people to serve it. In this case the artist is being bullied into glorifying the manipulators, into conditioning others to love the manipulator. The film can be taken as an almost open indictment of persecution and telepathic manipulation of persons by telepaths and of the way artists may be misused. Apparently this cartoon describes how monetary success depends on the extent to which an artist's work assists in conditioning the population to serve the ruling level, depends on the extent to which he succeeds in keeping people from thinking about the harsh conditions of their existence and about who really benefits. And on the extent to which his work tranquillises the population, giving it hope of better times or life to come when there really is no hope, and on the extent to which he demoralises the population by persuading them to accept antisocial (for example criminal or promiscuous) activities, weakening the population to reduce likelihood of opposition. 'THE SEAT'The Polish cartoon 'The Seat' {7} shows one spare seat on the ruling level table. The rulers are represented by blue men. The mass of the population or workers fills the hall, a mass of brown men. There is a lot of competition for the spare seat. A fierce struggle develops and one brown man finally gets the spare seat by eliminating his nearest competitor. He takes his seat, all brown men applaud, but he changes: while his label remains brown, he turns blue. He has been absorbed, become one of 'them', one of the blue ruling level. The film seems to refer to communist party rule and so throws light on how the party is ruled from above. It shows how those who struggle their way up to become part of an establishment become absorbed, begin to speak with its voice, tend to forget the interests of the people and serve the establishment. So the film seems to attempt to show how a telepathic ruling level rules the people in an authoritarian country through a political party. It applies equally well to organisations in democratic countries. 'CITIZEN KANE'People's lives are determined by their thoughts and it is said that the good do suffer. 'Citizen Kane' {12} provides a clue to the cause of their suffering. The upstart who gains capital and then uses it to fight the big companies, to fight the ruling level, ends his life amongst his riches in utter loneliness, among the cold unemotional statues with which he has surrounded himself. The ruling level exploits the working level. The ruling level would then attempt to punish those who speak up and act against it. Those who try to come between a telepathic ruling level and its workers, the ruling level would attempt to isolate by pushing them out of situations of responsibility and power. And personal isolation and loneliness would rob them of the emotional support and strength a family would give. 'THE FORGOTTEN FACTOR''The Forgotten Factor' {11} is a play about management and workers in industry. The message is that it is the will of 'god' that management and union leadership should get together and negotiate while trusting each other. Management should trust the union leader because he is stopping his men from organising militant action which could compel management to yield better terms to the men. The manager's son starts to bring manager and union leader together because "thoughts keep on popping up" in his head asking him to do so. The union leader, in the end, apologises for having fought and hated the manager. Working men and women are portrayed as a rowdy rabble. This is a play and the author's story seem to be a comment on employer/worker relationships. But what is happening in the story appears to describe how a telepathic ruling level could manipulate or control its workforce. 'Thoughts keep on popping up' in the head of the manager's son. While we are expected to believe that these are sent by 'god', a much more appropriate, a much more likely, explanation would be that the voices were injected by a telepathic ruling level to make key people behave in a way which favours the ruling level. Voice hearers need to assess what they hear by humane (human) principles of behaviour of care, affection and concern for their fellow human beings and the need to struggle for a better life. But the thoughts (voices) which keep on 'popping up', are on the side of profit-motivated management. They are on the side of what could be an oppressing and exploiting employer and so appear to advocate behaviour against the interests and welfare of the workforce. However, these voices (thoughts) here refer to themselves as coming from 'god', which seems to be intended to give their pronouncements an appearance of goodwill and authority which they would not otherwise have. It appears as if the ruling level in this case presents its own selfish political ideas and thought injection as if they came from 'god' so as to cloak them with a corresponding wisdom and authority which ordinary people could not hope to understand but which they ought to follow. NOTES AND REFERENCESNOTES
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