Multinational Summits and Agreements,
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SummaryRecently negotiated top-level trading agreements appear to be taking control over key aspects of the internal affairs of participating countries, taking control away from elected governments, giving the control to multinational corporations and top-level organisations. The information given here was extracted largely from two reports {1, 2}, part of a study undertaken to explore why people have to struggle throughout their adult lives, in all countries and organisations, at all levels, to maintain and improve their standard of living and quality of life. We know what people are struggling to achieve {3, 4} and the study was undertaken to explore why people have to struggle by looking at what they are struggling against <1>. Participative Organisation: The Meaning of 'Democracy' <2>Participative (democratic) organisation {2} rests on the population electing representatives, on the basis of each person having one vote. Representatives are responsible to, and accountable to, the population for putting into effect policies decided by the population. What underlies participative organisation (democracy) is decision-taking by the people at the level of the people. What needs to be stressed is that in a participative (democratic) organisation policies are decided by a well-informed population at the level of the population and that these policies then become binding on management or government. <3> And representatives, governments or government officials do not have the authority or right to reduce or sign away the participative (democratic) rights of the electors, of the population. In an authoritarian organisation the policy decisions are taken at the top or near the top by the hierarchy (establishment) and are binding on the organisation's members. Decision-taking at the top is sometimes referred to as 'deciding centrally'. Authoritarian organisation is the opposite of democracy and underlies dictatorship. What we see all around us is conflict between authoritarian minds wishing to dominate, control and exploit on the one hand and, on the other hand, citizens wishing to maintain and improve the standard of living and quality of life for the population as a whole by democratic (grassroots level) decision-taking. What we see is top-level leaderships trying to take over decision-taking from the population. So the real struggle is not between political left and right, but is a struggle for participation (the right to take decisions). Agreements between Top-level LeadershipsTop-level leaderships by agreements between themselves and without proper democratic authority for doing so, are apparently attempting to take over decision-taking from the population, are attempting in this way to negate democratic decision-taking. The 'General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade' (GATT)GATT is a treaty between many countries in which they agreed that changed and new life-forms can be owned by multinational corporations, generation after generation. {5} The GATT agreement apparently gives exclusive protection to patent holders for 20 years and imposes strict enforcement criteria. Huge royalty payments will have to be made to multinational corporations. 'Astonishingly, the rules place the onus of proof in case of dispute on the farmers, a provision going against normal rules of justice' {7}. The resulting costs could prevent the vast mass of small farmers from disputing the source of the seeds they are using. {5} So multinational corporations have been given ownership over new life-forms and the power to force farmers worldwide to pay the multinational each year for seeds even when these seeds were grown by the farmer the previous year. {5} It appears that GATT serves the interests of multinationals, that is of those who own and control them, at the expense of the economic and social interests and welfare of individual countries, of their people, of their citizens. {5} And that a situation has been created in which the nature of profit-motivated and profit-orientated multinationals threatens human independence and freedom. {5} In 1998 a US multinational 'announced plans to unravel the entire human genetic code by 2001', saying it intended to patent 'the most valuable gene sequences', and to sell the information to scientific institutions and drug companies. {8} Combining this information with recent developments concerning the cloning of animals and human beings raises disturbing and even fearful prospects. 'Ownership' has been defined as 'the right to possess an item of property' and so one has to look closely at where the right comes from and how it is exercised. Ownership rights are the property of a country's citizens and communities {9, 10}. No elected representative, government or government employee has overriding fundamental authority to hand over to multinational corporations (that is to those who own and control them {11}), or to anyone else, such ownership rights. So it would seem that the patent provisions of the GATT agreement are big-business-serving and arbitrary. {9, 5} The 'Multilateral Agreement on Investment' (MAI)MAI stands for 'Multilateral Agreement on Investment'. But its name does not reflect those aspects which are of deep concern. What is disturbing are not only the provisions of this proposed treaty but also that the provisions were debated in almost complete secrecy. It appears that representatives of multinationals and governments representing the 29 richest industrialised countries, all OECD members, had been developing the MAI's provisions at the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) since 1995. This seems to have been done in complete secrecy till a leaked copy became available on the Internet in 1997. It seems that the agreement was to have been finalised in February 1998. Apparently it was adverse publicity relating to its restrictive provisions which delayed completion as concerned groups of citizens publicised their concerns. And some governments have now withdrawn their support. So let us look at the kind of provisions this almost-agreed agreement on 'Multilateral Agreement on Investment' contained {12, 13}:
We saw that multinationals can legally avoid paying corporation tax by transfer pricing {15} and that unitary taxation <4> {14, 15} can overcome this tax avoidance by assessing the actual profits being generated by a multinational in a particular country. Multinationals could, under MAI, have refused to be taxed by a system of unitary taxation. Socially responsible and caring governmental legislation has to take precedence over the profit-motivated activities of corporations. But it appears that under MAI the national governments would have handed over control, that is authority to act, over much of the economic and social welfare of their citizens to multinational corporations, that is to those who own and direct these corporations {11}, if they had agreed to this treaty. In other words, multinationals would have been given overriding authority over democratically elected governments. ConclusionsAuthoritarian Struggle to Take Over and Control Decision-taking by Transferring it to LeadersAuthoritarian minds attempt to take over and place democratically controlled organisations under authoritarian control. They do so by struggling to take over the decision-taking in the management and control of companies, enterprises and all types of community organisations. We can see the struggle in all organisations and at all levels. It is a struggle against authoritarian management or government for the right to take decisions. And in all democratic organisations it is a struggle against the authoritarian mind taking over the decision-taking. A continuous battle is taking place between on the one hand policy-deciding by the many through elected assemblies, and on the other hand policy-deciding at the top, by a few. This is clearly shown by the way in which full-time officials and executives attempt to take power away from their policy-setting assemblies, after which they attempt to impose their will on the membership or population. The government's role of keeping the system in operation and of transferring vast funds from the working population to leaderships {1}, explains the intense struggle going on within political parties for control of decision-taking (policy-setting), with authoritarian minds attempting to concentrate decision-taking in the hands of the top-level party leadership. These attempts to take over and control decision-taking processes are far more one-sided than would be the case if we were looking at unrelated chance events, at unrelated local struggles. At times the pattern seems progressive as if it were planned. Agreements between Top-level LeadershipsRecently negotiated top-level trading agreements (GATT and the proposed MAI) appear to be taking away the control over key aspects of the internal affairs of participating countries. Taking control away from their elected governments, giving the control to multinational corporations. It appears that the 'General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade' (GATT) serves the interests of multinationals, that is of those who own and control them, at the expense of the economic and social interests and welfare of individual countries, of their people, of their citizens. {5} And it would seem that the patent provisions of the GATT agreement are big-business-serving and arbitrary. {5, 9} MAI stands for 'Multilateral Agreement on Investment'. But its name does not reflect those aspects which are of deep concern. What is disturbing are not only the provisions of this proposed treaty but also that the provisions were debated in complete secrecy till a leaked copy became available on the Internet in 1997. It appears that under MAI the national governments would have handed over control, that is authority to act, over much of the economic and social welfare of their citizens to multinational corporations (that is to those who own and direct these corporations), if they had agreed to this treaty. In other words, multinationals would have been given overriding authority over democratically elected governments. And that a situation has been created in which the nature of profit-motivated and profit-orientated multinationals threatens human independence and freedom. {5} Socially responsible and caring governmental legislation has to take precedence over the profit-motivated activities of corporations. Secrecy and PublicityWe saw that the MAI's provisions were discussed in complete secrecy and that it was adverse publicity relating to its restrictive provisions which delayed completion of the MAI as concerned groups of citizens publicised their concerns. We also saw that consequently some governments withdrew support. A company, corporation, multinational organisation or meeting, can serve as a front behind which those who take key decisions can hide, as a front for owners, directors or top-level individuals. All multinational and so-called 'summit' meetings are suspect. Suspect are also multinational, international, global organisations, too often run by unelected self-perpetuating hierarchies, holding secretive meetings arriving at secretive social, economic or military agreements and treaties. Social Struggle, Aims and ActionSo profits and power are apparently being maximised regardless of the cost to others, to the community. Without care or concern for the condition, standard of living or quality of life of the working population. Without being concerned about the enormous human suffering which results. What we see are consequences of decisions made at the top, and the results of putting them into effect. Results and consequences which at times make the decisions seem so brutal that they appear inhuman. What underlies democracy is decision-taking by the people at the level of the people. But what we see is top-level leaderships trying to take over decision-taking from the population. Secretive top-level multinational meetings and agreements negate democratic government and decision-taking, without having overriding authority or right to do so. But representatives, governments or government officials do not have the authority or right to override, reduce or sign away the participative (democratic) rights of the electors, of the population.
Decision-taking by leaderships has to be replaced by decision-taking at the level of the people. The real struggle is not between political left and right, but is a struggle for participation (the right to take decisions). Leaderships fear bad publicity, fear public awareness of socially irresponsible behaviour and consequent impact on sales and market share, on an individual's career or on an organisation's reputation and credibility. So an effective control of corporate and top-level irresponsibility is publicity of what is being planned or being done, making the public aware of who did or is doing what, and of who condoned or omitted to restrain, antisocial or antidemocratic activities. Particularly so when publicity names those responsible for making antisocial decisions, and those responsible for condoning, or for omitting to restrain, antisocial activities. References and NotesNotes
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