Welcome to
The Global (Worldwide) Struggle for a Better Life
The Root of all Evil, the Source of All Good, and the Messianic Struggle
Hidden Causes of Struggle; What People are Struggling Against
The Global (Worldwide) Struggle for Social Decision-making.
In all Organisations and Communities, at all Levels
Antisocial Telepathic Manipulations
Church and State; Religion, Government and People
Judaism, Christianity and Islam: The Messianic Struggle for a Better Life
Freedom, Liberty, Independence, Good Secure Life.
Now and for Ever
The Messianic Struggle in Our Time: Extracts from my Diary and Press Notices.
By Manfred Davidmann
- Introduction
- Human and Inhuman Behaviour
- The Human Mind, Mental Health and Mental Illness
- Conflict Within the Mind
- Conflict between Church and State
- Government, Management and Leadership
Authoritarian Organisation
Participative Organisation
Style of Government, Management and Leadership
- The Struggle for Social Decision-making
The Meaning of 'Democracy' (Participative Organisation)
Personal Power and Control (Authoritarian Organisation)
Top-level Leaderships (Global Operations and Agreements)
- Global (Worldwide) Struggle
Worldwide Struggle
The Hidden Factor
- Human Group Minds
- Nephilim and Globalisation
'Tower of Babel'
- The Root of all Evil (Nephilim)
- Conflict between Church and State, between Religion, Government and People
- Social Laws and Social System of the Pentateuch in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
- The Messianic Struggle for a Better Life
- History of the Messianic Struggle
- Moses
To this Point of Time
- The Messianic Struggle
Religion and Reality
Why the Pentateuch is so Special
Trustful Cooperation (Ten Commandments)
The Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship
- The Messianic Struggle in Our Time
Extracts from my Diary and from Press Notices
In My Name
Stand Up and Be Counted
- Notes <..>
- References {..} and Links
- Relevant Current and Associated Works
- Relevant Subject Index Pages and Site Overview
In this report, Manfred Davidmann exposes humanity's innermost secrets to the light of day.
As you read the report, you are brought ever closer to humanity's hidden core confrontations and the reality of the struggle for a better life. That is, you will see what humankind is struggling against; you will see the fundamental cause. You will see the core and source of evil, corruption, brutality, perversion, oppression and enslavement.
This report is about past and present struggles, achievements and defeats, about whole communities betrayed and misled, about religious teachings distorted and even turned upside down. And it is about how to achieve our own well-being, about our ensuring that we as individuals have good and satisfying lives.
And you will see how that which is good arises from the selfless and unstinting efforts of human beings cooperating for the common good.
And if the facts are unexpected or if you do not like the facts then don't blame me. I am merely recording them.
Human and Inhuman Behaviour {16}
The human brain evolved in three main stages. Its ancient and primitive part is the innermost core reptilian brain. Next evolved the mammalian brain by adding new functions and new ways of controlling the body. Then evolved the third part of the brain, the neocortex, the grey matter, the bulk of the brain in two symmetrical hemispheres, separate but communicating. To a considerable extent, it is our neocortex which enables us to behave like human beings. {1} <1>
So the human brain consists of these three different but interconnected brains and the way in which these three brains interact with each other underlies human behaviour. {1} <1>
Our primitive animal ancestors behaved instinctively. Hunt for food, kill or be killed, fight or flee, copulate, care for own young for a very short and limited period. Self before others, regardless of needs of others, marking out and defending territory.
Later mammals tend to have feelings, care and affection for their young.
Human beings think as well as feel, and care for and look after their young for many years.
So conditioning to fight, injure and kill amounts to a throwback to primitive animal behaviour, to behaviour which puts self before others. A throwback to beast-like behaviour for those who attack, and also a throwback to beast-like behaviour for those who have to defend themselves.
Similarly, society corrupts itself when human care, affection and concern for one's own family, and for other people, are weakened by self-interest, by selfishness, by personal gain at expense of others. {16}
In such circumstances the instinctive behaviour of the non-feeling primitive animal is asserting itself, is attempting to override human feelings of care, affection, concern for members of one's own family and for other people in human societies.
And there is increasing antisocial behaviour such as vandalism and mugging. There is a loss of internal security, by loss of property and by attack against the person. The quality of life is lowered even further by those who pursue personal gain regardless of its cost to other people.
But only some people behave in such corrupted ways. There are those many who put people first, who know the difference between human and inhuman (instinctive beast-like) behaviour, who believe in cooperative behaviour and in democratic government.
And there are ways of teaching social responsibility, of teaching the young how to take responsibility for others, how to care for, work with and look after other people. Social responsibility, the caring, giving and sharing with others, the taking on of responsibility for others including conflict management, can be and is being taught. {6}
The Human Mind, Mental Health and Mental Illness. {22}
Here we see how conflict arises within the mind, look at mental health and illness, look at dominance. We are here looking at what motivates and drives human beings, seeing how the human mind shapes the way in which we live, suffer, struggle and achieve.
But when it comes to how the human mind functions and operates, or to what happens within the mind under stress or at times of conflict, we talk about an 'unconscious' part of the mind, accepting that there is much which is taking place without our being aware of it. {1}
- Psychology has been defined as 'the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context'. And Stevens considers that
- '... all psychological phenomena, from slips of the
tongue to the most elaborate psychiatric symptoms (are)
determined by events proceeding beneath the threshold of
consciousness ... ' {5}
That is, we are not aware of where they come from and how they originate.
Psychologists and psychiatrists have for some time looked at how people behave and why, at how internal stress originates, at what causes mental breakdown. Mental tension
is said to result from unresolved conflict and they have been attempting to identify the opposing forces which are in conflict.
Sigmund Freud (Psychoanalysis) saw the conflict in his patients, explained it as a conflict between love and hate, concluding that sexuality was all-important.
The unconscious is a part of the mind which is said to be inaccessible to the conscious mind but which affects behaviour and emotions. Mental disorders can be caused by conflict between the unconscious and conscious parts of the mind and Freud considered that such conflicts can be resolved by bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind.
I think that by bringing hidden conflict into the open he came close to seeing that a key problem was that of controlling sexuality, of controlling primitive urges and behaviour.
- Carl Jung (Analytical Psychology) called the unconscious part of the human mind the 'Personal Unconscious' and, like Freud, considered it to be the cause of complexes. Jung apparently concluded that
- 'the personal unconscious is composed of complexes {5} and these'
- he considered to be independently capable of influencing consciousness without our being aware of them. <2>
What Jung called 'personal unconscious' appears to consist of component entities with independent feelings or thoughts which behave as if they were personalities.
Jung also suggested that there existed something else which he called 'Collective Unconscious' which he supposed to be made up of what he called 'archetypes'. He considered archetypes to be some kind of primitive mental images inherited from our earliest ancestors, examples being predator, sexual and enemy archetypes. Later he had to elaborate this model by including also archetypes of archetypes.
When Jung refers to a 'collective unconscious', he is referring to what could be primitive urges and behaviour which human beings subdue and control, and which human beings need to subdue and control.
Conflict Within the Mind {22}
Psychotherapy considers that the conscious mind reasons and evaluates and the unconscious mind is said to underlie action based on intuition and emotion. When there is conflict between the conscious and the unconscious minds, between reason and emotion, then this conflict can produce mental tension.
The question which has remained unresolved so far is just what the 'opposing forces' are which produce the tension.
Manfred Davidmann considers that there is no conflict when reason and emotions both aim to achieve humane behaviour and existence (human, normal).
Similarly, there is no conflict when reason and emotions both aim at inhumane behaviour and existence (inhuman, abnormal).
So conflict arises when feelings and emotions which insist on humane behaviour are opposed by verbal skills and reasoning insisting on behaviour contrary to human rights and welfare.
And conflict also arises if a person's feelings and emotions insist on behaviour contrary to human rights and welfare, but are opposed by reason, knowledge and understanding which insist on humane behaviour.
Hence conflict within the mind can arise when people are being misinformed or misled into inhumane behaviour, and also when they are being manipulated through their emotions into behaving inhumanly without knowing why they are doing so (such as blindly doing as told or as directed by the top).
And thus conflict can be seen as arising from the clash between opposing social ideologies. These conflicts arise within the human mind and shape our minds, mental well-being and also behaviour. As can be seen below, they are similar to the conflicts which arise between church and state.
Conflict between Church and State {27, 34-35}
Here Manfred Davidmann was the first to define and explain in clear meaningful language the meaning of what was simply being referred to as 'church' and 'state', defining also 'government' and 'religion' to lay bare the real causes of conflict and confrontation between them.
So before we consider their aims and purpose, and the conflicts and confrontations between them, we begin by looking at what people mean and imply when they use words such as 'church' and 'state' {27}, as follows:
- Church
- Refers to the religion's clergy, or to its hierarchy. It can also refer to the religion's organisation, its decision-making processes, the doctrine it follows and the policies it applies.
- State
- Somewhat vague term which refers to the combination of government and the community (country, population) being governed. Its use ignores important distinctions between people, government and the government's style of management, and their often conflicting interests. For example it does not distinguish between a government which serves its people and one which serves a country's rulers.
So 'church' and 'state' are vague terms which mean and imply different things to different people. They are vague because their meanings are imprecise and roundabout.
Such terms are often used to avoid bluntly stating harsh realities, or used instead of a term one considers improper. And they are often used dishonestly when they are used to conceal and deceive. <18>
More precise and useful are the words {35}:
- Government
- The group or organisation ruling a country or conducting its affairs. It can also refer to the government's style of management (authoritarian or participative, that is dictatorial or democratic).
- Religion
- A system of faith and worship, based on belief in the existence of a God (mostly benevolent), usually expressed by believers living according to its doctrine (principles, rules of behaviour, customs).
So that there are different kinds of states and different kinds of churches {34}:
Some states consist of governments which serve the rulers by oppressing the people so that they can be exploited and such states stifle opposition and protest. Here those at the top and their experts tell people what they should do and have to do.
Other states consist of governments where those who govern serve the people and are accountable to them, where decisions are made at the lowest possible level by referendum with experts explaining the consequences both ways when a decision has to be made.
Similarly some churches teach a version of religion which serves the rulers and so in effect condition their people into gladly serving the rulers, into gladly allowing themselves to be exploited, the general approach then being 'gladly accept the tough life you are leading, the reward will come in a next life'.
And other churches preach that it is the will of God that all people are equal, that no person may exploit another, that it is the role of the government, of the establishment, to serve the people.
- So we see that there is no conflict when both the government and the church believe in authoritarian rule, that is when
states consist of governments which serve the rulers by oppressing the people so that they can be exploited, stifling opposition and protest, those at the top and their experts telling people what they should do and have to do.
And when churches serve rulers by in effect conditioning their people into gladly serving the rulers, into gladly allowing themselves to be exploited, their general approach then being 'gladly accept the tough life you are leading, your reward will come in a next life'.
- And similarly there is no conflict when both the government and the church believe in participative government, that is
When states consist of governments where those who govern serve the people and are accountable to them, where decisions are made at the lowest possible level by referendum with experts explaining to the people the consequences both ways when a decision has to be made.
And when churches preach that it is the will of God that all people are equal, that no person may exploit another, that it is the role of those who rule, of the government, of the establishment, to serve the people.
- But there is conflict and confrontation
when 'religion' and 'government' ('church' and 'state') preach, teach and practice opposing 'ideologies' (authoritarian rule opposing participative government), or when their hierarchies compete with each other for power.
- So Manfred Davidmann concludes {27, 34-35} that
What is clear is that differences of opinion, conflicts and confrontations between a 'church' and a 'state' arise only when church and state believe in and practice opposing ideologies, and to the extent to which they do so.
What matters regarding agreement, conflict or confrontation between a 'state' and a 'church' is the social ideology which each of them believes in, teaches and practices. Conflict and confrontation are about the right to social decision-making, and social decision-making depends on the kind of social ideology those in power believe in, teach and practice. <3>
Government, Management and Leadership {15}
Participation, meaning by this 'participation in decision-making', was first coined, and defined, by Manfred Davidmann when he published his analysis and recommendations about the style of management, in 1981. He defined, described and illustrated his scale of 'style of management and government' from 'fully participative' at one end of the scale, to 'fully authoritarian' at the other end.
Manfred Davidmann's concept of participative government and management, of participation in decision-making, has become a household word, in daily use when referring to government and management styles, worldwide. His concepts are applied all the way from village government and community projects to national policies and elections, are applied by cooperatives, companies and global corporations alike.
What Manfred Davidmann has done in his work on the general management of enterprises and communities is to lay the foundation for, and develop, what is now called 'management science'.
His works on style of management and on participation in decision-making in management, leadership and government, are widely known, studied and applied, sprouted a whole literature ranging from the scientific on the one hand to, on the other hand, misleading politically motivated misrepresentations.
Organisation {15}
The whole pattern of different ways of organising is a sequence from one extreme to the other, is a kind of scale. At one end of the scale is the completely authoritarian organisation, at the other end the fully participative organisation. Governments, corporations (companies) and other organisations fall somewhere along the scale.
Authoritarian Organisation {15}
Kings ruled by 'divine' right and they enforced obedience through,
in the end, the death penalty. Under private ownership, authority
is derived from ownership of the means of production and the
penalty for disobedience is dismissal. In each case authority is
centred at the top. It is the owners who delegate authority to the
chief executive, and it is immaterial whether the owners are
shareholders as in some countries, or the state in countries such
as Russia.
In authoritarian organisations, it is orders which are passed down
from above and the manager's role is to pass orders down the 'chain
of command'. He is usually not expected to make decisions and so
carries little responsibility. He does order and may compel the
worker to carry out the tasks demanded from him, to produce.
Those who run society on such lines find that the working
population does not willingly work for the benefit of only its
rulers and then they attempt to compel the working population to
work. The stick is unemployment and the compelling force is the
fear of the economic consequences of unemployment, is the threat of
Hence it is those who believe in
an authoritarian kind of organisation who advocate that the level
of unemployment should be kept above a certain minimum level or
that it should be increased, and who want to reduce social security
Or they attempt to persuade and condition the working population into willingly serving and working for the rulers and their establishment regardless of the working population's hardships, suffering and need.
Which applies to community organisation and government in the same way.
Participative Organisation {15}
Employees participate when they agree to allow themselves to be
organised by an employer, and organisation which is based on
consent of those being organised is participative. In a
participative organisation people accept responsibility for work to
be done, accept that it is their job to carry out a part of the organisation's activities and that they will be held accountable for the
quality of their work. The manager's job is to back his
subordinate by removing obstacles from the subordinate's path, the
subordinate asking for such assistance as the need arises. The
manager coordinates the work of the group which he manages with
that of the higher group in which he is a subordinate.
The shop steward is elected so that his authority stems from those
who elected him and who work in factory and office. The source of
his authority is the consent of the managed to be managed. The
method of power is the withdrawal of that consent which is in
effect the withdrawal of one's labour, for example by going on
And similarly a representative or delegate is elected so that his authority stems from those who elected him and who are members of the community, who are citizens. The source of his authority is the consent of the governed to be governed. The method of power is the withdrawal of that consent which is in effect the withdrawal of one's cooperation, of delegated authority, for example by demonstrating.
An organisation built on this basis is participative, and this
means that participation through decision-making, including setting
of targets, takes place at all levels of the organisation {15}, and this applies equally well to government, management and leadership.
Style of Government, Management and Leadership {15}
We have described here in outline the two systems of organisation which
can be regarded as forming either end of the scale. The position of
any organisation on this scale depends in each case on the balance
between the two kinds of authority, that is depends on the degree
of participation in decision-making which is practised.
- One can place on this scale any system of running a company or of governing a country, by considering, for example,
- whether and to what extent decisions are being made at the various levels or whether people merely follow orders, or
whether and to what extent people are free to withdraw their labour, are free to strike.
- In other words, by considering to what extent authority is centred at the top, or where the balance of power lies between management and worker, or between government and citizen.
The position where an organisation is placed thus depends on the balance of authority between ruler and ruled, between owner and worker, between the establishment and the population.
The way in which countries are managed, that is their style of management, of government, of course varies from country to country and changes as time passes {15}. Authoritarian attitudes result in confrontation, leadership and cooperation result in economic success.
And we now know that the real struggle is not between political left and right but is a
struggle for democracy against dictatorship (authoritarian
style of management) in all community organisations and at all
levels, is for participating in social decision-making in all organisations and at all levels.
The Struggle for Social Decision-making <4> {19}
The Meaning of 'Democracy' (Participative Organisation) <5> {20}
- Manfred Davidmann outlined and defined the role of representatives and the decision-making process:
Participative (democratic) organisation rests on the population electing representatives, on the basis of each person having one vote. Representatives are responsible to, and accountable to, the population for putting into effect policies decided by the population. What underlies participative organisation (democracy) is decision-making by the people at the level of the people. And representatives, governments or government officials do not have the authority or right to reduce or sign away the participative (democratic) rights of the electors, of the population.
What needs to be stressed is that in a participative (democratic) organisation policies are decided by a well-informed population at the level of the population and that policies then become binding on management or government. <6>
In an authoritarian organisation, the policy decisions are taken at the top or near the top by the hierarchy (establishment) and are binding on the organisation's members. Decision-making at the top is sometimes referred to as 'deciding centrally'. Authoritarian organisation is the opposite of democracy and underlies dictatorship.
And what we see is conflict between authoritarian minds wishing to dominate, control and exploit on the one hand and, on the other hand, citizens wishing to maintain and improve the standard of living and quality of life for the population as a whole by democratic (grass-roots level) decision-making. {20}
So the real struggle is not between political left and right, but is a struggle for participation (the right to make decisions).
And there is the fundamental problem that ill-informed or misguided voters may be persuaded or conditioned into taking harmful or socially destructive decisions.
Personal Power and Control (Authoritarian Organisation) {19}
Authoritarian minds attempt to take over and place democratically controlled organisations under authoritarian control. They do so by struggling to take over the decision-making in the management and control of companies, enterprises and all types of community organisations.
The confrontation between on the one hand elected policy-making bodies, and on the other hand those who are supposed to put their policies into effect, can be seen in many areas.
We can see the struggle in all organisations and at all levels. It is a struggle against authoritarian management or government for the right to make decisions. And in all democratic organisations it is a struggle against the authoritarian mind taking over the decision-making.
A continuous battle is taking place between on the one hand policy-deciding by the many through elected assemblies, and on the other hand policy-deciding at the top, by a few. This is clearly shown by the way in which full-time officials and executives attempt to take power away from their policy-setting assemblies, after which they attempt to impose their will on the membership or population.
These attempts to take over and control decision-making processes are far more one-sided than would be the case if we were looking at unrelated chance events, at unrelated local struggles. At times the pattern seems progressive as if it were planned.
Top-level Leaderships (Global Operations and Agreements) {19}
Recently negotiated top-level trading agreements (GATT and the proposed MAI) appear to be taking away the control over key aspects of the internal affairs of participating countries. Taking control away from their elected governments, giving the control to multinational corporations. {19}
MAI stands for 'Multilateral Agreement on Investment'. But its name does not reflect those aspects which are of deep concern.
Disturbing are not only the provisions of this proposed treaty but also that the provisions were debated in complete secrecy till a leaked copy became available on the Internet in 1997. Apparently it was adverse publicity relating to its restrictive provisions which delayed completion as concerned groups of citizens publicised their concerns. And some governments have now withdrawn their support.
It appears that under MAI the national governments would have handed over control, that is authority to act, over much of the economic and social welfare of their citizens to multinational corporations (that is to those who own and direct these corporations), if they had agreed to this treaty.
In other words, multinationals would have been given overriding authority over democratically elected governments.
Global (Worldwide) Struggle
Worldwide Struggle
In 'The Will to Work: What People Struggle to Achieve' {3}, Manfred Davidmann clearly defines and describes motivation, its basis, and 'motivating'. Starting by considering motivation from the point of view of the employer (productivity, remuneration, job satisfaction), this leads to considering what people want and what they struggle to achieve. A key part of the report is community orientated, including a detailed step-by-step listing of what people are struggling to achieve, their needs and wants, their achievements and objectives. This progression shows underdeveloped and developed people as they are, human beings at different stages of an identical struggle for a better life against those who wish to profit from their condition. <7>
We see a worldwide struggle to achieve a humane way of life. Each person, family or community is struggling to advance at their own level of development, struggling against those who wish to dominate, exploit, oppress. {16, 3}
The struggle is against those who wish to dominate other people. Against those who wish to exploit, against those who may brutally and without feeling oppress human beings so as to exploit them. {2, 3}
And 'to exploit' includes the whole range of antisocial decisions and activities of those who put profit before people and community. {4, 19}
In 'Liberation Theology' {26}, Manfred Davidmann explores why life is a struggle, why life is so tough for so many human beings on this planet. Exploring why thousands of years of struggle, why the enormous technological powers we command, why the vast human manpower, abilities and skills which are now at our disposal, are not providing us with secure lives of high quality.
- And so 'Liberation Theology' starts by finding answers to some basic questions, such as:
- Why do we have to struggle?
What are we struggling against?
What are we struggling for?
Why do we not have good lives of high quality?
- Quoting from the report:
Where there is struggle there must be resistance, there is opposition. We have to struggle because our attempts to achieve good lives for ourselves and our children are being resisted, are opposed.
We have to struggle to protect earlier gains as well as to improve our lives. Hence we are struggling to defend our present standard of living and we are struggling to better it. Which means that the opposition is attacking us to lower our standard of living and to prevent us from improving it.
We as thinking feeling human beings ought to be able to do very much better. So now more questions present themselves:
Who or what is doing all this to us, is attacking us? Who or what is attempting to reduce the quality of our lives, is attempting to prevent us from improving it? Who or what is attempting to increase the toughness of life itself, is attempting to increase our need?
Why this intense, brutal and hidden struggle when there is enough for all of us, when all can have good secure lives of high quality.
Why is it done in such a hidden way, why the secrecy?
In secular terms, what is it that would wish to prevent us from increasing our standard of living, that would wish to reduce our standard of living and our social security?
Here also the answer appears to be that we are struggling against those who wish to exploit others, who wish to oppress so as to exploit, who see their wealth and power increasing whenever they lower our pay relative to their own so as to increase their own profits and wealth and power over us.
It is they who wish to reduce, and so struggle to reduce, our social security since higher unemployment, greater personal need, and physical as well as emotional weakness, reduce our bargaining strength and make us more dependent on them for survival. They are enabled in this way to exploit us through our need and to push down our pay even further when compared with their own much greater gains. And this is why they are operating so furtively behind their masks.
And so we see a worldwide (global) struggle to achieve a humane way of life and living.
We know that dominating does not work in normal circumstances. Authoritarian organisations are much less effective than participative ones. In authoritarian organisations morale is low, people cease to care and tend to work against each other instead of cooperating with each other for the benefit of the organisation. {15}
It is in democracies that a high standard of living has been achieved. In democracies people can struggle openly for a better life but we see that what has been gained has to be defended and extended. {16, 15}
So why does this struggle take place in all organisations, at all levels, in all communities and countries? Why do we have to struggle? Why are all of our communities and countries being managed more or less on behalf of their rulers or ruling level? Why are not at least half of our communities and countries being managed completely by, on behalf of, and for, their people?
- There is simply no way in which
- this lack of balance between the authoritarian and the participative,
this authoritarian rule and government in so many countries worldwide,
this widespread struggle in democratic countries for a better life,
- can be due to chance alone.
Quite clearly an additional unknown factor is operating and determining how people live together, causing people to have to struggle at all levels, organisations, communities and countries, for a better life.
The Hidden Factor
We have already covered much ground, reviewed the results of decades of published research by Manfred Davidmann. And what we have seen can be summarised as follows:
We saw that society corrupts itself when human care, affection and concern for one's own family, and for other people, are weakened by self-interest, by selfishness, by personal gain at expense of others.
In such circumstances the instinctive behaviour of the non-feeling primitive animal is asserting itself, is attempting to override human feelings of care, affection and concern for members of one's own family and for other people in human societies.
When society allows itself to be corrupted, there is increasing antisocial behaviour such as vandalism and mugging. There is a loss of internal security, by loss of property and by attack against the person. The quality of life is lowered even further by those who pursue personal gain regardless of its cost to other people.
So in our societies there is conflict between human care, affection and social responsibility on the one hand and primitive animal urges towards selfish gain regardless of the cost to others.
And the conflict was seen to arise from the clash between opposing social ideologies which advocate affection and concern for people, family and community on the one hand, and on the other hand selfishness and the urge for personal gain at expense of others.
These conflicts which arise within the human mind and shape our minds, mental well-being and also behaviour, are similar, and indeed appear identical, to those which arise between church and state.
- We saw that there is conflict and confrontation between church and state
- when 'religion' and 'government' ('church' and 'state') preach, teach and practice opposing 'ideologies' (authoritarian rule opposing participative government), or when their hierarchies compete with each other for power.
So what matters regarding agreement, conflict or confrontation between a 'state' and a 'church' is the social ideology which each of them believes in, teaches and practices.
So conflict and confrontation are about the right to social decision-making, and social decision-making depends on the kind of social ideology those in power believe in, teach and practice.
We saw that how any country or organisation is ruled or managed depends on, and can be seen from, the balance between the two kinds of authority (authoritarian or participative), thus depends on the balance of authority between ruler and ruled, between owner and worker, between the establishment and the population. And so it can be observed from, can be seen by, the degree of participation in decision-making which is practised.
Authoritarian organisation is the opposite of democracy and underlies dictatorship. Authoritarian attitudes result in confrontation. Democratic leadership and cooperation result in economic success.
And we now know that the real struggle is not between political left and right but is a struggle for democracy against dictatorship (authoritarian style of management) in all community organisations and at all levels, is for participating in social decision-making in all organisations and at all levels, is a struggle for participation (the right to make decisions).
And what we see is conflict between authoritarian minds wishing to dominate, control and exploit on the one hand and, on the other hand, citizens wishing to maintain and improve the standard of living and quality of life for the population as a whole by democratic (grass-roots level) decision-making.
A continuous struggle is taking place between on the one hand policy-deciding by the many through elected assemblies, and on the other hand policy-deciding at the top, by a few. We can see the struggle in all organisations and at all levels. It is a struggle against authoritarian management or government for the right to make decisions. And in all democratic organisations it is a struggle against the authoritarian mind taking over the decision-making.
These attempts to take over and control decision-making processes are far more one-sided than would be the case if we were looking at unrelated chance events, at unrelated local struggles. At times the pattern seems progressive as if it were planned.
Recently negotiated top-level trading agreements (GATT and the proposed MAI) appear to be taking away the control over key aspects of the internal affairs of participating countries. Taking control away from their elected governments, giving the control to multinational corporations. In other words, multinationals appear to be aiming at getting overriding authority over democratically elected governments.
We saw underdeveloped and developed people as they are, human beings at different stages of an identical struggle for a better life against those who wish to profit from their condition, we saw a worldwide struggle to achieve a humane way of life. Each person, family or community is struggling to advance at their own level of development, struggling against those who wish to dominate, exploit, oppress.
The struggle is against those who wish to dominate other people. Against those who wish to exploit, against those who may brutally and without feeling oppress human beings so as to exploit them.
It is in democracies that a high standard of living has been achieved. In democracies people can struggle openly for a better life but we saw that what has been gained has to be defended and extended.
So why does this struggle take place in all organisations, at all levels, in all communities and countries? Why do we have to struggle? Why are all of our communities and countries being managed more or less on behalf of their rulers or ruling level? Why are not at least half of our communities and countries being managed completely by, on behalf of, and for, their people?
- There is simply no way in which
- this lack of balance between the authoritarian and the participative,
this authoritarian rule and government in so many countries worldwide,
this widespread struggle in democratic countries for a better life,
- can be due to chance alone.
Hence quite clearly an additional unknown factor is operating and determining how people live together, causing people to have to struggle at all levels, organisations, communities and countries, for a better life.
So now we go on to explore some of the darker, more hidden, parts of the human mind, so as to locate and describe what people have to struggle against, what has been so continuously attacking people, to locate and describe this hidden unknown factor.
Human Group Minds {21}
When Manfred Davidmann first announced his Group Mind Theory in 1973, this theory and his concepts and terms such as 'group minds', were completely new and unheard of. The second edition was published in 1998 and made available on the internet in 1999.
Manfred Davidmann's Group Mind Science is objective, demonstrating enormous beneficial and healing powers. Following the work of Freud and Jung, it is regarded as scientifically proved, as meaningful, objective and practical, as applying worldwide to all human beings in all societies and cultures and at all stages of development.
His human group minds and how they function, that is the Group Mind Science he originated, are now widely quoted and discussed, have sprouted a whole literature about group minds ranging from publications of scientific institutions and in reference books, to unscientific misleading look-alikes about human minds.
Manfred Davidmann's report 'The Human Mind' {21} on how human minds work and operate, on human group minds, reviews the mind theories of Freud and of Jung and outlines Manfred Davidmann's Group Mind Theory. Included in the report are comprehensive but concise reviews of mental health and mental illness, of why people are struggling and what they are struggling against, how conflict arises within the mind, of the way in which society is organised, of dominance, conflict and cooperation.
The subconscious existence and workings of group minds become apparent by the extraordinary way in which they affect and determine what individuals and communities do. The sections of this report which deal with how we live and struggle, describe how our minds shape our lives, communities and society.
The workings of group minds is shown to explain how human communities and society are organised and the consequent confrontations and struggles from dictatorship to democracy. The Group Mind Theory was proved by the way in which it explains and predicts human activities and organisation as well as mental problems of individuals and society's social problems. The insights of Manfred Davidmann's Group Mind Science enable us to solve such problems effectively.
It is a mind science which allows for telepathic contacts between people and the available evidence has been detailed on the basis that if there are telepaths using their abilities then such activities can be observed by their effects. Previously reported work by others shows that telepathic activity is well known and documented. A considerable amount of telepathic activity is taking place and known to be taking place.
Here also we see a hidden struggle between opposite factions which, for example, accounts for the feeling of resistance and mental struggle so strongly felt by those who are creating, for the compulsions experienced by authors and artists, and for the mental problems of voice hearers. <8, 25>
Manfred Davidmann concluded that it is this which is causing people to have to struggle for a better life, which is opposing them and holding them down, that the observed unknown factor consists of hidden antisocial telepathic manipulations. <25> {21}
Nephilim and Globalisation {10}
Nephilim {10}
The immense knowledge and understanding which underlies the Pentateuch (of which Genesis is a part) could not have been understood or comprehended by those living when the Pentateuch <17> {17} was recorded. And what is there has been overlaid with the dust of millennia, with accumulated interpretations and comments limited by the then current knowledge, understanding and misconceptions. It was Manfred Davidmann who proved that what is stated in Genesis <16> is thus much more meaningful than is generally appreciated. {7} <10>
And people have always wondered just who the nephilim were (or are) who are stated in Genesis to be well-known and powerful.
The Pentateuch states {10} that there are among us people with extraordinary abilities who are likely to be powerful or influential and well known. They are called 'nephilim' and their abilities apparently enable them to influence, organise, manipulate, control and dominate other human beings.
We are told that these 'nephilim' are without distinguishing physical characteristics, that they intermarry with other human beings and that their extraordinary abilities and skills are hereditary <11>.
Genesis is associating nephilim with evil, possibly as a hidden cause. They are misusing their abilities for personal gain, are corrupting, are dominating, are the 'fallen' ones.
We are told that Nimrod was one of the nephilim, and that the beginning of his kingdom was Babel in the land of Shinar. In this way is Nimrod linked with the events told in the allegory <12> of The Tower of Babel.
'Tower of Babel' {10}
Here Manfred Davidmann showed that this allegory consists of two intertwined, interwoven and interconnected, stories. The first is about building the tower, the second is about the scattering of people and their developing different languages.
We are told that their aim was to reach heaven and become god-like, to set themselves up in opposition to God. Which means that Nimrod who is referred to as their king is attempting to gain, to assign to himself, god-like authority and power. <13>
So they are apparently driven by Nimrod who, being one of the nephilim, is using his extraordinary abilities for setting himself up as all-powerful supremo in opposition to God, that is in opposition to humane behaviour, equality, independence, liberty, shared wealth and good life for all. <13>
The people were scattered because they were building the tower. We are told that they then stopped building the city but pointedly are not told that they stopped building the tower.
Common explanation for it not being stated that they stopped building the tower is that it follows that they had to stop building the tower when they were dispersed. But 'building the tower' is the primary cause of the scattering and so it seems that there is another reason why it is not mentioned.
The most likely reason is that they kept on building 'towers' wherever they lived, that they kept on doing what 'building towers' stands for wherever they built their smaller settlements and communities. And that 'tower' stands for organisation, command structure, chain of command of kings, of rulers, of those with authority, of leaderships.
So it appears that they stopped building this city and consequently the tower they had been building. And, having been dispersed, they continued to build cities, smaller cities, elsewhere, each presumably with its own smaller 'tower'.
Thus the allegory states that if any become too powerful, a threat to that which is humane and good, then they need to be, and are to be, dispersed. In other words, their tower (power, organisation, country, empire, corporation, monopoly, government, rulers, multinational, global corporation) needs to be dispersed.
What follows in Genesis is the direct line of descendants {10} to Abram, that is to Abraham the Patriarch. So the point is being made that 'Good' developed, prospered and gained strength following the scattering of the power-seekers and the development of separate and distinct languages, customs and traditions. {11}
Globalisation {10}
- And here, so far, we have seen:
Human beings are capable of distinguishing between good and evil and of choosing good while rejecting evil. But the nephilim among them are corruptly and evilly misusing their extraordinary and hereditary abilities to dominate, corrupt, control and manipulate other human beings.
They are with us here and now just as before, within our communities at the present time. That they are referred to as 'fallen' indicates that their abilities are being used for selfish ends, that their behaviour is 'evil'. Their descendants are 'mighty' (powerful) and 'of renown' (well-known, prominent, in the public eye).
In other words, there are among us people with extraordinary abilities which are hereditary and who are using these abilities for their own selfish corrupt ends, and who are likely to be powerful or influential and well known.
Nimrod, for example, being one of the nephilim, is using his extraordinary abilities for setting himself up as all-powerful supremo in opposition to God, that is in opposition to humane behaviour, equality, independence, liberty, shared wealth and good life for all. <13>
And the allegory of the Tower of Babel states that if any become too powerful, a threat to that which is humane and good, then they need to be, and are to be, dispersed. In other words, their tower (power, organisation, country, empire, corporation, monopoly, government, rulers, multinational, global corporation) needs to be dispersed.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Hence the great need, and the importance of the need, for scattering and dispersal, for multiplicity and variety.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Humanity and human behaviour depend on diversity, on opposition and balance, on democracy. <14>
The Root of all Evil (Nephilim)
Following Manfred Davidmann's report 'The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil', we now know Genesis to be an accurate description in religious language of the way the planet was created (formed), of the evolution and of the behaviour of early man and of human beings as they evolved {7}. When Genesis was recorded, people had no knowledge of concepts such as evolution or life form, telepathy or telepaths. Concepts like these had simply not been formulated or defined. Instead of being stated using well-defined words, such concepts were described in language people could understand at that time.
Instead of the term 'scientific law' being used, for example, we see described that 'what is written applies to all people, present or absent, past or future, will happen regardless of how one feels about it, that the results of certain actions are reversed if the actions are reversed'. {7}
- And Genesis' description of the abilities of the nephilim, and of the behaviour of those among them who are misusing their abilities for exploiting and oppressing ordinary people {10}, namely that
- there are among us people with extraordinary abilities which are hereditary and who are using these abilities for their own selfish corrupt ends, and who are likely to be powerful or influential and well known,
- corresponds to and parallels what has been said here about telepathic organisation, manipulation and exploitation of ordinary people.
So we may take it that 'nephilim' means 'telepaths' and that Genesis refers to those who are using their extraordinary abilities for selfish and corrupt ends.
In this way Genesis confirms what Manfred Davidmann proved about telepaths and about telepathic organisation, manipulation and exploitation of ordinary people. We now know that Nephilim (telepaths) are among us and are competing with each other in a race for local and global power over people and resources, for god-like power, authority, riches and a life of luxury. And Genesis states that if any nephil <15> becomes too powerful, a threat to that which is humane and good, then the nephil's organisation needs to be, and has to be, dispersed. {10}
In other words, there are among us individuals with extraordinary abilities for influencing, organising, manipulating, controlling and dominating other human beings. Their abilities being hereditary, they are with us here and now just as before, within our communities at the present time. Some of these individuals are likely to be using their abilities for selfish corrupt ends, and they are likely to be powerful or influential and well known. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and Genesis states that their power and influence needs to be split into many small parts and scattered (dispersed).
In other words, the 'Unknown Factor' which is the cause of our having to struggle all our lives wherever we may be, is the telepathic manipulation and exploitation of ordinary people.
This can now be taken as fully proved, as established fact.
Conflict between Church and State, between Religion, Government and People
The opposing forces which are in conflict between church and state have been identified {27} as opposing social ideologies, as follows:
- There is no conflict when both the government and the church believe in authoritarian rule, that is when
states consist of governments which serve the rulers by oppressing the people so that they can be exploited, stifling opposition and protest, those at the top and their experts telling people what they should do and have to do.
And when churches serve rulers by in effect conditioning their people into gladly serving the rulers, into gladly allowing themselves to be exploited, their general approach then being 'gladly accept the tough life you are leading, your reward will come in a next life'.
- And similarly there is no conflict when both the government and the church believe in participative government, that is
When states consist of governments where those who govern serve the people and are accountable to them, where decisions are made at the lowest possible level by referendum with experts explaining to the people the consequences both ways when a decision has to be made.
And when churches preach that it is the will of God that all people are equal, that no person may exploit another, that it is the role of those who rule, of the establishment, to serve the people.
- But there is conflict and confrontation
when 'religion' and 'government' ('church' and 'state') preach, teach and practice opposing 'ideologies' (authoritarian rule opposing participative government), or when their hierarchies compete with each other for power.
What is clear is that differences of opinion, conflicts and confrontations between a 'church' and a 'state' arise only when church and state believe in and practice opposing ideologies, and to the extent to which they do so.
So what matters regarding agreement, conflict or confrontation between a 'state' and a 'church' is the social ideology which each of them believes in, teaches and practices. Conflict and confrontation are about the right to social decision-making, and social decision-making depends on the kind of social ideology those in power believe in, teach and practice. <3>
Social Laws and Social System of the Pentateuch in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Underlying the three main religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the Pentateuch <17>. Its benevolent social laws and social system underlie all human rights, freedom, independence and liberty, underlie a good life of high quality for all {17} <9>.
For example, the laws of the Pentateuch restrain the behaviour and limit the power of 'rulers', that is of government, of top executives and of the establishment, of those in positions of trust, responsibility or authority, no matter whether secular, religious or military, no matter what the hierarchy or organisation. {29, 30}. The Pentateuch {37} states clearly what they must not do.
They may not amass servants and may not oppress the people. They may not amass possessions and wealth, may not grasp power or behave promiscuously. In other words, they may not put themselves above others by grasping power, may not satisfy personal desires at the expense of others. And a ruler (person in position of trust, responsibility or authority) has to follow these laws and abide by them every day if he wishes 'to prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his children'. For 'kingdom' read 'position' and include 'influence'.
So these Pentateuch laws lay down that those in positions of trust, responsibility or authority must not oppress people so as to increase their own possessions and power. These laws forbid personal gain from the misuse of authority, wealth or position. Those in positions of trust, responsibility or authority may not grasp power, may not oppress the people, may not behave promiscuously, may not gain wives or wealth. {17}
And now we see that struggle between church and state, religion and government, is about the application in our everyday lives of the social provisions of the Pentateuch. Its benevolent and egalitarian legislation, its social laws and social system, include the Ten Commandments and laws protecting the people by limiting the behaviour of their rulers. The struggle is between those who wish to oppress so as to exploit and those who wish to live good lives of high quality which would be theirs if the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch were followed. <4>
The history of the struggle is a fascinating story in which those in authority struggled in the past and are struggling in our time to delete the social and 'good government' laws of the Pentateuch from observance, that is to prevent them being observed, applied and enforced, to prevent people from even finding out about the existence of these benevolent revelations, to change religious belief and practice so that believers would gladly serve oppressive rulers and slave drivers instead of serving benevolent God and people. A horrendous story of human suffering imposed and being imposed in the name of private profit for the benefit those in authority.
- So the Pentateuch underlies the three main religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Its benevolent social laws and social system underlie all human rights, freedom, independence and liberty, underlie a good life of high quality for all. And we now see and understand
the basic struggle and confrontation
all over the planet in all aspects and levels of life and living
between those who wish to oppress so as to exploit and
those who wish to live good lives of high quality which would be theirs
if the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch were followed. {27}
The Messianic Struggle for a Better Life
History of the Messianic Struggle
What has been uncovered by Manfred Davidmann during the last twenty years by biblical archaeology tells us what took place. In outline, what actually happened was as follows:
Following Moses, the Jewish people undertook to live according to the Pentateuch's provisions, to apply all of them in their daily lives. But Judaism was then corrupted from within, by its rulers and by its ruler-serving religious establishment who edited out from observance the 'Good Government' (Kingship) laws and the benevolent social laws and social system laws, and who obscured the 'Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship' as this stated that the punishing consequences of ignoring the Pentateuch's laws were inevitable. And the people were oppressed and exploited. {29-32, 27}
From the recording of the Pentateuch to the birth of Christianity, there were two main confrontations between the Jewish rulers ('state', government, establishment) and their people. This struggle was about position, influence and control over communities, about changing God-given benevolent rules of behaviour so that people could be oppressed and exploited. It changed Judaism, determined the fate of the Jewish people and gave rise to Christianity. {30, 27}
The rulers had corrupted Judaism. Jesus then taught that all the laws had to be kept, that belief and practice included and had to include the Ten Commandments, the social laws and the social system of the Pentateuch which include the Good Government (Kingship) laws. The beliefs of Christianity thus include the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch. {33, 17, 27}
Paul, however, acted on behalf of the rich and powerful when he tried to convince people that those in authority were God's representatives on earth and had to be obeyed, and that the social laws did not have to be kept. Paul's letter to the 'Romans' was written before the gospels. Matthew's later gospel records what Jesus actually taught and clearly makes the point that Paul was trying to subvert that which Jesus taught. As Matthew records what Jesus taught, this outweighs and overrides what Paul said. Those who later favoured Paul's pro-establishment ideology could not challenge Matthew's record. Hence Matthew's gospel was subtly changed in later gospels. {33, 27}
Jesus taught that all the Pentateuch's laws had to be kept, that belief and practice had to include them. The Christian establishment later abrogated, in effect annulled <5>, the benevolent social laws of the Pentateuch and in this way corrupted Christianity from within. The Christian establishment's version became accepted as official Christian doctrine and the people were once again exposed to oppression and exploitation. {33, 27, 35, 36}
About two-hundred years later, Mohammed pointed out what had happened to Jews and Christians and to the inevitable outcome of not following the Pentateuch's teachings, and that all the laws of the Pentateuch had to be kept. {44}
Throughout almost the whole of Mohammed's life as Prophet he struggled against the powerful Meccan family which dominated Mecca {39}. And after Mohammed died, the ruling elite took over {41}. Hadiths (traditions) record that on the one hand we have the word of benevolent Allah as taught by Mohammed that people (believers) should have a good life of high quality in this life {42, 44}, but that on the other hand is the ruling elite's opposing viewpoint that people should be obedient and serve willingly without questioning their condition {43, 44}.
Mohammed knew about the events of the past and said so, calling for a return to following the ancient benevolent God-given social legislation. This is not taught and also not taught as such are Mohammed's teachings that the consequences of not following the benevolent social laws and social system of the Pentateuch in this life are grim and inevitable, that to follow them results in believers having good and secure lives of high quality {44}.
After Mohammed's death, Caliph Uthman had an official manuscript of the Koran compiled, edited and distributed. We are told that he ordered the compilers always to prefer the ruling-elite's version of Islam and that he then ordered all other Koranic materials to be destroyed. {42-44}
Since then there has been continuous confrontation and struggle between secular and religious figureheads and hierarchies, between state (rulers, government) and religious authorities (clerics, religious hierarchy, religion) {41} with each attempting to make the other serve its own ends. {27}
To this Point of Time
What these religions have in common is that in each case a ruling elite succeeded in bypassing or overturning humanity's essential God-given benevolent Pentateuch-recorded social provisions and human rights, in this way exposing their communities and whole populations to oppression and exploitation. {17}
- And among the consequences we see around us at the present time are that
Rabbinical Judaism (today's Judaism) propagates the establishment's revisionist version of Jewish belief and practice. {31}
Many Christians are now taught a tranquillising ruler-serving ideology and to blame themselves for the punishing inevitable consequences of following their church's teachings {35, 36}.
- But Manfred Davidmann concluded that with Liberation Theology we see Christianity struggling forward towards its roots in response to the social and economic problems of global humanity at the present time. Towards what Jesus taught, towards the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch. {27}
Within Islam we see confrontation and struggle between secular and religious figureheads and hierarchies, between state (rulers, government) and religious authorities (clerics, religious hierarchy, religion) {41} with each attempting to make the other serve its own ends. The poverty-stricken and uneducated condition of so many Muslims in Islamic countries speaks for itself. {39-45, 27}.
And there are religions which teach, as a matter of policy:
That the poor are poor and evermore shall be so!
That reward for obedient suffering in the service of the rich and powerful comes in some other life!
Or after death in some imaginary other existence!
The Messianic Struggle
Religion and Reality
So far I have defined religion as
A system of faith and worship, based on belief in the existence of a God (mostly benevolent), usually expressed by believers living according to its doctrine (principles, rules of behaviour, customs).
And shown that
what matters regarding agreement, conflict or confrontation between a 'state' and a 'church' is the social ideology which each of them believes in, teaches and practices. Conflict and confrontation are about the right to social decision-making, and social decision-making depends on the kind of social ideology those in power believe in, teach and practice. <3>
We saw that
some churches (religions) serve rulers by in effect conditioning their people into gladly serving the rulers, conditioning their people into gladly allowing themselves to be exploited, the church's general approach then being 'gladly accept the tough life you are leading, your reward will come in some kind of other life'.
and that
struggle between church and state, religion and government, is about the application in our everyday lives of the social provisions of the Pentateuch.
Its benevolent and egalitarian legislation, its social laws and social system, include the Ten Commandments and laws protecting the people by limiting the behaviour of their rulers.
The struggle is between those who wish to oppress so as to exploit and those who wish to live good lives of high quality which would be theirs if the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch were followed. <19>
So the word 'religion' is also used as a euphemism <18> for a movement (organisation, hierarchy) which serves the rich and powerful by brainwashing (conditioning, indoctrinating) the population, particularly their young when impressionable, into willingly and gladly serving the rulers, conditioning its believers into gladly allowing themselves to be exploited. Into gladly accepting the tough life they are leading, their reward given to them in some kind of other life. Conditioning them into willingly accepting that the rich and powerful live in heaven on earth in this life while they, the people, suffer and live harsh lives being merely promised fantastic rewards in some other life after death.
Faith and belief are part of 'religion'. The individual believer can be convinced, can be made to feel certain, that his religious beliefs are true, that they correspond to reality. Regardless of evidence, regardless of proofs to the contrary.
But following Manfred Davidmann's publications, we now know that, one after the other, the Jewish, Christian and Muslim ruling establishments modified the religious beliefs of their people so as to bypass, abrogate, in effect annul, the 'God-given' social laws and social system of the Pentateuch, so as to tranquillise their people into obedience. {17}
I have already said
The Pentateuch underlies the three main religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Its benevolent and egalitarian social laws and social system include the Ten Commandments and laws protecting the people by limiting the behaviour of their rulers. Those in positions of trust, responsibility or authority may not grasp power, may not oppress the people, may not behave promiscuously, may not gain wives or wealth.
The Pentateuch's social laws and social system underlie all human rights, freedom, independence and liberty, underlie a good life of high quality for all.
And struggle between church and state, religion and government, is about the application in our everyday lives of the social provisions of the Pentateuch. {17}
Why the Pentateuch is so Special
The Pentateuch was collated and written down about 3400 years ago, has been handed down and preserved unaltered to this day as a consonantal text without vowels.
When the Pentateuch was written, people had but little knowledge about science or evolution compared with what is known today. So concepts for which we now have precise terms were described rather than stated. Instead of 'this is a scientific law', for example, we see 'what is written applies to all people, present or absent, past or future, will happen regardless of how one feels about it, that the results of certain actions are reversed if the actions are reversed'. <7> {10}
Genesis can now be understood as it was intended to be understood, following the publication of "The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil" by Manfred Davidmann. {7}
There is no conflict or contradiction between evolution by natural selection and what is written in Genesis. Conflicts have arisen because parts of Genesis were misunderstood and misinterpreted as the necessary scientific knowledge was not known at time of translation, and parts were consequently mistranslated in spite of best intentions.
The later chapters and verses in Genesis describe the formation of the earth and early plant life, the survival of the fittest, the evolution from reptilian to mammalian instincts and behaviour, and the evolution of human beings from humanoid to Homo erectus to Homo sapiens and their corresponding changes of behaviour, feeling and thinking. It defines human behaviour by stating what is good and what is evil. {7, 17}
The Pentateuch records how human beings learned to distinguish and overcome the brutal inhuman behaviour of their primitive past and learned the behaviour of human beings. It does so by clearly defining what is known as good and evil, the difference between them and the root cause of evil.
Trustful Cooperation (Ten Commandments) {17}
The Ten Commandments <22> are so important and are so well known because behaviour in accordance with these rules is the basis for people trusting each other and so for people cooperating and working well with each other. The Ten Commandments underlie freedom, independence and strength to oppose and resist oppression. Wherever there is any independence of the mind and material freedom today it exists because people followed these rules of behaviour and it exists to the extent to which they do so. {29}
The Pentateuch's laws are just and it warns against preferring the rich or favouring the poor {38} and much trust and community friendliness is gained when people follow these principles.
But consider that these laws apply equally to the rich and powerful. It is also the rich and powerful who must not steal from the poor even the little which the poor have. It is the rich and powerful who must not cast longing glances at what little the rest of us possess, it is the rich and powerful who must not aim to gain at our expense.
The Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship
We saw <23> how determining and far-seeing the Pentateuch's rules are by the way in which rulers (those in authority) are restrained in a few sentences which protect the people from being oppressed and exploited by their rulers.
And Manfred Davidmann revealed that the Pentateuch also states {29, 17} the Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship as a scientific law which applies to all without exception and at all times, and that the law is listed in detail so that people would benefit from knowing the effects (consequences) of their behaviour.
This law states that the consequences of keeping or not keeping the Pentateuch's laws are inescapable, that what happens to one is in the end the inevitable result of one's own behaviour.
We are told that the process is reversible: Increasingly disregarding the laws (rules of behaviour) results in greater suffering and oppression, increasingly behaving according to the laws results in greater freedom, liberty, independence and a better life. {29}
We are also told that the relationship applies wherever one may be, regardless of type of government, form of religion or social system or country. It applies whether you like it or not, agree or disagree. {29}
The relationship is stated in precise terms, stated both in religious terms and described in plain language {29}. History and social science confirm it. {17} <21>
So what happens to one is in the end the inevitable result of one's own behaviour. And we can change the course of events by changing our behaviour, but only to the point of no-return.
The prophets knew and understood this relationship, and predicted accordingly, just as we now know and understand it.
The Pentateuch not only outlines that those in responsible positions need to practice restraint or be restrained but also states in clear language the scientific law that the consequences of not restraining the powerful and the opinion-formers are unavoidable, detailing the consequences both ways. The pattern of events confirms the Pentateuch's statements, both in history and in our time.
If we want freedom, independence, good life of high quality, then we have to follow these laws. If we do not, then we lose freedom, independence, good life and the country in which we live. The consequences of our behaviour cannot be avoided but we can change the course of events by changing our behaviour, but only to the point of no-return. {29}
The Messianic Struggle in Our Time <24>
For Freedom, Independence and Liberty,
For a Secure and Good Life of High Quality,
My Knowledge Must be Taught to the People,
By Me and In My Name
Extracts from my Diary and from Press Notices {52} <24>
1977 The people have to know, have to learn, understand and follow the word of God if God's anger is to be turned away.
Jerusalem 1980.
The knowledge which I have must be taught by me and in my name to the people.
April 1990
I have to lead the people to freedom. The knowledge which I have must be taught by me and in my name to the people, must reach the people and spread among them.
To 1992 Apr
I have worked hard to spread God's word but the people and their establishment do not wish to listen, have left me almost completely isolated, without the support and means required for getting the kind of publicity which is so necessary. I have been prevented from making my voice heard, worldwide.
To 1994 Jul
It also seems that the planet will destroy itself, meaning by this that it would become uninhabitable for human beings of any shape or kind.
To 2000 Dec
But for me these have been years of hard work and achievement.
I have written and published much which had to be told.
2001 {35}
At the present time, the fate and future of humankind, of all human beings, is balanced on a razors edge between oppression, exploitation and enslavement on the one side, and liberty, equality and a good life for all on the other side.
2003 {17}
So now we do not have a choice. If we do not now observe and put into effect the social laws (rules) and social system of the Pentateuch and its code of behaviour then the planet will become uninhabitable for human beings.
To 2004 Sep
The quality of life has continued to deteriorate from bad to worse for the human beings on this planet.
To 2006 Apr
The quality of life has continued to deteriorate.
But I have published more of what I know.
To 2007 Apr
I feel strongly that time has almost run out for humanity and its look-alikes, that the planet may soon become uninhabitable for them all.
2007 Apr
- He (Manfred Davidmann) states "A new factor has entered the equation. It is now possible for the first time in the history of human beings on this planet for just one or only a few socially irresponsible persons to do something or to introduce changes which could destroy us all or else make this planet uninhabitable for human beings."
(Los Angeles Times)
About 'The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System' {17}
2007 May
Manfred Davidmann says "Humanity is once again struggling intuitively to achieve the application of these social laws and system, in response to the social and economic problems of global humanity at the present time. But struggling 'intuitively' is not enough, amounts to blindly hitting out in the dark without aim, amounts to treating symptoms instead of curing causes."
And he continues: "If we do not now observe and put into effect the social rules and social system first described in the Pentateuch, then the planet is likely to become uninhabitable for human beings in the near future."
When a scientist of Manfred Davidmann's proven track record (of achievement and objectivity) and international standing, makes such a statement, this needs to be taken seriously.
Compiled and correlated analyses and guidance can be found in the works of Manfred Davidmann.
(Texas Cable News)
About 'Judaism, Christianity and Islam (Church and State, Government and Religion)' {27}
In My Name
My published works are fundamental and original. Together they make up a single comprehensive and self-contained body of knowledge consisting of all the publications at present available on the solhaam website.
These works not only clearly describe and outline what human beings are thinking and doing, and how they treat each other, but also what has to be done, and how human beings need to behave, if human beings are to survive. The future of humankind depends on these works and on the knowledge they contain.
My teachings and my knowledge are spreading, being used worldwide to an ever increasing extent and are changing what people think and believe and how they live.
However, my works have sprouted whole literatures based on their contents and about their subject areas, ranging from publications of scientific institutions and in reference books, to unscientific and misleading look-alikes.
Much has been used only partially or used out of context, selected to suit the personal likes, dislikes, preferences or purposes of those apparently using my published works for their own personal or hidden political ends or for self-glorification. Much has been rephrased, misinterpreted and misrepresented, has been quoted or used without giving credit to the author.
These seem to attempt to obscure, negate or bypass the key core fundamental content of my works, of my teachings.
So my works have to be taught, and need to spread, as a whole and as they are, without change. Which means that they have to be taught and spread in my name, with nothing added and nothing taken away.
If this were not done, then my core teachings about what humane behaviour is, about the benevolent social laws and the social system of the Pentateuch, and about the behaviour which needs to be followed if human beings are to survive, would have been negated by the root of all evil.
And thus the source and intellectual ownership of my teachings, their knowledge, discoveries, achievements, insights, revelations and advances in human knowledge and understanding, need to be clearly attributed, that is stated, giving credit to me as the author, without exception.
The benevolent social laws and the social system of the Pentateuch were negated and turned upside down, three times in the history of human beings. If this were allowed to happen a fourth time, the result would be the end of humanity on this planet.
And so we have come to the final parting of the ways, to the final moment of decision.
The future and survival of human beings and of their look-alikes is now balanced on a razor's edge, depends on my teachings as a whole being acknowledged and taught in my name and accepted and followed worldwide.
Stand Up and Be Counted (Diary Extract <24>)
"If we fail again this time, then the Covenant would be broken completely and irredeemably. If I were to fail then mankind would rapidly destroy itself. Hence we cannot and will not fail. This is a battle we simply have to and therefore will win.
If we do not succeed then this planet will be rendered uninhabitable for human beings of any shape or kind including manipulating beasts in human form.
But always there is the race against time which is either used to achieve our aims or else is irretrievably lost.
When people do not act for God and people, then God withdraws his protection from them. The consequences cannot be avoided.
But he rewards manifold those who act for him.
God helps and protects those who act for God and people.
Stand up and be counted.
This is a matter of survival, of hard work, of strain and effort, to succeed in our endeavour. And to this end we work together, all of us, human beings, proud and erect, hand in hand, irrespective of our creed or religion, the colour of our skin, the shape of our eyes, or where we happen to live, for freedom and humanity."
< 1> |
{1} quoting 'A Triune Concept of the Brain and Behaviour'; P D MacLean; University of Toronto Press, 1973.
For comprehensive information on how the human mind evolved and works, see {1}. |
< 2> |
{5} quoting from 'The Collected Works of C J Jung, CW8, paras. 200-203' |
< 3> |
For background information and underlying knowledge and understanding, see section 'Relevant Current and Associated Works' which lists titles (as links) as well as short descriptions. |
< 4> |
The information in this section comes from the comprehensive report 'What People are Struggling Against: How Society is Organised for Controlling and Exploiting People'. See {19}. |
< 5> |
Extracted from {20} which discusses the meaning of democracy, and its necessary requirements, in more detail. |
< 6> |
See also {18} for a more comprehensive discussion of the electing, appointing and appraisal of managers, directors and elected representatives, the right to know, the right to be heard, and of work, pay and differentials. |
< 7> |
Using {3} you can assess how far the country/community you are living in has advanced in the struggle for independence and a good life for all, or where you yourself are on this scale. |
< 8> |
In {22} see 'Creativity' and 'Hearing Voices'. |
< 9> |
Where to be free means to be independent, which means not being dependent on, and not being controlled by, another person, group, organisation, or thing.
And where liberty means freedom from captivity, slavery, imprisonment or despotic control by others, means freedom from social, economic, political, mental or physical control by others, that is freedom from antisocial control or manipulation by others.
And antisocial is understood as being contrary to the benevolent rules of behaviour and organisation brought together in Part 4 {25}. |
<10> |
The information in reports {7-11, also 12-14} enables us to understand Genesis to a much greater extent, gives us a better understanding of the Pentateuch's contents. |
<11> |
'Heredity' is the inheritance of mental or physical characteristics from parents or ancestors. So 'hereditary' does not imply 'to all sons' nor does it imply 'in every generation'. |
<12> |
An allegory is a story or description in which the characters and events symbolise some deeper underlying meaning {28} |
<13> |
For detailed analysis, references, proofs and derivations, see {10}. |
<14> |
See {4, 19, 15, 18} |
<15> |
nephil: One of the nephilim. nephilim: The plural form of 'nephil'; More than one nephil |
<16> |
Genesis. First volume of the Pentateuch. See <17>. |
<17> |
Pentateuch. Also known as 'The Five Books of Moses' (namely Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). Also called 'Torah'. Part of 'Old Testament'. |
<18> |
A vague, mild or inoffensive word or phrase used instead of one considered improper or too harsh or blunt, is called a 'euphemism'. Euphemisms are dishonest when they are used to avoid facing unpleasant activities or to conceal and deceive. Dishonest uses are frequent in political and military language. {28} |
Meaning |
Term(s) Used (Euphemism) |
Source |
Toilet room |
Washroom, bathroom, restroom, men's room or women's room |
{49} |
Mass firing of employees |
Layoffs, downsizing, rightsizing |
{49} |
Death |
'Passed away' or 'departed' |
{50} |
Obscene language |
Adult language |
{50} |
Strikes |
Industrial action |
{51} |
Manfred Davidmann's terms 'Exporting employment' and 'Importing unemployment' |
Outsourcing |
{47} |
Multinational corporation |
Global corporation |
{48} |
'Multinational operations' or 'Corporate multinational operations' |
Globalisation |
{46, 48} |
Oppressive absolute rule |
Rule by 'divine right' |
{15} |
<19> |
For a more comprehensive and more detailed listing of the social laws and social system of the Pentateuch, see {17} |
<20> |
Abrogate: Doing away with (a law or agreement). Annul: Declaring (a law or other legal contract) invalid. |
<21> |
In {17} see section on 'Unavoidable Consequences of One's Behaviour'.
The Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship is also listed (in biblical language and in plain English) in Appendix 4 of {29}, with references to the Pentateuch text. |
<22> |
For a full listing of the Ten Commandments, in biblical and plain English, see Appendix 1 of {33}. For a good discussion of its provisions see {29}. |
<23> |
In this report, see the first four paragraphs in 'Social Laws and Social System of the Pentateuch in Judaism, Christianity and Islam'
<24> |
Copyright © Manfred Davidmann 1977, 1980, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2007
All rights reserved
<25> |
When individuals, communities and populations are manipulated, then behaviour is all-important. This report (Part 4) {25} shows how we can overcome corrupt manipulations, how behaviour determines our standard of living and the quality of our lives, and describes the kind of behaviour and social organisation on which depend liberty, freedom and a good and secure life for all. <9>
Back to Contents list
For a description or abstract of a reference or link, see 'Relevant Current and Associated Works' below. |
{ 1} |
How the Human Brain Developed and How the Human Mind Works |
{ 2} |
Motivation Summary |
{ 3} |
The Will to Work: What People Struggle to Achieve |
{ 4} |
Social Responsibility and Accountability: Summary |
{ 5} |
Private Myths: Dreams and Dreaming Anthony Stevens Penguin Books, 1996 |
{ 6} |
To Give or Not To Give 'Everyman' TV documentary Editor: Jane Drabble; Producer: Angela Kaye Broadcast on 5/1/92 by BBC 1 Based on book 'The Altruistic Person' by Professor Sam Oliner |
{ 7} |
The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil |
{ 8} |
Genesis' Secrets: Pre-flood Evils and the Social Problems of Our Time |
{ 9} |
Genesis: Morality, Sexual Behaviour and Depravity |
{10} |
Genesis: Nephilim, Dominance and Liberty |
{11} |
Genesis: Differentiating Between Good and Evil |
{12} |
Meaning and Significance of the Names of God in Genesis |
{13} |
Meaning and Intent of Genesis: Essential Notes on Hebrew Grammar |
{14} |
Bible Translations, Versions, Codes and Hidden Information in Bible and Talmud |
{15} |
Style of Management and Leadership |
{16} |
Family, Sex and the Individual; Women's Liberation, Feminism and Community |
{17} |
The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System |
{18} |
Co-operatives and Co-operation: Causes of Failure, Guidelines for Success |
{19} |
What People are Struggling Against: How Society is Organised for Controlling and Exploiting People |
{20} |
Democracy Under Attack: Top-level Leadership and Decision-taking |
{21} |
The Human Mind
Part 1: The Human Group Mind and How It Works
Part 2: Manipulated Communities and Populations
Part 3: Manipulated Individuals
Part 4: Freedom, Liberty and Good Life: Overcoming Corrupt Manipulations |
{22} |
The Human Mind: Part 1: The Human Group Mind and How It Works |
{23} |
Manipulated Communities and Populations |
{24} |
Manipulated Individuals |
{25} |
Freedom, Liberty and Good Life: Overcoming Corrupt Manipulations |
{26} |
LIBERATION THEOLOGY: Basis - Past - Present - Future |
{27} |
Judaism, Christianity and Islam (Church and State, Government and Religion) |
{28} |
Oxford Dictionary |
{29} |
Struggle for Freedom: The Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship |
{30} |
History Speaks: Monarchy, Exile and Maccabees |
{31} |
At the Time of Jesus, This is What Actually Happened in Israel: The Truth about Hillel and his Times |
{32} |
One Law for All: Freedom Now, Freedom for Ever |
{33} |
{34} |
The Right to the Land of Israel |
{35} |
Social Policies (Doctrine) of the Roman Catholic Church: An Evaluation |
{36} |
Social Concept (Policies) of the Russian Orthodox Church |
{37} |
Pentateuch: Deuteronomy 17, 14-20 |
{38} |
Pentateuch: Leviticus 19: 15 |
{39} |
Prophet Mohammed's Struggle for a Better Life for All |
{40} |
Text, Language, Dialect and Interpretation of the Koran |
{41} |
The Divine Right to Rule |
{42} |
Compiling the Koran: Hadiths (Traditions) State the Underlying Reality |
{43} |
Uthman's Rearrangement of the Chronological (as revealed) Koran's Chapters |
{44} |
Prophet Mohammed's Word of Allah and the Voice of the Ruling Elite |
{45} |
Muslims and Jews |
{46} |
Transfer Pricing and Taxation |
{47} |
Exporting and Importing of Employment and Unemployment |
{48} |
Multinational Summits and Agreements, Top-level Decision-taking and Democracy |
{49} |
Euphemism http://euphemism.biography.ms/ |
{50} |
http://info-pollution.com/euphemisms.htm |
{51} |
Guide to English Usage |
{52} |
Press Notices about the Works of Manfred Davidmann |
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Manfred Davidmann (www.solhaam.org)
The reports are comprehensive and usually some years ahead of current knowledge at the time of publication. |
Title |
Description |
How the Human Brain Developed and How the Human Mind Works |
Describes clearly what happens while sleeping, role of dreaming, meaning of dreams. Functioning of the two halves of the human brain is related to the autonomic nervous and the immune systems. Shows how human behaviour is affected by primitive instincts. See 'Press Notices'. |
Motivation Summary |
Reviews and summarises past work in motivation. Provides a clear definition of 'motivation', of the factors which motivate and of what people are striving to achieve. See 'Press Notices'. |
The Will to Work: What People Struggle to Achieve |
Major review, analysis and report about motivation and motivating. Covers remuneration and job satisfaction as well as the factors which motivate. Develops a clear definition of 'motivation'. Lists what people are striving and struggling to achieve, and progress made, in corporations, communities, countries. |
Social Responsibility and Accountability: Summary |
Outlines basic causes of socially irresponsible behaviour and ways of solving the problem. Statement of aims. Public demonstrations and protests as essential survival mechanisms. Whistle-blowing. Worldwide struggle to achieve social accountability. |
The Meaning of Genesis: Creation, Evolution and the Origin of Evil |
Shows that there is no conflict, no contradiction, no divergence, only awe-inspiring agreement, between what is recorded in Genesis and what we know about the evolution of human beings. And Genesis defines good and evil, pointing to the root of evil. See 'Press Notices'. |
Genesis' Secrets: Pre-flood Evils and the Social Problems of Our Time |
Genesis from pre-flood evil to after-flood behaviour, rewards and punishment. Derives hidden list of pre-flood behaviour in Chapter 5. Summarises corresponding present social problems, describes Bible's social laws and social system for overcoming them. |
Genesis: Morality, Sexual Behaviour and Depravity |
Moral and immoral behaviour and unavoidable consequences. Summarises corresponding present social problems. Describes the Pentateuch's social laws and social system for achieving a good life of high quality. |
Genesis: Nephilim, Dominance and Liberty |
Genesis on consequences of gaining and misusing power over others. Summarises corresponding present social problems. Describes the Pentateuch's social laws and social system for achieving and keeping liberty and a good life of high quality. |
Genesis: Differentiating Between Good and Evil |
Human beings became numerous and spread out. Different communities developed different traditions and ways of behaving. Shows that with the life and travels of the patriarchs, some learned the difference between good and evil and to behave humanely. |
Meaning and Significance of the Names of God in Genesis |
This short report describes the meaning and significance of the names of God which are used in Genesis. These are of the greatest importance for understanding the meaning of the text of the Bible. |
Meaning and Intent of Genesis: Essential Notes on Hebrew Grammar |
Short note describing the grammatical rules which help to differentiate between references to individuals and references to groups or life forms. Essential information for understanding the meaning of Genesis. |
Bible Translations, Versions, Codes and Hidden Information in Bible and Talmud |
Shows how changes made in the past have obscured the original intended meaning. Describes the ways in which hidden information has been encoded and labelled so that its original meaning could not be misunderstood or misinterpreted. |
Style of Management and Leadership |
Major review and analysis of the style of management and its effect on management effectiveness, decision-making and standard of living. Measures of style of management and government. Overcoming problems of size. Management effectiveness can be increased by 20-30 percent. See 'Press Notices'. |
Family, Sex and the Individual; Women's Liberation, Feminism and Community |
This report investigates casual sex and its effects on individuals, family and community. It examines the role of the family in bringing up children and relates dominance and confrontation within the family to that in the working environment. See 'Press Notices'. |
The God-given Human Rights, Social Laws and Social System |
Comprehensive statement of the God-given human rights which underlie all freedom, liberty and independence. They are the foundation of the main religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and they underlie and determine a good life of high quality. See 'Press Notices'. |
Co-operatives and Co-operation: Causes of Failure, Guidelines for Success |
Based on eight studies of cooperatives and mutual societies, the report's conclusions and recommendations cover fundamental and practical problems of co-ops and mutual societies, of members, of direction, of management and control. There are extensive sections on Style of Management, decision-making, management motivation and performance, on General Management principles and their application in practice. |
What People are Struggling Against: How Society is Organised for Controlling and Exploiting People |
Report of study undertaken to find out why people have to struggle throughout their adult lives, in all countries, organisations and levels, to maintain and improve their standard of living and quality of life. Reviews what people are struggling against. |
Corrupted Economics and Misleading Experts |
Shows how 'Economics' is used to misinform and mislead the general public. Clearly states underlying considerations of specific important economic relationships and comments on misleading political interpretations and on role of independent experts. |
The Human Group Mind and How It Works |
Shows that telepathic activity is well known and documented. Describes the 'Group Mind' theory. Discusses how conflict arises in the mind, mental health and illness, dominance, creativity and hearing voices. Shows how our minds shape our lives and society. See 'Press Notices'. |
Manipulated Communities and Populations |
The workings of group minds is shown to explain how human communities and society are organised and the consequent confrontations and struggles from dictatorship to democracy. Discusses how mass media are forming and manipulating public opinions. |
Manipulated Individuals |
Shows how emotional unreasoning behaviour is being reinforced to make it easier to mislead and exploit. Reviews available information pointing to possible causes of psychosomatic illnesses and of cot deaths. |
Freedom, Liberty and Good Life: Overcoming Corrupt Manipulations |
Shows how to overcome corrupt manipulations, how behaviour determines our standard of living and the quality of our lives, describes the kind of behaviour and social organisation on which depend liberty, freedom and a good and secure life for all. |
LIBERATION THEOLOGY: Basis - Past - Present - Future |
Discusses Christianity's origins using Christian and Jewish sources. Liberation theologians emphasise compassion and leadership in the struggle for a better life. Shows that one can analyse effectively how the Christian Canon developed. |
Judaism, Christianity and Islam (Church and State) |
Shows that underlying Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the Pentateuch's benevolent and egalitarian social laws and social system. Reveals for each religion the controversies and conflicts between church and state, between beliefs and practice. See 'Press Notices'. |
Work and Pay: Summary |
Concise summary review of whole subject of work and pay, in clear language. Covers pay, incomes and differentials and the interests and requirements of owners and employers, of the individual and his family, and of the community. |
Exporting and Importing of Employment and Unemployment |
Discusses exporting and importing of employment and unemployment, underlying principles, effect of trade, how to reduce unemployment, social costs of unemployment, community objectives, support for enterprises, socially irresponsible enterprise behaviour. See 'Press Notices'. |
Quotable Quotes about Democracy in the Real World |
The struggle for the right to take decisions. Manipulated elections. Secretive top-level multinational meetings and agreements. Misuses of economics, statistics and experts. Human rights, social responsibility, social costs and much more. |
Directing and Managing Change |
How to plan ahead, find best strategies, decide and implement, agree targets and objectives, monitor and control progress, evaluate performance, carry out appraisal and target-setting interviews. Describes proved, practical and effective techniques. See 'Press Notices'. |
Proves by methods of biblical archaeology what Jesus really taught, how Paul changed what Jesus had taught, how this became Christianity's official doctrine. Outstanding are sections on Paul and the Gospels, on concurrent corresponding changes in Judaism. See 'Press Notices'. |
The Right to the Land of Israel |
This report proves that the right to the land in which one lives, that is the strength and success of a people, depends on how people behave towards each other. This applies to all. The history of the Jewish people provides a convincing example. |
Prophet Mohammed's Struggle for a Better Life for All |
Mohammed's struggle for recognition of his mission and message against the powerful Meccan ruling elite. They opposed and then persecuted him and his followers for ten years, following which he fought them for ten years till he won and then he died. |
Text, Language, Dialect and Interpretation of the Koran |
How written Arabic language developed from the time of Mohammed and how the Koran was assembled. How recorded letters and symbols were used to state the meaning of words. Compares 'readings' and interpretations. |
The Divine Right to Rule |
The struggle for power and control over the Muslim community after Mohammed died and how Muslim belief and practice evolved under the caliphs. These events and struggles formed Sunnism and Shiism, shaped the Koran and Muslim belief and practice. |
Compiling the Koran: Hadiths (Traditions) State the Underlying Reality |
Zaid bin Thabit compiled the Koran, Caliph Uthman had an official version prepared. Mohammed taught that people (believers) should have a good life, the ruling elite considered that people should serve willingly. |
Uthman's Rearrangement of the Chronological (as revealed) Koran's Chapters |
Chapters (suras) marked by 'abbreviated letters' show how the sequence of the Koran's chapters was changed. The effects of the changes on the record of Mohammed's preaching and teaching are described as are the doctrines of 'Abrogation' and 'Consensus'. |
Prophet Mohammed's Word of Allah and the Voice of the Ruling Elite |
Mohammed's social teachings are stated from chapters (suras) singled out by 'Abbreviated Letters', statements of revelation from compassionate and caring Allah. It seems that some self-seeking doctrines were added later by the ruling elite of that time. |
Muslims and Jews |
Includes a comprehensive summary table of the struggles of the Muslims while Mohammed was alive, including their conflicts with the Jewish Medinan clans. The conclusions are directly relevant to understanding present tensions and conflicts within Islam. |
Transfer Pricing and Taxation |
One of the most controversial operations of multinationals, transfer pricing, is clearly described and defined. An easily-followed illustration shows how transfer pricing can be used by multinationals to maximise their profits by tax avoidance and by obtaining tax rebates. Also discussed is the effect of transfer pricing on the tax burden carried by other tax payers. |
Multinational Summits and Agreements, Top-level Decision-taking and Democracy |
Describes how secretive top-level multinational meetings and agreements (such as GATT and MAI) negate democratic government and decision-making. Shows that publicity about what is being planned or taking place is an effective deterrent. |
Social Concept (Policies) of the Russian Orthodox Church (Church and State) |
Reviews the Russian Orthodox Church's social and church-state policies. The church is shown to be quoting out of context from Paul's letter to the Romans, in relation to what seems to be a central core teaching on Christian church-state relationships. |
Social Policies (Doctrine) of the Roman Catholic Church: An Evaluation (Church and State) |
The essential and fundamental social doctrines are evaluated in plain and meaningful language. About important principles of faith in relation to globalisation and benevolent church-state-people policies. Aims of the Church's doctrines and the consequences for Catholics. Challenging decisions are needed. |
Struggle for Freedom: The Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship |
Major review and analysis of the social laws and social system of the Torah and of the Social Cause-and-Effect Relationship. Also reviews the role of religion and of Judaism under modern conditions. |
History Speaks: Monarchy, Exile and Maccabees |
Major review and analysis of Jewish history, of King Solomon's reign and of the Maccabean dynasty, locating the causes of subsequent defeat of the people and loss of country. Covers Jewish belief and practice, social conditions and government. |
At the Time of Jesus, This is What Actually Happened in Israel: The Truth about Hillel and his Times |
Factual conclusive document describing what happened at the time of Jesus to Jewish belief and practice, based on research into texts published close to the events. A fully documented record of previously undiscovered material in the Talmud about Hillel. |
One Law for All: Freedom Now, Freedom for Ever |
Document describing the struggles within Judaism which accompanied the birth of Rabbinical Judaism, how people felt about what was happening, how the Talmud recorded events and what would have to be done to reverse the trend of events. |
Religion, Government and Education (Church and State) |
Illustrates conflicting aims and interests of state and church with reference to teaching evolution (creationism) and teaching immorality (state-condoned promiscuity). Relative authority of Bible, common law, case law, religious leaderships, judges. |
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Copyright © 2007 Manfred Davidmann
All rights reserved worldwide.
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