Welcome toChurch and State, Government and Religion:Religion, Government and Education![]() By Manfred Davidmann![]() |
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Overview: Church and State, Government and ReligionThis report is one of a series, which together lay bare the controversies between church and state, between religious belief and practice on the one hand, and the government on the other. Each work is self-standing but together they provide the knowledge needed for understanding the causes of conflicts and point to solving them. The works in this series bring together findings and conclusions from Manfred Davidmann's published reports and provide new knowledge and insights, exploring their subject in depth, generally in advance of current knowledge.
Education or Indoctrination: Who is to Teach What to WhomThere are now Christian sects who stand up for morality and chastity against the socially corrupting promiscuity of the societies in which they live, to the extent of withdrawing their children from the state school system of their host societies, consequently suffering much stress and strain. Another reason for withdrawing from the state educational system is to ensure that their children are taught the Bible's <1> record of how the planet and human beings were created, instead of how the planet was formed and how human beings evolved by natural selection. The struggle is to educate, to educate our children to live good lives as human beings. On the one hand state school systems may teach socially-corrupting politically-convenient biased information and principles {20-24} while on the other parents may believe that their religious beliefs about morality and behaviour provide a fundamentally better and more rewarding way of life and living {3, 7}. Some countries allow children to be taught and educated while allowing for their parents' expressed humane beliefs. Other countries insist that children be educated in state schools according to the state's preferences about what has to be taught and about what must not be taught. This brings us to the present position in Germany where some Christian groups <2> refuse to let their children be educated in state schools because of what is seen by them as socially corrupting promiscuity which is propagated under the guise of 'sex education' and because state schools teach the science of evolution by natural selection instead of the creation of the planet and human beings as told in the Bible (Pentateuch) <1>. In Germany these parents face fines and jail as a consequence of withdrawing their children from the state school system. In the USA there is much pressure from influential, at times powerful, Christian fundamentalists insisting that state education (in some states) teach the Bible's (Pentateuch's) record of creation instead of the science of evolution by natural selection. Religion, Government and EducationExpressed in everyday language, since about 1960 I have investigated the social organisation of life and living on this planet, the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch, and the meaning and intent of Genesis <3>, and made and published many original discoveries. Expressed in the language of religion, I revealed them. Visiting Israel at intervals from about 1971 onwards attempting to make people aware of the key importance of applying the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch in their daily lives. Many Christians and Jews now follow what I published <4> and some groups (cults, sects) <5> and churches in different countries have attempted to absorb some of these teachings into their beliefs {8}, selecting which of the God-given social laws and social system they feel like accepting in line with personal political ideologies. Jewish orthodox and particularly ultra-orthodox sects, for example, still largely and blindly believe in and follow traditions which are often far-removed from the word of God as recorded in the Pentateuch. {10-13, 15} Religious leaderships, of course, are not god-like in knowledge and understanding. That is, they are not capable of annulling or overriding God's fundamental rules and their intent, would be in error and misleading if they proclaimed themselves to be 'infallible', that is proclaimed themselves to be 'incapable of making mistakes or being wrong'. <6> So religious leaderships do not have the right to decide which God-given fundamental rules and laws are to be believed and followed and which are not, nor may they assign their own meanings (interpretations or misinterpretations according to personal likes, dislikes or preferences) to fundamental Bible (Pentateuch) texts. In other words, religious leadership may not decide which of the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch <1> should or should not be taught, as all need to be observed and applied. And now consider the following. The Pentateuch is the basic constitution which safeguards the rights of the people and points the way ahead. It may not be changed in any way either by adding or by taking away. {12} But authority for changing the application of a law comes from the Pentateuch. In matters of dispute or doubt which cannot be resolved with reference to the Pentateuch's laws, then the religious leadership and judges of the day can decide the matter. The law they will teach and the judgement which is made are binding and have to be followed. {16} They are thus authorised to modify the application of a Pentateuch law so as to keep it effective in achieving its intent in the light of changing conditions. They may, for example, change penalties and punishments. They may not change the basic constitution, they may not change Pentateuch law. {12} They may modify the application of a Pentateuch law and do so by man-made decisions which together form the body of common and case law. This common law thus aims to resolve new problems (social, economic and moral) which find no answer in the Pentateuch or in existing common law, by amending existing common law or by new decisions in the spirit and intent of the Pentateuch. We have seen that the Pentateuch is the basic constitution which safeguards the people and points the way ahead. It may not be changed in any way either by adding or by taking away. {12} We have also seen that the Pentateuch authorises common law, that is man-made decisions modifying the application of a law so as to keep it effective in achieving its intent in the light of changing conditions. Common law is subordinate legislation, is a collection of man-made decisions. It is these decisions which may be abrogated or amended by other man-made decisions. What stands out is that there can be no conflict, or contradiction, between the words of a benevolent almighty all-knowing God and the reality of life and living, between God's words and the world in which we live, between God's words and science. It is when the word of God and the reality of life and living, and of science, are seen to agree that we are close to understanding both. And in the confrontations between religion and state concerning evolution <7> and concerning morality <8> we are closing in on the very core problems of life and living in our times, as follows. EvolutionWhen the Pentateuch <1> was written, people had but little knowledge about science or evolution compared with what is known today. So concepts for which we now have precise terms were described rather than stated.
In Genesis the then-beyond-comprehension beginning of life on earth and its evolutionary progress towards humankind is being described to people to whom terms such as 'natural selection' were completely unknown. In the Bible, evolutionary change, a new life form, is an act of creation and we are told in precise terms how mammals evolved, how homo erectus spread out, how homo sapiens spread out and replaced homo erectus, and much more. {2} However, there were some who seemed to think that they knew all there is to be known, that they could decide what is and what is not, that what they were not aware of did not exist, that what they did not understand could not be meaningful. For example, Hebrew grammar distinguishes between proper names of persons and general nouns such as 'life form'. This distinction has been ignored by Bible translators <10>. Manfred Davidmann's 'The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil' {2} shows that the distinction is meaningful and needs to be made if the text is to be understood as it was intended to be understood. We see that there is no conflict, no contradiction, no divergence, only astonishing awe-inspiring agreement, between what is stated in Genesis and what we now know about the evolution of human beings. {2}. Genesis is about matters of enormous significance and importance to humankind at the present time. {2} Morality {7, 3}We know there is no conflict or confrontation between the word of benevolent God as recorded in the Pentateuch on the one hand and social science on the other hand. We know the destructive effects on the population of promiscuity, that is of state-condoned or legalised promiscuity. These effects are known and predictable. {7} We saw that concerning evolution, the Church has misunderstood, misinterpreted, the Bible. The state, science, is right. What is being taught at the present time agrees with what is stated in the Bible. But concerning morality, the Church is right. The state is misinterpreting, is misapplying, scientific knowledge. And so concerning morality the position is very different. Here it is those who struggle against state-condoned promiscuity and for morality who are struggling on God's behalf for the benefit of the oppressed and exploited population. {7, 3} The Pentateuch contains detailed statements about what constitutes abnormal, promiscuous, adulterous sexual relations and prostitution, with associated comments. The Pentateuch legislates in detail, stating what needs to be done and what is prohibited, by positive and negative rules of behaviour. Positive rules point the way ahead towards greater strength and liberty, negative rules (prohibitions) protect people from the antisocial behaviour of others, safeguard the people's strength and liberty. {11} <11> The consequences of immorality and promiscuity, that is consequent weakening and breaking up of family, society and quality of life {7}, cannot be avoided {10} <12>. The Pentateuch's warnings, punishments and penalties concerning immorality are in most cases to the male {7}. Morality has to be protected by punishing immorality, by protecting people and punishing those who behave immorally. By punishing those who do not restrain their sex urges. By punishing those who spread immorality and seduce others into immoral behaviour. In democracies or when people are struggling for their liberty, totalitarians condone and promote promiscuity so as to weaken the family and weaken the population. People are subjected to this conditioning towards immorality so as to weaken the working population to make them easier to exploit, and to weaken the society to weaken democracy. <13> After gaining control, totalitarians of left or right or religious hierarchies then reverse the process by moving back towards greater morality, in this way enabling their people to gain strength in order to fight for and work for, their manipulating rulers. <14> We know the predictable effects of promiscuity on the population {7}. Hence the importance of morality, of Pentateuch morality and laws of behaviour, of protecting communities and people by restraining immoral behaviour, conditioning and propaganda, by appropriately punishing the perpetrators. Hence the importance of the stand taken by those who struggle against state-condoned teaching of promiscuity, who struggle for the teaching of morality, on God's behalf for the benefit of the oppressed and exploited population. Education for a Better LifeThroughout history, from the writing down of the Pentateuch about 3,500 years ago, right to the present time, we have seen continuous struggle against the God-given benevolent and egalitarian social laws and social system of the Pentateuch. That the revelations by Moses, Jesus and Mohammed were followed by world-wide struggles for a better life is well-documented. This knowledge and understanding of what took place has once again been published (revealed) by Manfred Davidmann <15>. This knowledge has been spreading since these works were first published, is being accepted within Judaism and Christianity. The works on Islam were only published recently. But publication was followed by attempts by miscellaneous groups and movements to negate the knowledge in my writings by taking over certain parts and neglecting or misrepresenting key components. My works show how people are confronted, manipulated or opposed by antisocial, socially irresponsible, elements. Such antisocial elements are exposed and condemned in the Pentateuch as primitive and vicious remnants of our pre-human past. Manfred Davidmann's works are and need to be seen as an interconnected and consistent whole, which combines both religious and secular (scientific, state, social) aspects without contradiction. And they state and describe the God-given social laws and social system of the Pentateuch, their intent and relevance to life and living in our time. Findings and ConclusionsBasic Constitution; Religious LeadershipsThe Pentateuch is the basic constitution which safeguards the rights of the people and points the way ahead. It may not be changed in any way either by adding or by taking away. {12}
The Pentateuch legislates in detail, stating what needs to be done and what is prohibited, by positive and negative rules of behaviour. Positive rules point the way ahead towards greater strength and liberty, negative rules (prohibitions) protect people from the antisocial behaviour of others, safeguard the people's strength and liberty. {11} <11> In matters of dispute or doubt which cannot be resolved with reference to the Pentateuch's laws, then the religious leadership and judges of the day can decide the matter. The law they will teach and the judgement which is made are binding and have to be followed {16}. They are in this way authorised to modify the application of a Pentateuch law so as to keep it effective in achieving its intent in the light of changing conditions.
They may modify the application of a Pentateuch law and do so by man-made decisions which together form the body of common and case law. Religious Leadership and Judges; Common and Case LawCommon law is subordinate legislation, is a collection of man-made decisions. It is these decisions which may be abrogated or amended by other man-made decisions. Common law aims to resolve new problems (social, economic and moral) which find no answer in the Pentateuch or in existing common law, by amending existing common law or by new decisions in the spirit and intent of the Pentateuch. Evolution and CreationismIn Genesis the then-beyond-comprehension beginning of life on earth and its evolutionary progress towards humankind is being described to people to whom terms such as 'natural selection' were completely unknown. In the Bible, evolutionary change, a new life form, is an act of creation and we are told in precise terms how mammals evolved, how homo erectus spread out, how homo sapiens spread out and replaced homo erectus, and much more. {2}
We see that there is no conflict, no contradiction, no divergence, only astonishing awe-inspiring agreement, between what is stated in Genesis and what we now know about the evolution of human beings. {2}. MoralityThe Pentateuch contains detailed statements about what constitutes abnormal, promiscuous, adulterous sexual relations and prostitution, with associated comments. The consequences of immorality and promiscuity, that is consequent weakening and breaking up of family, society and quality of life {7}, cannot be avoided {10} <12>. The Pentateuch's warnings, punishments and penalties concerning immorality are in most cases to the male {7}. Morality has to be protected by punishing immorality, by protecting people and punishing those who behave immorally. By punishing those who do not restrain their sex urges. By punishing those who spread immorality and seduce others into immoral behaviour. In democracies or when people are struggling for their liberty, totalitarians condone and promote promiscuity so as to weaken the family and weaken the population. People are subjected to this conditioning towards immorality to weaken the working population to make them easier to exploit, and to weaken the society to weaken democracy. <13> After gaining control, totalitarians of left or right or religious hierarchies then reverse the process by moving back towards greater morality, in this way enabling their people to gain strength in order to fight for and work for, their manipulating rulers. <14> We know the predictable effects of promiscuity on the population {7}. Hence the importance of morality, of Pentateuch morality and laws of behaviour, of protecting communities and people by restraining immoral behaviour, conditioning and propaganda, by appropriately punishing the perpetrators. Hence also the importance of the stand taken by those who struggle against state-condoned teaching of promiscuity, who struggle for the teaching of morality, on God's behalf for the benefit of the oppressed and exploited population. Life and Living, Religion and Science, Church and StateIt is when the word of God and the reality of life and living, and of science, are seen to agree that we are close to understanding both.
We saw that concerning evolution, the Church has misunderstood, misinterpreted, the Bible. The state, science, is right. What is being taught at the present time about evolution agrees with what is stated in the Bible. But concerning morality, the Church is right. The state is misinterpreting, is misapplying, scientific knowledge about the effects of promiscuity on the life and welfare of the population. And so concerning morality the position is very different. Here it is those who struggle against state-condoned promiscuity and for morality who are struggling on God's behalf for the benefit of the oppressed and exploited population. {7, 3} Manfred Davidmann's works show how people are confronted, manipulated or opposed by antisocial, socially irresponsible, elements. Such antisocial elements are exposed and condemned in the Pentateuch as primitive and vicious remnants of our pre-human past. Manfred Davidmann's works are and need to be seen as an interconnected and consistent whole, which combines both religious and secular (scientific, state, social) aspects without contradiction. And they state and describe the God-given social laws and social system of the Pentateuch, their intent and relevance to life and living in our time. Relevant Current and Associated Works
To explore a report's new findings or insights, proposals or recommendations, download the report and read its Introduction, Summary, Contents list, Conclusions and Recommendations. The reports are comprehensive and usually some years ahead of current knowledge at the time of publication. |
Title | Description | |
ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY and JUDAISM | Proves by methods of biblical archaeology what Jesus really taught, how Paul changed what Jesus had taught, how this became Christianity's official doctrine. Outstanding are sections on Paul and the Gospels, on concurrent corresponding changes in Judaism. | |
How the Human Brain Developed and How the Human Mind Works | Describes clearly what happens while sleeping, role of dreaming, meaning of dreams. Functioning of the two halves of the human brain is related to the autonomic nervous and the immune systems. Shows how human behaviour is affected by primitive instincts. | |
The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System | Comprehensive statement of the God-given human rights which underlie all freedom, liberty and independence. They are the foundation of the main religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and they underlie and determine a good life of high quality. | |
The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil | Shows that there is no conflict, no contradiction, no divergence, only awe-inspiring agreement, between what is recorded in Genesis and what we know about the evolution of human beings. And Genesis defines good and evil, pointing to the root of evil. | |
Genesis' Secrets: Pre-flood Evils and the Social Problems of Our Time | Genesis from pre-flood evil to after-flood behaviour, rewards and punishment. Derives hidden list of pre-flood behaviour in Chapter 5. Summarises corresponding present social problems, describes Bible's social laws and social system for overcoming them. | |
Genesis: Differentiating Between Good and Evil | Human beings became numerous and spread out. Different communities developed different traditions and ways of behaving. Shows that with the life and travels of the patriarchs, some learned the difference between good and evil and to behave humanely. | |
Genesis: Morality, Sexual Behaviour and Depravity | Moral and immoral behaviour and unavoidable consequences. Summarises corresponding present social problems. Describes the Pentateuch's social laws and social system for achieving a good life of high quality. | |
Meaning and Significance of the Names of God in Genesis | This short report describes the meaning and significance of the names of God which are used in Genesis. These are of the greatest importance for understanding the meaning of the text of the Bible. | |
Meaning and Intent of Genesis: Essential Notes on Hebrew Grammar | Short note describing the grammatical rules which help to differentiate between references to individuals and references to groups or life forms. Essential information for understanding the meaning of Genesis. | |
Genesis: Nephilim, Dominance and Liberty | Genesis on consequences of gaining and misusing power over others. Summarises corresponding present social problems. Describes the Pentateuch's social laws and social system for achieving and keeping liberty and a good life of high quality. | |
Family, Sex and the Individual; Women's Liberation, Feminism and Community | This report investigates casual sex and its effects on individuals, family and community. It examines the role of the family in bringing up children and relates dominance and confrontation within the family to that in the working environment. | |
Social Concept (Policies) of the Russian Orthodox Church (Church and State) |
Reviews the Russian Orthodox Church's social and church-state policies. The church is shown to be quoting out of context from Paul's letter to the Romans, in relation to what seems to be a central core teaching on Christian church-state relationships. | |
Social Policies (Doctrine) of the Roman Catholic Church: An Evaluation (Church and State) |
The essential and fundamental social doctrines are evaluated in plain and meaningful language. About important principles of faith in relation to globalisation and benevolent church-state-people policies. Aims of the Church's doctrines and the consequences for Catholics. Challenging decisions are needed. | |
LIBERATION THEOLOGY: Basis - Past - Present - Future | Discusses Christianity's origins using Christian and Jewish sources. Liberation theologians emphasise compassion and leadership in the struggle for a better life. Shows that one can analyse effectively how the Christian Canon developed. | |
Judaism, Christianity and Islam (Church and State) |
Shows that underlying Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the Pentateuch's benevolent and egalitarian social laws and social system. Reveals for each religion the controversies and conflicts between church and state, between beliefs and practice. | |
Religion, Government and Education (Church and State) |
Illustrates conflicting aims and interests of state and church with reference to teaching evolution (creationism) and teaching immorality (state-condoned promiscuity). Relative authority of Bible, common law, case law, religious leaderships, judges. | |
Struggle for Freedom: The Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship | Major review and analysis of the social laws and social system of the Torah and of the Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship. Also reviews the role of religion and of Judaism under modern conditions. | |
History Speaks: Monarchy, Exile and Maccabees | Major review and analysis of Jewish history, of King Solomon's reign and of the Maccabean dynasty, locating the causes of subsequent defeat of the people and loss of country. Covers Jewish belief and practice, social conditions and government. | |
At the Time of Jesus, This is What Actually Happened in Israel: The Truth about Hillel and his Times |
Factual conclusive document describing what happened at the time of Jesus to Jewish belief and practice, based on research into texts published close to the events. A fully documented record of previously undiscovered material in the Talmud about Hillel. | |
One Law for All: Freedom Now, Freedom for Ever | Document describing the struggles within Judaism which accompanied the birth of Rabbinical Judaism, how people felt about what was happening, how the Talmud recorded events and what would have to be done to reverse the trend of events. | |
Jewish Belief and Practice | Provides the required background knowledge of the essential core of Jewish belief and practice for drawing the only possible conclusion that the procedure called 'Prosbul' is contrary to the laws and intent of the Torah. The Prosbul is then annulled. | |
Causes of Antisemitism | Shows that there are two separate root causes of antisemitism. One cause can be remedied by increasing peoples' awareness, the other is under the control of the Jewish people and can be remedied from within. | |
The Right to the Land of Israel | This report proves that the right to the land in which one lives, that is the strength and success of a people, depends on how people behave towards each other. This applies to all. The history of the Jewish people provides a convincing example. | |
Prophet Mohammed's Struggle for a Better Life for All | Mohammed's struggle for recognition of his mission and message against the powerful Meccan ruling elite. They opposed and then persecuted him and his followers for ten years, following which he fought them for ten years till he won and then he died. | |
Text, Language, Dialect and Interpretation of the Koran | How written Arabic language developed from the time of Mohammed and how the Koran was assembled. How recorded letters and symbols were used to state the meaning of words. Compares 'readings' and interpretations. | |
The Divine Right to Rule | The struggle for power and control over the Muslim community after Mohammed died and how Muslim belief and practice evolved under the caliphs. These events and struggles formed Sunnism and Shiism, shaped the Koran and Muslim belief and practice. | |
Compiling the Koran:
Hadiths (Traditions) State the Underlying Reality |
Zaid bin Thabit compiled the Koran, Caliph Uthman had an official version prepared. Mohammed taught that people (believers) should have a good life, the ruling elite considered that people should serve willingly. | |
Uthman's Rearrangement of the Chronological (as revealed) Koran's Chapters | Chapters (suras) marked by 'abbreviated letters' show how the sequence of the Koran's chapters was changed. The effects of the changes on the record of Mohammed's preaching and teaching are described as are the doctrines of 'Abrogation' and 'Consensus'. | |
Prophet Mohammed's Word of Allah and the Voice of the Ruling Elite | Mohammed's social teachings are stated from chapters (suras) singled out by 'Abbreviated Letters', statements of revelation from compassionate and caring Allah. It seems that some self-seeking doctrines were added later by the ruling elite of that time. | |
Muslims and Jews | Includes a comprehensive summary table of the struggles of the Muslims while Mohammed was alive, including their conflicts with the Jewish Medinan clans. The conclusions are directly relevant to understanding present tensions and conflicts within Islam. | |
Work and Pay: Summary | Concise summary review of whole subject of work and pay, in clear language. Covers pay, incomes and differentials and the interests and requirements of owners and employers, of the individual and his family, and of the community. | |
Exporting and Importing of Employment and Unemployment | Discusses exporting and importing of employment and unemployment, underlying principles, effect of trade, how to reduce unemployment, social costs of unemployment, community objectives, support for enterprises, socially irresponsible enterprise behaviour. | |
What People are Struggling Against: How Society is Organised for Controlling and Exploiting People | Report of study undertaken to find out why people have to struggle throughout their adult lives, in all countries, organisations and levels, to maintain and improve their standard of living and quality of life. Reviews what people are struggling against. | |
Corrupted Economics and Misleading Experts | Shows how 'Economics' is used to misinform and mislead the general public. Clearly states underlying considerations of specific important economic relationships and comments on misleading political interpretations and on role of independent experts. | |
Quotable Quotes about Democracy in the Real World | The struggle for the right to take decisions. Manipulated elections. Secretive top-level multinational meetings and agreements. Misuses of economics, statistics and experts. Human rights, social responsibility, social costs and much more. | |
Directing and Managing Change | How to plan ahead, find best strategies, decide and implement, agree targets and objectives, monitor and control progress, evaluate performance, carry out appraisal and target-setting interviews. Describes proved, practical and effective techniques. | |
Style of Management and Leadership | Major review and analysis of the style of management and its effect on management effectiveness, decision taking and standard of living. Measures of style of management and government. Overcoming problems of size. Management effectiveness can be increased by 20-30 percent. | |
Motivation Summary | Reviews and summarises past work in Motivation. Provides a clear definition of 'motivation', of the factors which motivate and of what people are striving to achieve. |
< 1> | The Pentateuch (The Five Books of Moses), part of the Bible. Also called the Torah. | |
< 2> | Cults, sects, small groups separated from mainstream Christianity. | |
< 3> | First volume of the Pentateuch | |
< 4> | See {1-6, 9-13, 15}. | |
< 5> | Sectarian: Putting the beliefs or interests of one's sect before more general interests. | |
< 6> | See {8} 'Social Concept (Policies) of the Russian Orthodox Church: Letter to the Russians' | |
< 7> | As opposed to creationism, to the Bible's (Pentateuch's) record of how the planet was formed and human beings appeared. | |
< 8> | As opposed to immorality, to promiscuity. | |
< 9> | In {10} see Appendix 4: Cause-and-effect Relationship in the Torah <1>. | |
<10> | In {2} see Appendix 3: 'Adam' and Hebrew Grammar. Or see {5}. | |
<11> | The information in this section has largely been reproduced from {3}: 'The Pentateuch and the Problems of Our Times'. | |
<12> | In {10} see 'Cause-and-Effect Relationship' | |
<13> | See {7} | |
<14> | See {6} | |
<15> | See Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which summarises findings from {1-3, 6, 8-9, 11-14, 17-19}. |
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