The Human Mind

Part 3

Manipulated Individuals

by Manfred Davidmann


This report The Human Mind describes a mind theory which allows for telepathic contacts between people and details the available evidence.

Taking a different approach from customary experimentation on volunteers, the investigation was based on the assumption that if there were people who had pronounced telepathic abilities then they would be using their abilities. They would be using these abilities secretly, either for selfish gain and afraid of being found out, or to assist other people and afraid of how people might react when realising that their thoughts could be available to others. So people with telepathic abilities would not volunteer for experiments relating to telepathy. But if there are telepaths using their abilities then such activities can be observed by their effects.

The report describes previously reported work by others which shows that telepathic activity is well known and documented. A considerable amount of telepathic activity is taking place. The mind theories of Freud and of Jung are then reviewed and the 'Group Mind' theory is outlined.

Included in the report are comprehensive but concise reviews of mental health and mental illness, of why people are struggling and what they are struggling against, of the way in which society is organised, of dominance, conflict and co-operation.

The subconscious existence and workings of group minds become apparent by the extraordinary way in which they affect and determine what individuals and communities do. The sections of this report which deal with how we live and struggle, with the way our communities and societies are organised and function, describe how our minds shape our lives, communities and society, and uncover the workings of group minds.

The Group Mind theory of the way in which human minds work is proved by the way in which it explains and predicts human activities and organisation as well as mental problems of individuals and society's social problems. Its insights enable us to solve such problems effectively.

This report 'The Human Mind' on how human minds work and operate, on human group minds, consists of four consecutive parts {12}:

1. The Human Group Mind and How It Works

Describes previously reported work by others which shows that telepathic activity is well known and documented, and looks closely at the work of Freud and of Jung.

The 'Group Mind' theory is outlined and described. There are sections which discuss how conflict arises within the mind, mental health and illness, dominance, creativity and hearing voices.

Shows how our minds shape our lives, communities and society.

2. Manipulated Communities and Populations

The workings of group minds is shown to explain how human communities and society are organised and the consequent confrontations and struggles from dictatorship to democracy.

Discusses how mass media are forming and manipulating public opinions and illustrates how writers and artists have been sensing and expressing the underlying subconscious reality.

3. Manipulated Individuals

Shows how emotional unreasoning behaviour is being reinforced to make it easier to mislead and exploit.

Reviews available information on incidence and causes of psychosomatic illnesses.

4. Freedom, Liberty and Good Life: Overcoming Corrupt Manipulations

The Group Mind theory of the way in which human minds work is proved in Parts 1-3 by the way in which it explains and predicts human activities and organisation as well as mental problems of individuals and society's social problems. Its insights enable us to solve such problems effectively.

When individuals, communities and populations are manipulated, then behaviour is all-important. Part 4 shows how we can overcome corrupt manipulations, how behaviour determines our standard of living and the quality of our lives, and describes the kind of behaviour and social organisation on which depend liberty, freedom and a good and secure life for all.



Unreasoning Behaviour
Ruling Level and Population
Behaviour and Manipulation
Ancient Gods and Myths

Brain and Body Functioning
Telepathic Activities
Brain and Body
Mind and Body
Psychosomatic Illnesses

Cot Deaths (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - SIDS)

Interfering Manipulations and Accidents
Body Movement Control

Constructive Behaviour
Wishful Thinking and Persistent Thoughts
Countering Effects of Stress and Anxiety

Notes <..> and References {..}

Relevant Current and Associated Works

Relevant Subject Index Pages and Site Overview


Part 2 (Manipulated Communities and Populations) showed that the workings of group minds explains how human communities and society are organised, from dictatorship to democracy, and the consequent confrontations and struggles.

It concluded by discussing how mass media are forming and manipulating public opinions and illustrated how writers and artists have been sensing and expressing the underlying subconscious reality.

Part 3 (Manipulated Individuals) shows how emotional unreasoning behaviour is being reinforced to make it easier to mislead and exploit the population.

This is followed by a review of available information on incidence and causes of psychosomatic illnesses, and of cot deaths.



We saw <1> that

humane behaviour is based on feelings of care and affection for the young and for the family, and then for other people and the community. From this emerges a sense of social responsibility: people matter and are important, need to be treated well and looked after, are entitled to share equally. Backed up by knowledge, understanding and reason.

Which means that verbal skills and reason, knowledge and understanding, assessing and evaluating are tools for achieving care, affection and social security for children, family and community, including human rights and welfare and socially responsible behaviour.

All of which aims to serve and strengthen the prime motivation of human beings for human rights and welfare and enables people to co-operate with each other for the common good.

Table 1 'Behaviour' describes evolved human behaviour and its motivation and compares it with the kind of behaviour coming from the top ruling level.

Table 1: Behaviour

Evolved Human(e) Behaviour              Coming from the top ruling levels <7>
Benevolent and compassionate behaviour   Unfeeling, cold, hard, inhuman(e) behaviour
motivated by care and affection for family, community, people   motivated by self-interest regardless of cost to others
strengthened and toughened by knowledge, experience, reason, evaluation, understanding   reinforced by cold reasoning

We are comparing how people behave towards each other. The kind of behaviour which is being disseminated, condoned and encouraged by the top, is quite alien to human beings, is inhuman(e) behaviour and quite different from primitive survival behaviour.

We also saw that there is no conflict in the human mind when both reason and emotion aim to achieve humane behaviour and existence <2>. So conflict results from inhuman motivation coming down from top ruling levels.

It follows that the source of oppression and consequent conflict is inhumane interference with human beings which is coming down from top ruling levels.


Gorer and Rickman {1} investigated social organisation in Russia. What happened in Russia illustrates many of the points made here. Their report is about how the ruling level views the population, about reason and emotion. The ruling level's cold hard intellect is compared with a population motivated by emotions.

In the USSR under 'communism' the population was divided into levels. The ruling level was cultivating cold hard will-power, acted by reason, motivated by self-interest, and organised. The communist party controlled the population. It was regarded as absolutely bad for a communist to allow his will to be subordinate to his emotions, his 'will' being whatever the party said it should be at that moment. That is, he is conditioned to obey the party line (top-level dictates) without questioning.

The ruling level considers that both efforts and violence should be subordinate to the will. The mass of the population consider that these should be responses to appropriate emotions.

The population tends to act more according to emotion than by reasoned evaluation of facts. It tends to follow its leadership, tends to be obedient.

In such circumstances, the oppressed can be persuaded to act against their own interests, and can be divided, by emotional issues. People may then be persuaded to behave unreasonably, swayed by their 'emotions', driven by politicians or clerics.

And the mass of the population in the USSR is exploited, poor and underpaid.

So acting according to emotion can amount to allowing oneself to be manipulated against one's own interests. But it can also be action of the oppressed for a better life, dependent on the principles of behaviour people believe in.

A similar situation exists in the West, to the extent that the ruling level's speech is precise and controlled, indicating will-power, and that the ruling level keeps itself to itself, looking after its own interests in cold hard fashion. The upper level cultivates will-power, the masses are swayed through emotion. The masses are apparently being conditioned to accept emotional, and thus unreasonable, behaviour as something normal and even desirable.

People may be motivated to act in ways which may be completely illogical or senseless, but would not do so if they were 'in their senses' or if they 'knew what they were doing'. They are often manipulated into acting against common sense, against their own interest, for someone else's benefit.

It is the ruling level (top-level decision-takers and opinion-formers) who attempt to move the population away from 'reasonable behaviour directed by human(e) principles' towards unreasonable behaviour which in effect serves the top.

Such manipulation amounts to weakening the population by moving them into unquestioning obedience. And we saw this kind of manipulation being applied in western democracies through the mass media <8>.


People are behaving unreasonably when they behave without thinking, without reasoning and without evaluating what they are doing against humane principles of behaviour and against reality.

People who behave like this attempt to justify what they are doing by saying they 'know' (regardless of reality) that what they are doing is 'right' (regardless of its effects on other people), that they 'believe' they are doing the right thing. Beliefs are personal opinions which are supposed to be true and often strongly felt, which are often unrelated to, and could be contrary to, reality.

So unreasonable behaviour would seem to be driven by emotion. People who behave unreasonably are apparently being manipulated through their emotions.

Their emotions are apparently being used to condition and motivate people, to mislead and manipulate people into willingly following, obeying and serving the top ruling levels.


Throughout history and all over this planet, people and communities cherish and pass on, from one generation to the next, stories of people with unusual or superhuman powers, of 'gods' in human shape, at times with beastly features, of how they struggled with each other and of the outcome. Common is the struggle between good and evil.

And it would seem that most of these traditions and beliefs are descriptions of what a few 'god-like' people, a few people with advanced telepathic abilities, could do and did. Of how they struggled with each other. Of the struggles between those who exploited, manipulated and enslaved people and those who struggled against them on behalf of people for a good life free from oppression and exploitation.

Consider what we know of Greek mythology. We find stories of gods struggling with each other by manipulating people and events to see who is stronger and so determines what is done. We can see sequences which in principle correspond to what is taking place nowadays. Like events moving first one way, then the other, and so on. Treating human beings like pawns, struggling with and inside their minds. How gods argued about, motivated, manipulated and dealt with, ordinary people. How gods struggled with and inside the minds of ordinary people.

We see manipulations which seem arbitrary when not related to the struggle between 'good' and 'evil'.


Before the appearance of religions with their sophisticated social systems and rules of behaviour, people believed in superstitions about the supernatural. These superstitions may have presented a then plausible view of what was happening but appear to have been used to terrorise the population into obedience and to eliminate any opposition to the hierarchy.

Such superstitions are still in evidence today. Beliefs such as those connected with or about psychic phenomena, ghosts, life after death, and so on. What can now be appreciated is that evidence put forward for such views could simply be the result of a telepathic manipulation, and this includes hearing speech in one's mind and the seeing of images, of visions.

Superstitious beliefs reinforce unthinking behaviour and so make a population more pliant, easier to mislead and exploit.

Religions teach what is good and should be done, what is bad and should not be done {4} and provide guidance on how to survive and prosper, on how to lead good lives of high quality.

However, there are movements and so-called religions which condition and brainwash their members into working so as to enrich the founders or the establishment, or which brainwash members into obediently working for and serving the leadership in unquestioning obedience. {4}

Also one has to appreciate that when it suits their purpose those who run countries will encourage and use religion. Such a 'religion' may be used as a tranquilliser to prevent the population from complaining about being downtrodden and exploited, when the message the religion spells out is 'never mind a hard life now, reward will come in the next life'. Religion may be used in an attempt to give aim and purpose and thus strength to a people who are falling apart. Another example is when a religion is used at a time of war as a kind of stimulating driving force with 'god' helping the side one happens to be on. Or religion may be misused to divide people against each other, for example when religion is used as a way of persuading some people into attacking those who believe in freedom, into attacking those who are on the side of the people as a whole. {4}

Belief is something one 'knows' to be true regardless of reality. And religious beliefs are generally based on written works or teachings of 'divine inspiration', of writing down or of teaching the word of a divine being.

Many beliefs are likely to have been of telepathic origin, being taught and written down by 'voice hearers'. Hence it is not surprising that some 'religions' preach obedience, and sometimes absolute obedience, to their own hierarchies or to secular leaderships while tranquillising their followers into allowing themselves to be controlled and exploited willingly.

Teaching something like

the ruling level (or levels) rules by divine will,

to accept exploitation and oppression willingly without complaining or objecting,

that one may torture and kill, oppress and exploit, in the name of religion,

that its own top level should take over political power and rule the whole population.

It appears that 'fundamentalist' religions, sects and organisations generally condition their adherents into blind obedience to the dictates of their figurehead(s) (head office establishment) combined with subservience towards authoritarian rulers and their establishments. {10}

Subservience of 'fundamentalists' to the dictates of the rulers becomes evident when one considers what fundamentalists stand for, that is what they aim to achieve in this life. Here one should consider particularly the social content of their teachings and their actions towards people. They are trying to persuade us to accept the hardships and suffering we suffer so unnecessarily, misusing 'religion' for making us subservient to the exploiter. {10}

It is common for a top-level leadership to attempt to hide the real aims of a religion, cult or movement by focusing the attention of their followers into hatred against outsiders. Usually against those following humane and socially fair and equitable beliefs.

Primarily one must ask 'who gains', because it is the person who gains who is the originator, who is controlling, who is being served by the 'religion'. {10}

The questions one must ask about any religion are 'who benefits', who gains, who or what is favoured or supported by its teachings or beliefs, who or what is being preached against. To see what they are for, to see what they are against. {10}

A good life of high quality is now available to all individuals on this planet. It is our choice whether we now organise to achieve this or whether we continue to let so many millions suffer and starve, be oppressed and exploited. {10}

Wherever there is extreme poverty and suffering and pain you are likely to find aid teams from democratic countries, you are likely to find Christians and Jews who are struggling on the side of the oppressed, providing material aid and help, encouragement and guidance, to suffering and oppressed people, without thought of personal gain {10}. The point I am trying to make is that the original underlying teachings of these faiths are based on serving God by helping people to a better life here and now in this life, in full agreement with and supporting participative (democratic) forms of government, and so underlie the high standard of living and quality of life found in democratic countries. {13, 4}



It is accepted that arising from the subconscious, that is of unknown origin, we

can be put temporarily under a state of duress, of compulsive thinking and acting, that the wrong word can be slipped into one's mouth, that one can be made to forget the name of the person one is about to introduce, that we can hear 'voices' having a thoroughly personal character. <2>

And that ideas, suggestions or comments about a subject can suddenly appear in one's conscious mind even while one is doing something quite unconnected with that subject. Appearing as thoughts and ideas expressed in one's own language, at times as images which are language-independent. Of unknown origin, of unknown purpose. <3>

In other words, what we have seen is that some people are apparently being influenced as well as manipulated by others who have such ability and that this appears to be taking place routinely.

We saw writers record that at times their pens were writing as if guided by someone else, that at times they had been compelled to write something very different from what they had planned. <3>

And that people are listening to projected thoughts (hearing 'voices') which can have knowledge and skills beyond the receiver's comprehension, which can inform and guide as well as mislead. People may at times be listening to two voices speaking to each other. <4>

And people may receive ideas visually when awake and by way of dreams which communicate primarily by images, and these are independent of language. Dreams also occasionally contain information beyond the experience, knowledge or understanding of the dreamer, and some people consider that dreams may be understood as messages sent to 'guide' or sent to 'destroy'. <1>

So it appears that telepathic communications and telepathic manipulation of a person's speech and body movements, are established facts.

Further, we are able to communicate intentionally (that is 'consciously') with our autonomic nervous system and by visualising ask it to control body functions and to affect our body's immune system. Clinical trials have shown remarkable success in areas such as the treatment of cancer and heart disease. In other words, we can consciously modify the mind's subconscious control of body functions. {3}

Which leads one to the logical deduction that physical symptoms and illnesses can be caused, and cured, telepathically.

And now we are taking a few careful steps forward into the less-well known, looking at reported telepathic manipulations which to an even greater degree amount to uncalled-for interference, attack and even torture.

That such manipulations amount to interference, attack and torture, explains why so much effort has been spent on keeping telepathic manipulations secret, on discrediting the evidence of those who become aware of telepathic manipulations. <5>


The brain controls and affects body functioning in two ways {9}, namely

through the nerves which, for example, link the brain to the immune system, and

by messenger hormones travelling from the brain through the blood.

'Current belief is that it is these hormones which have the greater effect on the immune system.' So that 'when activated by stress the brain intervenes via the hormonal pathway'.

One of these messenger hormones is cortisol. This increases in the blood and has a major effect on the immune system. Reportedly 'a cortisol change can change an animal from being totally resistant to arthritis to one which gets arthritis'.

Conditioning can create and strengthen neural pathways which associate {3} a trigger with a response. Associating say smell or taste with a desired strengthening or weakening of the immune system or with body functions. A process of memorising by unconscious learning.


In general, the functional activities of the right hemisphere of the human brain are that it
communicates using images (pictures), has highly developed spatial abilities, is intuitive and imaginative, concerned with a wide range of emotions and feelings. {3}

The right hemisphere links to the primitive older part of the brain, and key findings {3} have been

that the right hemisphere of the human brain communicates using images with the brain's older and more primitive component organs which have no verbal skills, that is with its 'unconscious' functions.

And that this enables us to communicate intentionally (that is 'consciously') with our autonomic nervous system and by visualising ask it to control body functions and to affect our body's immune system. {3}

Clinical trials of visualising have shown remarkable success in areas such as the treatment of cancer and heart disease. {3}

Strong feelings and emotions affect the immune system.

Anxiety and stress lower the response of the immune system and possibly reduce felt-pain in an emergency. Long-term stress also lowers the response of the immune system. Stress can, for example, appreciably increase the time taken for small wounds to heal.

So stress lowers the response of the immune system. And if stress reduces the activity of the immune system, then reducing stress, that is relaxing, increases it.

Training patients to visualise and to relax has successfully slowed down the progress of cancer and heart disease and reduced side-effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and vomiting. {9}

What I have said about the effects of stress applies equally well to those who see themselves as pressurised by others, under attack, whose immune system would be weakened to some extent, and who would be more likely to be afflicted by various ailments, illnesses, diseases.


Psychosomatic illnesses are physical changes, ailments, disorders, illnesses, diseases which are somehow caused by or through the mind, subconsciously, that is which seem to be associated with mind processes of which the patient is not aware, which are of unknown origin.

Some illnesses which seem suspect and which ought to be investigated further, are listed below. Included are those the experts regard as being caused by the 'mind' and those reportedly caused by intentional interference from outside the afflicted person.

The list is an overview based on readily available information which may well be incomplete or inadequate. It may contain uncertain information which would need to be confirmed by others more expert in such matters before using it for treating such conditions.

But this list of apparently externally induced illnesses is a step towards finding, publishing and investigating ways of coping with, and countering as well as curing, the conditions listed below:

Migraine, Headaches, Sudden fainting fits, Dizziness

Such symptoms may be caused by restricting blood flow to the brain.

For example, it has been reported that
At the start of the (migraine) headache, blood flow to a small region at the rear of the brain was reduced by about 30 per cent when blood-vessels constricted. The decrease in blood flow then spread across the surface of the brain, ... {14}

Ringing noise in ears

Apparently also caused by a restriction in blood flow.

Heart Action

Speeding up or slowing down of heartbeat rate. Palpitations, heart attack.

Liver Action

Liver action appears to be controlled, triggered and restricted, from a particular centre in the brain. The liver is under the control of the autonomic nervous system. It may be significant that the liver appears to be affected by the emotions.

Low Back Pain

We know little about low back pain. It can happen at the same time as depression, worry, unhappiness, tension. Low back pain has been mentioned as being externally induced in Internet newsgroups.

Ulcers; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Diarrhoea; Flatulence

May possibly be caused by long-term stress or anxiety.


Asthma attacks may be brought on by stress or fear.


'When activated by stress, the brain intervenes via the hormonal pathway', and 'a cortisol change can change an animal from being totally resistant to arthritis to one which gets arthritis'. {9}

Rheumatoid arthritis seems to be started off by some sort of infection, rather like a sore throat.

Emotions and Feelings

Some emotions, panic attacks, fatigue have been mentioned in Internet newsgroups as having been induced by external sources.

Muscle Inflammations

There are muscle inflammations and pains which come and go without their cause being known. Once the inflammation of a nerve or muscle has started, as in tendonitis, it is difficult to cure, taking a long time. Examples are tennis elbow which is an inflammation of the tendon, and inflammation of the brain.


We are apparently unaware of the role of tonsils. At the present state of our medical knowledge, why are tonsils being removed from so many young people?


Skin Rashes; Warts; Boils
Colds; Nose Congestion (for example, sinusitis); Dripping Nose
Sneezes (sudden, often violent)
Varicose Veins; Piles


Babies can die while sleeping in their cot, suddenly and unexpectedly, for no known reason.

The sudden unexpected death while sleeping of a healthy baby for which no specific cause has been found, is called a 'cot death', sometimes referred to as 'sudden infant death syndrome' (SIDS).

It was known in 1973 that up to 3,000 babies died each year in the UK between one month and one year old.

So cot death is a major killer. Peak period of risk is between two and four months old. About 85 percent are under six months old. About 60 percent are boys, 40 percent are girls. Most babies die alone in their cot.

Apparently cot death is more likely to happen in families with a socially disadvantaged background and with young mothers, which points to the importance of publicising ways of avoiding cot death from happening.

It was in 1991 that a television documentary {5} pointed out that New Zealand's cot death rate being the highest in the world, its government funded a major three-year research effort. By publicising its findings nationally, the cot death rate was halved in New Zealand in six months, from 4 to 2 deaths per 1,000 live births.

The documentary made the points that the UK's Department of Health knew about New Zealand's achievements in this field for months but had not publicised the New Zealand findings. A Bristol (UK) hospital had been able to reduce the cot death rate by 40 per cent and the government had not helped to spread the findings. But the UK government was apparently galvanised into action when the documentary was televised and the UK cot death rate dropped to about half within a year or so.

It seems that too little was done in the UK about finding and publicising likely causes of cot death so as to eliminate them.

Bedsharing appears to increase the risk. Sleeping on stomach, mothers who smoke, not being breast-fed were found to be risk factors associated with cot deaths. All three together increased the risk enormously.

The New Zealand study also indicated that the colder the climate, the greater the cot death rate. Most deaths occur in winter including late autumn and early spring. So body temperature seemed a factor. Prior to their deaths, SIDS babies were usually found to be sweaty on awakening {8}. And it seems that people are now being advised {6} not to let the baby get too hot, and to keep its head uncovered.

Relevant may be that cot deaths are apparently almost unknown in countries like Japan, China and Hong Kong {5} whose lifestyle tends to be less confrontational as people strive not to cause another person to lose face.

There are fewer deaths of this kind in countries where babies are close to other people for much of the time, which includes sleeping in the same room. Babies who shared their bedrooms with adults had a much-reduced risk of death {7} and it has been suggested that cots should be put in parents' bedrooms.

It has been reported that
More babies died of SIDS on weekends than would be expected by chance, with 11 percent of the deaths occurring when the infants were away from home. {8}

Much progress has been made. But of concern is that in the UK it was apparently only as a result of Anne Diamond's 1991 TV documentary {5} that the government took effective action.

Cot death has for many years been, and still is, the most common cause of death in infancy. In 1997 in the UK there was about 1 cot death per 1,000 live births.

Breastfeeding seems to reduce the likelihood of cot death and this may point to the immune system.

It has been reported that the likelihood of cot death is much reduced when infants share their bedroom with adults but appears to be increased when the infant is away from home. These observations are of concern as they seem to point towards effects of human intervention and one would like more information about what is causing such effects.

We now know a good deal about how the human mind works {3} and it seems that what needs to be looked at are the autonomic nervous system, the immune system, and heart functioning as well as breathing mechanisms.



We saw earlier that controlling another person's body movements was possible and taking place.

Automatic writing was one example <3>. Other examples are unintentional movements of limbs, unintentional sudden movements such as biting one's lips.

Which brings one to the more complex problem of accidents at home, while driving or at work, and so on. A doctor may, for example, unintentionally infect himself with the needle just used for giving an intravenous injection.

And there are unintentional movements of hands and limbs, for example when hitting a wrong key on a computer keyboard, which are not uncommon.

What appears to be taking place is that an individual's thoughts are interrupted by an injected thought sequence. While this is happening he seems fully 'occupied' as if he were in a deep state of concentration. Then the body-movement manipulation.

Hand movements like inserting a key into a keyhole may become uncertain, the key missing the hole the first time. Happens when such movements become conscious, when a person starts thinking about doing them when doing them, this being the injected thought sequence. This is the same sequence. The conscious mind is occupied with thoughts and then the manipulated hand movement.

The same blanketing appears at times to be taking place when driving, for limited short time only, and seemingly in the same or nearly the same location. May point to cause of 'accident black spots' and should be identifiable by mathematical analysis.


It appears that people can be both made to sleep and awakened by telepathy.

In one form of 'mental' illness the patient, at odd times, suddenly feels tired. He may, and sometimes does, suddenly fall asleep.

Russian scientists have shown that people can be wakened up by a mental command {2), and also that one person can put another to sleep, and wake him up, using mental contact only. So it may well be that when some people suddenly fall asleep, apparently unable to keep themselves awake, that they are being affected and sent to sleep by a telepath, that this is a telepathic manipulation.

A similarly caused effect may be when one's attention wanders, when one misses some relevant part of what is being said or seen, just that bit which is the clue to meaning and understanding.

And we saw earlier <6>:

An example of what appears to have been telepathic blanketing in an opinion-forming situation was recorded at the crucial end of a televised live discussion on MMR vaccination of children {11}. This combined vaccination protects against three childhood diseases, namely Mumps, Measles and Rubella (MMR). The vaccines are combined into one 'cocktail' vaccine.

Arguing against the establishment's view that this cocktail was best, was the spokesperson of a self-help pressure group speaking for 800 families whose infants had been braindamaged and maimed for life (brain inflammation, autism, Chronos disease) following such a combined vaccination.

Her point was that no such side-effects occurred when the individual vaccines were given separately. The Japanese had reverted to giving the vaccines separately because of the high incidence of side-effects when giving the combined vaccine. So the UK should do the same and give the vaccines separately. She was just going to substantiate her point by quoting a statement made in the House of Commons when - suddenly - she could not continue and had to say "sorry, lost the trend".



Wishful thinking can provide hope and motivate. What matters here also is whether one's thoughts are positive and constructive or the opposite. What matters are the principles by which one lives.

To believe in something is to accept the something without question, to accept it as being so regardless of reality, to accept it as being so on the authority of the source of the information because it is beyond one's understanding.

Here again what matters is the content of one's beliefs, what matters are the principles by which one lives.

A persistent idea or thought may keep popping up in our mind. We may be tempted, feel the urge, to do something against our conscious wishes.

Among persistent thoughts and ideas are convictions that uncertain effects are real regardless of whether this is so. When convictions (say about beneficial effects of a particular food or about one's abilities or capabilities) override one's critical faculties, they begin to rule one's life, they take over. We are then, in effect, handing over control over what we do to the source of the conviction, to what may well be a telepathic source. Doing so to the extent to which our actions are determined by the conviction.

As long as one accepts that the effect appears possible or likely but could well be mistaken, one retains one's control over one's actions.

And we are responsible and accountable for how we behave, for what we do, for our actions.


It appears that hurt and pain, oppression and exploitation, suffering and hardship, can and should be transformed and countered by an applied sense of social responsibility, by a sense of common purpose and co-operation between people working together in teams, by a sense of, and by the satisfaction of, achievement in locating, countering and overcoming the source of the suffering.



<1>     {12} Part 1 quoting from {3}
<2>   See {12} Part 1: 'Conflict within the Mind'
<3>   See {12} Part 1: 'Creativity'
<4>   See {12} Part 1: 'Hearing Voices'
<5>   See {12} Part 1: 'Generating and Enforcing Conformity'
<6>   See {12} Part 1: 'Manipulated Middle Class'
<7>   See {12} Part 2: 'What People are Struggling Against: How Society is Organised for Controlling and Exploiting People'
<8>   See {12} Part 2: 'Forming and Manipulating Public Opinion'


{ 1}     The People of Great Russia,
G. Gorer and J. Rickman
The Cresset Press London, 1949
{ 2}   A Telepathy Success for Russians
Guardian, 10/10/66
{ 3}   How the Human Brain Developed and How the Human Mind Works
Manfred Davidmann
{ 4}   Struggle for Freedom: The Social Cause-and-effect Relationship
Manfred Davidmann
{ 5}   This Week: Every Mother's Nightmare
Reporter: Anne Diamond
Television Documentary
Televised in UK 31/10/91
{ 6}   Cot deaths up again after big decline over six years
Chris Mihill
Guardian, 28/08/97
{ 7}   Sharing bedroom with parents cuts cot death risk
[From Lancet, 6 January 1996, page 7]
Medical Update; 'Health Which?', April 1996
{ 8}   National Scottish Case Control Study of SIDS
A four year case control investigation of risk factors for SIDS, 1992 to 1995
{ 9}   Horizon: Mind over Body
Television Documentary
Televised in UK 18/9/97
{10}   Liberation Theology: Basis - Past - Present - Future
Manfred Davidmann
{11}   Early morning discussion on MMR vaccination of children
GMTV, 17/7/97
{12}   The Human Mind:
    Part 1: The Human Group Mind and How It Works
    Part 2: Manipulated Communities and Populations
    Part 3: Manipulated Individuals
    Part 4: Freedom, Liberty and Good Life: Overcoming Corrupt Manipulations
    Manfred Davidmann
Manfred Davidmann
{14}   'Lucky' migraine gives scientists a brainwave
Thomas Maugh
Guardian, 27/12/94
{15}   Using Words to Communicate Effectively
Manfred Davidmann

Relevant Current and Associated Works

Other relevant current and associated reports by Manfred Davidmann:
Title   Description
How the Human Brain Developed and How the Human Mind Works   Describes clearly what happens while sleeping, role of dreaming, meaning of dreams. Functioning of the two halves of the human brain is related to the autonomic nervous and the immune systems. Shows how human behaviour is affected by primitive instincts.
Motivation Summary   Reviews and summarises past work in Motivation. Provides a clear definition of 'motivation', of the factors which motivate and of what people are striving to achieve.
The Will to Work: What People Struggle to Achieve   Major review, analysis and report about motivation and motivating. Covers remuneration and job satisfaction as well as the factors which motivate. Develops a clear definition of 'motivation'. Lists what people are striving and struggling to achieve, and progress made, in corporations, communities, countries.
What People are Struggling Against: How Society is Organised for Controlling and Exploiting People   Report of study undertaken to find out why people have to struggle throughout their adult lives, in all countries, organisations and levels, to maintain and improve their standard of living and quality of life. Reviews what people are struggling against.
Family, Sex and the Individual; Women's Liberation, Feminism and Community   This report investigates casual sex and its effects on individuals, family and community. It examines the role of the family in bringing up children and relates dominance and confrontation within the family to that in the working environment.
Social Responsibility, Profits and Social Accountability   Incidents, disasters and catastrophes are here put together as individual case studies and reviewed as a whole. We are facing a sequence of events which are increasing in frequency, severity and extent. There are sections about what can be done about this, on community aims and community leadership, on the world-wide struggle for social accountability.
Social Responsibility and Accountability: Summary   Outlines basic causes of socially irresponsible behaviour and ways of solving the problem. Statement of aims. Public demonstrations and protests as essential survival mechanisms. Whistle-blowing. Worldwide struggle to achieve social accountability.

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Relevant Subject Index Pages and Site Overview

The Site Overview page has links to all individual Subject Index Pages which between them list the works by Manfred Davidmann which are available on the Internet, with short descriptions and links for downloading.

To see the Site Overview page, click Overview

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Copyright    ©    1998    Manfred Davidmann
All rights reserved worldwide.

20/12/98 Completed
08/03/99 To Website
21/03/99 Parts 2 and 3: Title changed; Added note about Part 4.
02/06/02 Added 'Relevant Current and Associated Works'

Updated   2021  -  the following links were added:
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